

Rowan check the improvement of his sisters, Winey and Bianca need more time to improve, even they are genius they need time to be their skill be useful.

After checking their progress, Rowan start to prepare everything, he need to check the whole mountain range.

Dragon Fall Mountain Valley, thata the name of the territory of the Bloodborne Family.

The Valley consist of dozen tall mountain peak, twenty or so sharp spear like formation forming a crown like valley.

In the middle is a vast grass land and jungle, the job of the people here is mining of precious ore and minerals.

Because of the crown geographic shape of the territory with only two main entrance on west and north this place is a perfect for defending.

With only two place to defend, they only need small number of people to defend the place.

Climbing the mountains is impossible, the peak of the mountains is habitat of dangerous beast like Harpy and Wyvern, fighting this monster on a place where you can't over at all is just pure stupidity.

And not only that, not all spot of the ring of mountain valley can be climb as some part consist of deep pit and dark abyss.

Of course the Church can provide air support but it's waste of resources to send for just heretics.

Rowan ask Old Jack to sketch the main entrance where the Punitive force will enter, with Old Jack strength he can complete the task in short amount of time.

While waiting he start to fixe his problem.

Bloodborne Inheritance and Sage Inheritance

To successfully complete the Inheritance without dying again, Rowan need to prepare some materials that needed.

Bloodborne Inheritance can safely awake if your pure blood Bloodborne, except some gene illness it's almost impossible to fail the awakening.

The same as Sage Inheritance but not Bloodborne the requirement is not that hard, but the side effect before completing the process is annoying.

The degree of ability you gain is base of the percentage of the blood you awake.

Meaning, the percentage of part the blood awake the greater inheritance you gain, and in the history there's no report that anyone awake a perfect 100% unique blood.

The higher that is reported is 65% and that is the second emperor of the serpent family and in the present day is Dragon Royal Family of Dragon Empire.

But for Rowan, serpent will never be a dragon what they want, except some mutation happen or a miracle Serpent will always be a Serpent even they wear a Dragon skin.

Bloodborne Inheritance

A unique blood that boost Aura and strength of the Bloodborne Family.

The highest percent of Bloodborne awakening reported is only 21% a pitiful low but with the effect is amazing.

With the body that is harder than diamond.

A blood that is hotter than boiling water.

A muscle flexible as bow.

A strength that is stronger than a adult elephant.

Ferocious Aura that can bring fear to anyone who is not strong minded.

This is the effect that a 21% awaken can bring and the rest is unknown, and even Rowan don't know the complete awakening ability a Bloodborne can give.

But even so, Rowan choose to awake the Sage Inheritance, a awakening that upgrade mental strength, intelligence and the most important is the percent of brain can be use.

That's right, a percentage of brain ability, a rare even in his past life.

He heard that if you can unlock a small portion like 1% of it, you can gain ability to move small object.

If a small percentage can move a small object, what happen if he can unlock the full 100% of the brain.

Just this imple though makes Rowan excited, he knows that something incredible is about to awake to him and that is a huge help for his stay in this chaotic world.


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