
Kenji Lionel

"So which music video for today?"

"Let's have 'The Bond That Will Never Break' First." Aaliyah said as Miss Luna started doing her makeup. The next artist started doing Valerie's. Ramona stretched and left with Lizzy.

Few minutes later, Aaliyah stared at the mirror. She was wearing a blue ball gown with blue heels and her nails and lips were painted blue.

"I like what i see. You always do a good job Miss Luna." She smiled.

"Thanks Miss Lorez, what about Miss Alyssa and Anneliese? They haven't been here for a while now."

"Anneliese....well, Anneliese moved to Los Angeles, and Alyssa is stuck in her agency for now." Aaliyah explained.

"So, Valerie, do you like the makeover?" She asked her best friend. Valerie was wearing a red ball gown, red heels and her nails and lips were painted red.

"This makeup seems a little too heavy..." Valerie said.

"Heavy or no Heavy, just give it your all darling." Aaliyah smiled.

"But remember Miss Valerie, you will be wearing up to five dresses for the music video."


"Don't scream, that's how hard we work. But its worth it, you'll see. Trust me."

"WHY WOULD I TRUST YOU? Its soooo weird." Valerie looked scared.

"So girls, these are the locations. The beach, sun, moonlight, garden, check it out yourself!" She gave them the notepad.

"Woah! This is gonna be hard work!" Valerie said.

"Come with me then." Miss Luna took them to a room. Cameras were EVERYWHERE!

"Wow!" Valerie looked surprised.

"Okay dear, so the music video is about to start. Please, be bold. And do your best!" Aaliyah advised Valerie. Soon, the video begun.

Dancing in the sun...

Dancing in the moon..

Dancing in the sun...

Dancing in the moon..

Dancing in the sun..

Dancing in the moon...

No, Dancing in the sun...

Dancing in the moon..

NO, dancing in the sun..

Am dancing in the moon...

Okay, Dancing in a solar eclipse....

Guys, accept your differences, cause it will take long (it will take long..)

Best friends do fight, don't talk for hours, but don't keep malice(malice)

Avarice, treachery, disagreement, separate friends...

So accept your differences, stay together and be happy..

If you can't make decisions, and agree, just change the topic...

When my friend and i met, i thought she could always be there...

Her smile, good looks and talent couldn't choose me a friend..

But things aren't as scary, because you've got a best friend by your side..

Truly great friends are hard to find(hard to find)

Betrayers are everywhere...

But i'm assuring you, in front of the world....


Yeah...(A bond that can never break)

(This is a bond that can never break) Oh....

(Bond that can never break) This is a bond that can never break..

One strong bond that can never break...

Here on Valentine's Day,

We were too busy to get gifts...

From one concert to another(too busy to get gifts)

But best friends never get too busy(to spend time with each other)

Best friends never get too busy(to have their fun)

Truly great friends are hard to find(hard to find)

Betrayers are everywhere..

But i'm assuring you, in front of the world...


Yeah...(A bond that can never break)

(This is a bond that can never break) Oh....

(Bond that can never break) This is a bond that can never break..

One strong bond that can never break...


A bond that can never break.


A bond that can never break!

"OMG!" Valerie slumped.

"VALERIE!" Aaliyah and Miss Luna screamed.

"Are you dead?"

"I think so.."

"Because there is an angel...."

"KENJI!!!!!!" Aaliyah gasped and chuckled smiling broadly.

"How are you doing Miss Lorez?" He smiled, and Valerie got up awkwardly, staring at Kenji. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, and ready to puke...

"Am so good, Ken." Aaliyah smiled. Valerie had never seen her smiling so broadly before.

"Where is my little sister??" Kenji asked casually.

"Her? Well...eh...she's waiting over there." Aaliyah pointed and Kenji left. Valerie kept wondering how Kenji could be so charming, and his sister be a monster.


"um...yeah." Valerie snapped out of her thoughts.

"What were you looking at?" Aaliyah asked.

"Nothing, just wondering if he's actually Ramona's brother...."

"Yep, he is. Okay, now i understand. Kenji isn't as grumpy as Ramona..." Aaliyah chuckled and held Valerie's hand. She was going crazy. Miss Luna left with the music video.

"She'll get it done in a blink of an eye!'

"I blinked. Now where's the video?" Valerie panicked.

"Valerie oh Valerie, no need to Panic so much!"

"Am scared! What if the video gets lost and we have to do it again??? Oh My God! I can't imagine going through all that stress again.."

"Look Valerie, i know what's happening to you. Its your first time. It's anxiety.."


"Anxiety is when the butterflies in your tummy turns into snakes." Aaliyah answered.


"Love is when the snakes turn back to butterflies! Girl, you need to chill.'

"Chill? Like drink some chilled water??" Valerie yelled.

"You don't just get jokes! Okay now, take a deep breath and come with me. Let's go relax before the next video."

"Okay then." Valerie didn't see Kenji till the end of the three videos, and audios.

"Gosh! i need bed!"

"I need it a lot!" The girls complained as they headed to their car.

"No bed for you!" Kenji appeared out of nowhere and Valerie started acting awkward again.

"Why?" Ramona folded her arms smirking.

"Because you have three magazine offers, Ramona."


"Should i just let it be?"

"Woah, thanks bro. I love you!" Ramona laughed.

"You know i love you after Miso soup."

"THAT'S WHAT I HATE TO HEAR!" The Pink Damsels entered their car with Kenji and the chauffeur started driving.

"So?? What are the magazine offers all about??"

"Um...they want you to advertise their white ball gown, their jewellery and their makeup products." Kenji explained.

"HECK NO! You know i don't fancy ball gowns..."

"Well you should, because they will pay you well." Ramona rolled her eyes.

"Sorry to chip in, but i fancy ball gowns." Valerie said.

"Me too!" Lizzy screamed.

"Okay then. What if Valerie goes in your place?" Ramona gave Kenji a murderous glare.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, i didn't mean that." he smiled and Valerie blushed. They continued driving while Kenji talked and talked. All Valerie could stare at were his eyes and lips.

The girls got to the mansion and they all alighted but Aaliyah.

"I think i'll go home from here. Driver, take me to my parent's house."

"What? Aaliyah you haven't gone there in MONTHS!" Lizzy exclaimed.

"Elizabeth..that's the reason i wanna go. No time to talk. Drive....." The driver drove as Aaliyah phoned Anneliese.

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