
5 Return to Normality?

I was not prepared for all the wedding proposals I was going to receive. As I trained with father and floki respectively every adult from the village came with a marriage offer and even some from the neighboring villages came. My father was willing to accept a couple of offers but my mother was more reasonable. One day my parents sat me down in our house, with my siblings also nearby attempting to spy on the conversation.

My father start " its been a month since the news of your power has spread. Apparently some of the families without daughters sent messages to their cousins in the nearby villages offering marriage. The chief has also offered the next daughter or grandchild he has that's a girl. They all offer around the same amount of money but if we get a daughter from the nearby village the girl will be fostered by us." Mother stepped in saying "We have already turned down some of the older ladies who offered their hand since you will need a young wife to have kids when you are older. The oldest one was nearly my age. If not for your father I would have killed her in a duel." Father rubbed her shoulder, continuing " we will not force you to marry now but you should in the next 5 years. In the next year or so your brother will be married. Some of the marriage offers for you include a double marriage for your brother. Let's end this for today and tall about it later."

My parents then went about their days like normal but before I could go and train more my siblings surrounded me. My brother started ask "So did you here that Randvi's mom offered her in marriage?" I not being aware started to blush as Randvi was near my age with blond hair, blue eyes and a fair complection. I responded "No, mom didn't say that. They just told me that I had a couple offers." My sister interjected " oh does someone have a crush on the fair maiden?" Before I could respond my brother responds "Of course he would have a crush have you seen the girl. She is perfectly built with a skin tone to die for." I just nodded and continued my way to my training tree.

I continued my training with my father learning how to fight with the axe. I had cut through the tree, which my father then made me trim and section for fire wood. After the training I went for a quick bath in the stream near the village. While walking to the stream I thought I was being warcher but, I just put it off as the bird who's always watching. After washing I walked back toward the village only to find human tracks near a bush. Immediately looking around he saw a blue dress running ahead with blonde flowing hair.

The next day my father decided it was time for me to learn to hunt. Being woken up with the moon a little bit after it's high mark, ruffle 3 am. My brother had healed mostly so he was also awoken. Waking up my father said "Your old enough to learn to hunt, let's get a quick meal and go." We walked out of our partitioned room and ate a quick egg sandwich which was an egg, left over elk steak and bread. As walking out my mother said "Good luck and I will have your sister tell Floki you won't be by today."

Before we left, dad grabbed a bow for each of us with a quiver of arrows. Once outside the village dad gave me and my brother sets of bows. Luckily for us dad had already taught us how to shoot bows.

*Flash Back 6 Months*

Dad started instructing " these bows are quite simple pull back with your right hand holding the arrow between your thumb and your index and middle fingers." Showing me how to pull back an arrow. He continued "When you take aim calm your breath and look at the target not the arrow. I'm not the best hunter, though. My brother and I were shooting bows at trees with slash marks 20 feet away. I hit a couple, my brother hit one. We did this training only recently it was of course winter with the snow all around the tree dad didn't tell us that the arrows were bouncing off the tree that was frozen cold. I loved the cold so it didn't affect me to much with mother sewing a fur coat for us that was always to big.

*End Flash back*

I slung the bow and quiver on an arm with my axe clipped to my leather strap belt. Walking through the woods, my brother found droppings from some deer with some tracks leading towards the early sunrise. Walking close we got sight of a couple of deer in a clearing in the forest. Dad spoke to me "Eric this is your first hunt take the first shot and your brother will have a second after you to take one down." Calming my breath I stand behind a short bush taking aim. I let out a breath while taking the shit. Instant kill through the brain and my brother hits the heart of another buck. Father had said to only take out 2 males.

Walking toward the deer my father has his hands on our shoulders. Taking my axe I bleed the deer and so does my brother. My father asks "So how do you feel after taking a hunt?" I respond with a neutral tone "I'm feeling fine. Killing seems to not affect me." My father with some wisdom responds "As long as your trying to survive everything is allowed. Killing for defense and food are necessary in these unforgiving times. Let's get these deer back to the village to be harvested. Before my brother picked up his buck I imagined the deer floating. Using my mana I raised the deer following behind me. After walking for 40 minutes I had to take a break in which my dad picked up the deer since my buck was the beta of that herd.

Once we got back to the village we took the deers to the butcher. The man would cut up the meat and give it to the neighbors. The hunters got the horns, leather and leg of the hunt. Since we picked up two deer we each got a leg which dad said we would wrap one in salt a dry it out for future use. Luckily we lived near a sailing village who would trade for salt and would sell it to our village for hides and meat. The seer or chief might buy the head if it's a large stag to show off the hold. Luckily I didn't have magic class as I was dead tired returning home.

During this time, since I talked to the Raven I have been feed energy to the egg. During this period of time using a finger lumos I can see twin baby chick's forming shape. Getting home after the hunt I ate a quick meal and went to bed feeding the egg. I did this for the next two weeks strengthening my body with my dad's work outs. I also learned a few more runes, such as the light which can be used to show light. I had showed that the light could be more than an orange candle when I drew it on the wood it burned blue then green then purple. The wood collapsed burning since it was a hot rune. I also learned the water rune to create a renewable water bottle.

After learning the new runes I was at home getting ready to sleep. I put in some more energy in the egg. Once I started the egg began to glow and runes were carved on the egg. One rune in had seen was the fire run on Flokis stove. There was multiple runes on the egg as one showed a lightning bolt shape. The egg then slowly started breaking from the inside. One of the little birds popped out which looked like a baby Raven. The babies eyes were closed but it started clearing an exit as the darker raven waited for the exit to be made confidently walking out.

Seeing the baby chick's I yell for my sister to come. My sister came into our room and my brother sat up in his bed. I showed her the chick's as I was feeling exhausted. I then walked to the cold box mom had in the ground near the cooking area pulling out a piece of old cooked meat. Using my axe I cut the pieces into a string sized pieces and cut them into bite size meats. I walked into my room. My brother and sister could only hear chirping but while I was holding them I heard them both talk about food. I went back to my room feeding each bird. They only needed a few bites to be filled and sleeping. My sister grabbed a wooden box dad had made. Filling it with straw for bedding. I placed the box on the table near the small window.

The next day I walked out of my room with the birds to find a puzzled mother. She asked what they were and why I was keeping them. To which I told my mom that I was going to raise them to be my familiars. My sister had already made a pout about not getting a bird but I told her they are magic birds linked to me when I was hatching them. Even far away I could feel their thoughts. The birds were still young but knowing who the birds parents are kind of makes them demigods.

My sister wanted to at least name one which I gave her the option for the darker one.

My mother didn't object allowing me to raise the birds. She told me that the birds would want small bugs or meat. I already knew this plus them being a powerful familiar duo, they will be fine. They were happy with the meal I gave them last night. Mom put some eggs in the nest that were scrambled. The Ravens being hunter birds, ate the eggs giving a happy chirp. Mom said to put them on the table she will put a blanket under them to keep them warm. Mom would feed them with me now instead of using up my magic every night. These months have made my power skyrocket. My bank can maintain magic all I need to learn is how to guide the mana into my muscles and bones to strengthening myself.

*An if you have any bird names let me know. You will find out their powers in the future.
