
Chapter 1: Prologue: Death and Rebirth

Leos Klein is an old man, and he has seen many things.

He was there when humanity was kept prisoner beneath the surface of the planet, ruled by an Artificial Intelligence that sought to guide them back to greatness with collar and chain in hand. He was the one that killed it, and with its demise humanity was allowed to prosper once again. He was there when mankind took to the stars, and there to oversee their efforts to turn the red planet into their new home.

Through it all, he saw how mankind's own destructive tendencies were the cause of their own demise. He bore witness to pointless wars and unceasing greed, and how both slowed mankind's progress, killed innocents, and ruined lives. He once saw a father holding the bodies of his family that were killed after a brutal battle between the corporations, and saw himself holding the bodies of his own long-dead family so long ago.

He realized, then, that the Artificial Intelligence he had destroyed so long ago had the right idea. Humanity needed strict guidance and a firm hand if they were to reach greatness. And so he became that strict guide, that firm hand, tried to do on Mars what the Artificial Intelligence tried on Earth; ironically becoming the same shadowy force that he himself vanquished so long ago.

It was karma, then, that he too would meet his end at the hands of another rebel. Another Raven.

He laughs as he crawls out of the wreckage of his Armored Core, bleeding and burned and aching all over. Much like Hustler One was back on earth, over a century ago.

But where that bucket of bolts was defiant to the end and continued to fight even with its dying breath, Leos Klein would be graceful in his defeat.

"Ra… ven…" he gasps through the radio, knowing his voice would reach his opponent. "Destroy… the orbit-control mechanism… Phobos will stop… when you do so…"

The AC across from him and the wreckage of his own mech is still for a long moment before boosting away. Leos drags himself to the foot of his AC and leans against it, gasping for breath as he listens and waits. A moment later, he hears something important exploding and feels the base shuddering.

He laughs. Well done, Raven.

Leos Klein watches as the Raven's AC zooms past, blasting back full speed out the way it came. He reaches out to them, one last time, as his cybernetics begin to fail.

"Raven…" he gasps. "What is it that you wish…?"

//Error, system malfunction detected in Zio Matrix Model-5i Artificial Heart implant.// flashes a warning in his vision. //Seek help immediately.//

Ah, hell, cut off from making his parting words. What bullshit.

Despite that, Leos doesn't feel the least bit resentful or angry. Perhaps this is karma's own way of punishing him for the things he's done and the people he's betrayed. It would certainly be fitting, he thinks.

Well. He's lived his life, done what he wanted. He has no regrets.

Looks like you will have a chance at vengeance, Remille. he thinks as the world goes dark, and the base falls apart around him. Wherever we wind up, I hope it's at least better than this life…

And so dies Leos Klein. Ninebreaker, revolutionary, betrayer, and Raven.

…or, at least, that's what should have happened.


Nicks Fou Baltford, beholds his younger brother Leon curiously.

He was small, had the same dark hair as his father, and carried himself with the same childish innocence all five year old boys did. He was an annoyance some times and every bit a pain as all younger siblings are, but Nicks wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Because he loves his little brother, no matter annoying he may be.

But… something is different about him now.

Physically, he is still the same old Leon; small and delicate and full of energy. But there is an air about him now that he didn't have earlier in the day. Perhaps it was the scolding he got from Dad, or the worried looks he received from Mom, or the subtle insults from that jerk Lady Zola; Nicks does not know.

But what he does know, however, is that his brother seems more focused now than before. Much more focused.

He holds himself in the same way Dad does when he meets the neighboring Barons to discuss matters he doesn't understand, straight-backed and calm. His dark eyes burn with intent, but it's not malignant. No, rather, it doesn't feel like it's aimed at Nicks. Really strange.

"...hey, Nicks?" Leon asks. Nicks blinks.


Leon looks up at him, dark eyes blinking.

"Why was Lady Zola so mean to Dad? Isn't she his wife?" Nicks' younger brother asks. "I thought wives were supposed to be nice and helpful to their husbands."

"Well, " Nicks hedges, trying to remember what he was told by their father and trying to simplify it. "That's… Maybe it's different in other places, like Fanoss or Repard. But how Lady Zola treats is how it usually is in Holtfault, especially with women from higher-ranked families. They're more important than Barons after all, so they can do a lot of things that we can't, and it lets them do the things that they do."

"Like being mean to Dad?" Leon's brows crinkle, worried. "But… he didn't do anything wrong, did he?"

"He didn't." Nicks nods, a little sad. "But that's how it normally is, though. Women from Baron households and above are pretty unlikable, and the high-status ones don't think much of us countryside nobles anyway."

After all, in the Kingdom of Holtfault, the men from noble families were expected to marry into similar or higher-ranked families and provide for their legal wife's expenditures in the capital. To not do so would be a big blow to their social status and paint them in a negative light. Some noble families might even break off ties until they 'properly rejoin high society', and men who are unable to get a wife before reaching 20 are usually ostracized; with sons even being disowned and outright replaced.

"That's not right!" Leon protests.

"Suck it up Leon. Most men in Holtfault get the short end of the stick." Nicks sighs. "That's just the way life is."

Leon stares at him for a long moment, and Nicks swears he sees fire light up in his little brother's eyes.

"Then I'll change it." he says. "One day, I'll make everything fairer to men and women. So that you, me, and Dad won't have to work so hard for so little."

Nicks smiles, but it doesn't quite reach up to his eyes.

"Well, I hope you manage it, little bro." Nicks sighs. "Now get back to studying; you don't want to marry an old hag, do you?"

Nicks doesn't listen for Leon's response and instead refocuses on his studies. His little brother's just gotten a big head, Mom or Dad would see it popped in due time hopefully. Preferably before Zola hears of it.

Across from, Leos Klein watches his new brother with deep eyes and makes a choice.
