
Role in gang

Kan looked around the small hangout, a smile curving across his lips as he took in the scene before him.

"So this is why you skip school, huh? Running your own gang?" Kan's tone carried a hint of amusement, as if he found the situation mildly intriguing but not necessarily mind-blowing. He had a few questions in mind, but Ellie beat him to it.

"Yeah, and I guess everyone, including you, thinks it's just a phase. But mark my words, I'm going to rise to the top, above all the gangs in this city!" Ellie declared with a determined look in her eyes.

"About that, I was wondering, you know, since I'm new and all. Can you tell me more about the gangs in the city?" Kan asked, following Ellie as she headed over to drop her bag on the single couch they had. Kan had a fair bit of knowledge about gangs, but he had learned not to rely too heavily on assumptions in this new world.

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