
Chapter 12: Search

Slumbering for a few days, Mordred woke up with a groan. "I feel like I was hit by mom hard." Mordred sat up and stretched, popping his joints and vertebrae.

"Where's mom and the others?" He looked around and heard the sound of battle outside.

He walked leisurely though, because he wouldn't be there if it wasn't safe.

Mordred saw Vali and Kuroka train with Tannin. While Shirone was getting instructed by Tiamat.

"Yo." He greeted them lackadaisically and Tiamat was of course the first one to arrive at him.

"Mordred! Are you alright? Do you feel any pain? Should I go to war against heaven so they could heal you?" Tiamat patted all around him.

"I'm fine mom, thanks for worrying." Mordred hugged her tightly and Tiamat kissed his forehead.

"You got us worried." Vali sighed at his recklessness.

"We were scared nya! You had a really evil aura on you!" Kuroka rubbed her cheek on him.

"Mordred-nii, are you okay?" Shirone gripped his sleeve.

"I'm all good as you can see." He decided to give his new mastery of his powers a try.

Mordred transformed, growing to two meters tall. Looking suspiciously like Grendel if he turned into a human.

His mana heart started to hum and his magic skyrocketed. Not only does he have Grendel's stupidly durable body, his magic reserves ballooned to Satan class as well.

He noticed that it was taxing on his body and mana though. Cancelling it after a minute. Mordred huffed and he felt like he just went on a marathon.

"So it has its drawbacks too." Tannin nodded sagely and Mordred sighed.

"It's incredibly greedy for stamina and magic. My limit is most likely two minutes." Mordred shrugged, he was pleased nonetheless.

"Oh, my baby is so strong already! You can match the dragon kings now. You're all grown up." Tiamat teared up.

"I'm still four mom, going for five." Mordred reminded her and Tiamat gave him a bear hug.

"What? He's just four!?" Tannin was shocked and the others nodded with an unsurprised expression.

"He's just awesome Tannin!" Kuroka praised him and Shirone nodded.

"As expected of my master." Vali huffed and Tannin was seriously impressed.

He just broke through ultimate class in his base state. And it shoots up all to Satan class when he powers up.

Mordred also has weapons to go with that strength. Though he had to increase his control more. Because at his current mastery with his form, he won't be able to wield Caliburn or the Kusanagi for long at all.

"So, I'm going to call Mephisto now." Tannin had a promise to fulfill.

He talked with the devil and right after, a middle aged man appeared. He had blue and red eyes, heterochromia.

Overall, he felt mysterious. "Tannin, is this the little dragon that wants to take a mage of mine for a pact?" Mephisto eyed Mordred.

"Hi, I'm Mordred." He waved and Mephisto nodded. "Hello Mordred, you are powerful..." The devil squinted his eyes and could feel his magic.

"A dragon heart? At that age? What are you, 9?" Mephisto blinked with wide eyes.

"Four actually." Mordred corrected him and Mephisto grinned in amusement.

"Okay, I'll take you to Grauzauberer to pick a mage of your choosing. What is your purpose though?" Mephisto was curious.

"I want to find people, strong ones." Mordred answered instantly.

"No hesitation, you're going to make a mage really lucky today. A pact with a dragon is much, much rarer than with a devil. Even low class ones are rare." Mephisto smiled and they teleported to Germany.

They found themselves in an academy-like place. "Welcome to Grauzauberer!" Mephisto raised his arms for their grand welcome.

"Okay, this place looks calm." Mordred was pleased and the others looked around.

Tiamat though was already checking out if there is anything dangerous there. Or she would blow it up to kingdom come.

"I'll give you a list of our mages, pick wisely~" Mephisto led them to his office and they started filtering the mages.

"They should at least be a master magician. Or has the potential to be one." Mordred asked for the others to help.

Everybody sifted through the rabble and they were left with a handful of them.

"Them, can you call them Mephisto?" Mordred finalized the list with Tiamat and they were satisfied with the final candidates.

After a couple of minutes, mages arrived and they were confused.

"Alrighty, you guys are picked by a really strong dragon for a prospective pact." Mephisto informed them and he lost his easygoing attitude.

It was all business now, a mage's pact with a magical being is really important after all.

The mages went wide eyed and they buzzed with excitement.

Mordred, Tiamat, and Kuroka locked on to one person though.

A blonde teen with Sapphire blue eyes. They could feel the cold coming from her. A trait that is reminiscent of one of the Longinus; absolute demise.

"I want her to be the one I will make a pact with." Mordred quickly picked the girl and she blinked.

She hasn't been practicing magic long. She started when she was nine. Apprenticing from one of the wizards of Oz.

"Me? Are you sure?" She pointed at herself and Mordred nodded.

"A dragon's choice is sure once it's been picked. There is no going back, what is your name?" Mordred was sure that she had a Longinus.

"L-Lavinia Reni. Pleased to meet you." She bowed lightly and she got nervous.

She was thinking of why she was picked. The others were much more experienced than her. Lavinia is just fifteen, still green.

"Alright, please stand in this magic circle then!" Mephisto smiled and he thought that he picked well.

She had the best performance as a mage in Grauzauberer. And Lavinia only went there to socialize with other mages.

They completed the pact after shaking hands and Kuroka expected it to have some weird ritual or something.

"I am Mordred Pendragon, the king of knights. It is a pleasure to be your contracted dragon." Mordred introduced himself fully.

Now that he could fight ultimate class beings easily, he was confident in protecting himself from unsavory personages.

"Pendragon?" Lavinia was confused. There were no dragon half breeds from the Pendragon family.

And there is certainly no king of knights after Caliburn was lost and Camelot got destroyed by the historical Mordred.

"Yes, I am king Arthur's legitimate son with Guinevere Pendragon. So yes, I am the king of knights. Caliburn, the sword of selection has accepted me as its wielder as well." Mephisto raised a brow and Lavinia bugged out.

"W-what? You possess Caliburn?" Lavinia couldn't believe it and Mephisto as well.

So he took it out from his storage in its sheathed form. The ambient aura coming from it made Mephisto shiver.

"That's Caliburn alright..." He was shocked. But he did remember that the disappearance of the sword is suspicious.

And the legitimate heir dying also seemed to be a complete lie. Mephisto got into deep thought, wondering what the rabbit hole is hiding.

"T-then it is an honor!" Lavinia bowed and Mordred nodded at her.

"Come on, let's go talk in private. Thank you for this opportunity Mephisto." Mordred appreciated his help.

"Any time~ Call me when you have something interesting happening again." Mephisto grinned.

Going to the underworld, they brought Lavinia to their home.

"Now, Lavinia. Are you familiar with the evil pieces?" Mordred asked and she nodded.

"Isn't that what the devils use to reincarnate people?" She remembered the history of devils.

A young Ajuka Astaroth created them to get servants and bolster the numbers of devils. Their birth rate is incredibly low after all.

"I'm actually searching for people like you to be my kin." He showed a bishop piece from his modified evil pieces.

"Is that?" Lavinia gasped. "Yes, but instead of turning into a devil. You will be a dragon." Mordred released his wings.

"Woah... Then I can use primordial magic? No more stupid calculations? And the fabled mana heart!?" Lavinia got excited as heck.

"Umu, you can do all that. Forming a mana heart is extremely difficult though." Mordred reminded her and Lavinia didn't even question it more.

"Yes please!" She bounced around and her developing chest jiggled.

"Tch, is she trying to seduce Mordred?" Kuroka clicked her tongue while Vali and Shirone glared at her. The three of them are looking at their chests which are of course still flat.

Morded pushed in the bishop piece inside of her chest and Lavinia could feel her magic reserves skyrocket.

Bluish white wings then appeared behind her. A cold aura started to pour out from her and a three meter tall doll that was wearing a regal dress appeared.

"Princess!? Why did you suddenly appear?" Lavinia was surprised and she put a hand on her mouth.

"Absolute demise. Hmm, it is a nice addition to my kin." Mordred nodded in satisfaction and Lavinia didn't expect him to know that she had sacred gear.

"Aren't you pleased honey? You got your bishop and it's the wielder of absolute demise. You can now burn and freeze your enemies." Tiamat hugged him and he nodded while his head was in between her chest.

"Umu, welcome Lavinia." Morded smiled at her, he was totally pleased by the addition.

"Thank you... But I have a request, can you help me find my master? She's a wizard of Oz named Glenda." Lavinia received news that she got attacked by a fellow wizard.

And then, she suddenly disappeared. Her house was destroyed. Lavinia checked the place, there were no traces of her master.

"Is that so? Then we will try and find her. I promise on my pride as a dragon." She smiled softly and started to relax.

"So you're my master Mordred? How about others?" Lavinia asked, wanting to bond with his other servants.

"Vali Lucifer, she is the wielder of divine dividing." Morded pointed towards the ex-devil and Vali shook her hand with squinted eyes.

"This is Kuroka and Shirone, they're mom's servants. The other two are my goons, they're in Europe for a mission." Morded pointed at the nekoshous.

"Nice to meet you nya." Kuroka was wary of her. Lavinia was beautiful. And is also a Longinus wielder. She knew that dragons won't settle for weak mates.

"Hello, Shirone." The little one didn't exchange many words.

"Divine dividing? Wow, nekoshous too. They are thought to be extinct. And I thought your mom was Guinevere?" Lavinia tilted her head.

"She might be his mother, but I am his mommy. Tiamat; the Chaos Karma dragon." She grinned and Lavinia was shocked once again.

"Mordred, your family is stacked..." Lavinia blinked and he nodded in pride.

"Masaomi is an exorcist and Cleria is from the Belial clan. They're my goons that are in Europe." Mordred didn't forget about them.

"So, now that you are Mordred's kin... You'll be getting training from me!" Tiamat pointed at herself and Kuroka had a nasty grin on her face.

"It will be fun nya, isn't that right Vali?" Kuroka smiled sweetly and Vali nodded stiffly.

"Oh yeah, it was the best." She hid a wince, remembering the dragon slaying magic that hit her multiple times.

It went through her like goddamned butter. And most of all, it was the worst thing she felt in her life. It attacked her very soul for being a dragon.

Lavinia then cheered, being trained by the strongest dragon king is the best way to learn.

"She sure is excited, which is good." Morded nodded at her with a smile. Lavinia not knowing that she would be ran ragged.

Meanwhile at Europe, Masaomi and Cleria were actually doing a charity event.

They bought a lot of supplies and were feeding the victims of supernatural conflict.

Masaomi and Cleria set up a temporary soup kitchen to feed the survivors. Especially the orphans.

The vampires were having a territorial dispute. Fighting against other rivals to gain more ground for their hunting spots.

"Fucking vampires, I now remember why we're ordered to kill these guys on sight." Masaomi growled.

They were capturing humans as livestock. Paranoia shrouded the towns and they were even starting to kill each other because of pointing at each other to be a sacrifice.

"It's sad, but this is just how it is." Cleria gave a bitter smile.

Then, while they were watching the feeding program as the overseers and bodyguards. They saw a blonde young boy helping with the proceedings.

The young ones are being pushed away, but he struggled to get food first in order to give it to the children.

He had green eyes and spiky blonde hair. At first, they just thought it was nice of him. But Cleria suddenly felt a strong aura sleeping inside of him.

She approached him and helped him get more food to give it to the kids first. "It was nice of you to do that. What's your name?" Cleria kneeled and she asked softly.

"I... I was just helping them get some. The food might run out and they would starve. I'm Dulio, Dulio Gesualdo." He introduced himself.

"Is that so? You're a kind boy aren't you Dulio? Say, would you like to come with us in order to help us help more people?" Cleria offered.

While they were there, they would cull some unruly beings like the vampires. Masaomi already killed them all, no mercy for the wicked.

"Really? Then I'll go! I... I want to help more children. I don't want them to end up like me, my parents got killed. I want to do something. At least try to help them if they lost their parents." Dulio was serious.

"Good answer, after we help the towns here. We will depart to other parts of Europe okay?" Cleria patted his head and he grinned.

Cleria returned to Masaomi and she nodded. "When I got closer, there's no doubt. I can smell storms from him."

Masaomi took a sharp breath. "Zenith Tempest. The second strongest Longinus... Boss will be happy."

"Indeed, I wonder what he is doing right now." Cleria chuckled and she imagined his reaction to getting the wielder of Zenith Tempest.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.
