

Adam woke up to the increasingly familiar sun that shot through the wall of rocks that blocked the cave's entrance.

His main focus would be on achieving one specific thing today, it would be to eat.

The thought badgered him, that he should just find some berries to consume. However, that would not be enough. There was also the residual responsibility, as the animals died because of him, he couldn't just allow their bodies to decay.

His gaze serious, he looked on at the demised animals.

It looked there would be enough food, for the remaining duration of the test.

Admittedly, he wasn't knowledgeable about how to prepare the animals for consumption. He would wing it, and see what the outcome was.

His thoughts came to 3 subtasks for preparing the animals: getting rid of their fur, separating the meat into proportional meals, and then there was heating it up.

With his tools that he made the day before, he could definitely achieve the first and second. But, even with a fire ,having the meat cook thoroughly to avoid poisoning, it being edible was an uncertainty of his.

Then, if that all went well and had time left in the day, he could use the fur to cover himself. His exposed stomach was not helping his self-esteem.

His eyes locking on the animals, a quivering gulp passing, he made his way over to them, stone knife in hand.

His head felt especially light, his squeamishness getting at him a bit.

Still, he had to see this through.

He began, amateurishly, started cutting into the wolf.

Sometime later, his stone knife marred in fur, and blood, he was able to start getting into it's meat.

Making half-decent progress, his heart braced to heave, as the pungent smell spread through the cave.

It was not a great smell, that was for sure.

Clutching his nose to block the smell with one hand, and cutting with the other, he continued.

Took a while, but he was able to successfully separate the fur.

The sight caused him to stand up, catching a breather.

His mind slightly settled, he returned to preparing the animals for consumption.

Over time, laid out in a pile by his side, was the meat. The fur was in another pile and bones were in a third.

It was novice work, but, he was keenly motivated by the idea of eating that he would be at a loss if he stopped.

After not eating for 2 days, he was more open to dealing with the disheartening process of the preparation process.

As his energy reserves were running low, he needed to refuel, as soon as possible He didn't want to risk being extremely lethargic in the forest.

He always needed to be in the condition to act.

The meat ready, he threw some wood into a pile, and started getting the fire going.

It took less time to get the fire going than last time. He was getting more proficient at it.

The fire going, he put meat on the stick and roasted it.

To test it was safe to eat, he overcooked it.

Rather it be burnt than dangerous for Adam to consume.

Once it was charred all the way around, he blew on it for half a minute.

His face near it, slight hesitation wandered in the lights of his eyes.

Should he eat it? His thoughts conceiving the idea that perhaps it tasted better than it looked.

Even if it was safer, it wasn't his go-to choice to eat burned food.

Biting down, it was as expected, unideal to eat.

However, it wasn't unbearable.

His hunger brushing aside the distasteful flavor on his tongue, he scarfed it down.

His hunger still unsated, he swiftly started more meat, this time less overcooked.

The second go tasted as imagined, better than the first.

Adam's body relaxed, as the food settled in his stomach.

He continued to eat until he was full.

Once he was full, he sat back and took a nap.

Without the pang of hunger scraping his thoughts, he was able to fall asleep quickly.

When he awoke, he got started making a shoddy shirt from the fur, and sap, using the makeshift stone knife.

He doubted that it would stay together forever, its durability questionable.

But it just had to last a few more days.

He did not wish to get sick, from the chilly nighttime air, after all.

Now covered, he worked on a fur pillow.

He wrapped fur over a bundle of leaves that were tightly packed.

The sides were sealed using sap.

Hands not any to take anymore, using his far-improved pillow, and his skin warmed by his fur shirt, he fell asleep for the night.

He already had ideas of what he would do tomorrow.

The next day's sun greeted the world, the sunlight rolling over the forest's denizens and land.

The rays of the dawn's light flickering in Adam's eyes, waking him from his slumber.

His hands had started to heal.

He thought of living in this forest, its seeming peacefulness assuring. But, he remembered the danger he was in by the wolves alone, obliterating the wishful impulse.

Food no longer sought, he worked on organizing the base.

Once done, he set out to take care of business. Navigating to the stream carefully, he looked for clay deposits at the bottom of the stream.

Fortunately there was some, which his plan for the day hinged on.

Gathering an armful of clay, which drenched his fur shirt, he ran back to the cave. It took a few trips, but he collected a fair amount.

Using it, he began shaping it to make a water basin, which he could use to wash his face and hands.

Akin to the tools, the basin was of an acceptable quality. To harden the clay, he left it out in the Sun a distance away.

He did not want to leave it conspicuously outside the cave, giving Marcaine, Elaina, or Vinn the idea of visiting.

He would fetch it in a day.

Adam heated some meat up that he consumed, then using the rest of the fur of the wolf, he made a blanket.

Wrapping it over him, his head comforted by his pillow, his consciousness fading, he fell asleep.

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