
Chapter 75    

Alex and Aman stood in line as they waited for their turn to take up the trials.

"We can share the cleansweep for some of the tests but I doubt we can do it all the time… also, the school's silver arrows are absolute garbage compared to the brooms that most of these players are using." Aman said as he held the broom that was originally supposed to be his.

"It's fine… Harry offered me his broom so all we have to do is to hold on until he gets back here. One more thing Aman, I don't know how talented you are but only show how much is actually needed.

The Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch players are all out here to watch us play and if we ever win again our seniors, they will have information on our individual strengths, weaknesses and playstyles."

Aman nodded, "I'll just wait for everyone to show off their skills and then I'll be able to judge how much is needed." He then pushed the broom towards Alex and said, "The keepers are tested last so you will be the one who needs her for now."

"Okay but… why her? Why not him?"

"I don't know… my neighbour has this thing called a motorbike and he calls it the same. When I asked him the exact same thing you did, he replied by saying that he couldn't imagine himself riding a guy. I don't really understand what he said but for some reason it felt like he made sense. Do you get it?"

"No." Alex replied and took the broom before paying attention to Flitwick who was almost done with the preparations. Flitwick then made them stand in four different lines based on the role they would be fighting for and everyone readily did so.

"Now that the basic things are done, the ones who would like to try for multiple spots in the team can join the tryouts based on the order. Seekers, come up front and mount your brooms.", said Flitwick as he opened a large wooden box that was filled with golden coloured balls that had the same size of the snitch but not the wings.

Four brooms flew up into the sky as Alex identified all of their faces out of which, two of them were familiar. Cho Chang being the only third year along with Lisa Turpin being the only one from his year while there were two first years nervously flying behind them.

'First years?' he thought as he glanced at Flitwick who didn't seem bothered by it but many students from the stands did seem confused.

The test basically began with the golden balls moving randomly but slowly and then slowly sped up as the players caught more and more. One of the first years basically froze in place after catching four while Lisa gave up after six.

The only first year left and Cho were both doing their best to catch the balls which were hard to spot after their twelfth catch. A few minutes later, Cho was at the fourteenth ball while the first year was at eighteen. It was clear who was better but fortunately for Cho, the kid ran straight into the box that contained the balls while Cho took thirty more minutes to get to nineteen, flew back down.

Even with all the adrenaline flooding her brain, she walked calmly towards Flitwick for the final results as she herself wasn't sure if time was a factor that decided who got the spot in the team.

"Stand in another line if you want to try for other spots or go join the others in the stands until all the tests are complete. I'll announce everyone's results after everything is done."

The first years joined the Chasers line and waited for their turn while Cho and Lisa walked to the stands. The test for the chasers was different compared to the seekers as seven well known players from other teams flew upwards to meet the Ravenclaws.

Flitwick called out three names in a row and got the team of three to try scoring a goal against seven seekers against them. Something that looked easy in the eyes of the three didn't feel so after they tried their plans and strategies against them.

It took a total of two hours for the test to be done as Flitwick sometimes swapped one or two members out of the three and sometimes, he simply took the team out as he noted down their performances.

Alex waited for his name to be called and it didn't take too long for it to happen as he walked a few steps forward and took off on his broom to meet his other two partners who he expected would last for a few minutes at least but his expectations were broken a few seconds later as one of them simply didn't know how to fly with a single hand on the broom.

He stayed up in the air for more than an hour as Flitwick made him play with many others from which some did extremely well on their own and some were exceptionally good at team work while the rest were either mediocre or complete trash.

After everything was done, he flew down and joined the beaters line which was quite short compared to the chasers one.

He walked to the back of the line and stood in one place until the other finished their trials and then after everything was done, he looked at five people who played the best according to his observations.

Roger Davies who was a third year and the one person who he acknowledged as a talented seeker in the whole Ravenclaw House, Su Li his own classmate, Randolph Burrow and Jeremy Stretton the first years who failed the seekers test but did better than most in the chasers' category.

The fifth one stood behind him as he waited for the beaters group tests to begin.

He turned towards the tall guy and said, "You did pretty well back there so why are you here for the beaters test?"

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