
Alister: Zanna, I'm Back, Again

After saying his farewells to the hero party once more, Alister left the heroes' mansion.

As for why he left, Alister planned to meet up with Zanna. After all, it has been 98 years since he had arrived in Fantasia yet he hadn't recovered Zanna's memory of him.

He had his reasons for that. He didn't want Zanna to wait too long for him since recovering her memories would mean that she was aware of his existence.

Alister was too busy to deal with the affairs of the hero party so he couldn't spend time with Zanna even if he wanted to. So rather than awakening her memories early and letting her wait for him, Alister had planned before to only awaken her memories when he was done with earning the trust of the hero party.

Now that he had become the leader of the hero party and his words held more weight than the goddess who summoned those heroes, Alister was ready to meet up with Zanna and awaken her memories.

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