
The Grand Trap


"Master!" Oh no! He got knocked out again!

Dust and debris rain from above. I protect him from some sharp fragments with my body because I failed to do it before. I should have taken the fall for him!

"Masster!" Salandit shouts before throwing herself at him.

It's all her fault!

She pulled the lever! She was too slow! It's her fault he got hurt!

"Get off of him, you useless, egotistical bitch--" She's crying.

Tears stream freely down her face and snot flows from her nostrils.

"I'm ssho sssowwy!" Her sobbing is unbearable. Her snout presses against the floor as she cowers before me.

"D-do you think your sorry is going to be enough?! Look at the state he's in because of you!"

"Hmmumph!" What was that? "Hmhmhm!"

Oh. That was Riolu. "Oh. Sorry." She pulled herself out once I gave her a little space.

She takes a huge breath as if it was the first one in a while and says, "It's alright." Then she looks at the sobbing, lizard-mess on the ground, hugs her, and repeats it. "It's alright."

"No." Salandit sniffles and snorts through her clogged nostrils before swallowing the mucus. Yuck. "It's nowt alright! I messsed it up! I got us trapped!"


I glance through the temple... The only obvious entrance is blocked. The flashlight reveals a couple of side rooms. Then there is the altar. I know that the wall we saw from the outside is right behind the temple. No backdoor.

We're trapped.

"You... you got us trapped."

I saw how thick those walls are, there is no way we can break through them.

We're going to die in here. Starvation. And Swole even gave nine steaks away!

No. That doesn't matter. Slow starvation, long starvation, doesn't matter.

What matters is that we will starve at all.

I can hear my teeth gnash and a low growl rising from my throat.

It's her fault! "How dare you think a sorry is enough?!"

"I--" She stammers.

"You got us all killed!"


"After all he did for you, this is how you repay him--"

"It's alright."

"It's not--! Master?!" He's awake again! "Are you alright?! Hurt?!"

"Yes." His face twists itself in agony. "Can you get off of me? Fffuck me, that hurts."

Dust flows off of me in rivulets as I jump up to give him space. He coughs as it enters his lungs. Whoops.

"Mawssta! I'm ssso ssowwy!" Salandit cries even more. She looks disgusting. I wouldn't even touch her with gloves. Gross.

"Good grief... It's alright, Salandit. I would have pulled a random lever too." He lies through his teeth as he strokes her face.

There is no way he would. He would look at it for minutes and then go away because he would be too paranoid.

"And I'm the one who messed up. Fuck!" His shout echoes a few times through the temple while he grasps his body in pain. "I forgot to order you to use Fake Out. We could have all made it outside, but I couldn't think clearly!"

"Reawly?" Clean yourself up, for Arceus' sake. "You won't blawme me?"

"Yes. Now come here." He holds out an arm and Salandit pounces into his hug. "Oof."

"Waaahhh! I'm so sowwy!"

"There, there."

"And you sstayed behind for me!"

"Of course."

"You didn't abandon me, even though I'm just a uselesss, sstupid lizard!"

She really is.

"You're not useless or stupid..." He shoots me a short glare. Can he read my thoughts? "Just weird."

Salandit rubs her head deeper into his one-armed embrace. Then she snorts and swallows another load of mucus. It visibly travels down her long throat. "I'm sorry for being weird..."

"Ouch. Alright, that's enough. I feel like I broke every bone in my back from that fall."

He tries to get up... and fails. "Fffuck me! That hurts so much!"

He wiggles his feet and legs for some reason.

"Uhhh... Lopunny?"

"Yes, master?"

He cringes. Out of pain, I assume.

"Can you... help me out of my shirt and check me for wounds?"


He cringes some more but lets me do the work to reveal his toned abs. I still remember how chubby he used to be. Skinny-fat. And he used to be short compared to an average human.

But now, he's like a completely different person.

He had his own kind of evolution, except his was slower, over the course of weeks.

He learned to speak with us fluently too.

Sometimes, when I look at him, I can't help but think of him as just another pokemon like us.

His face scrunches up in pain when I move his torso to get his shirt over his head and arms.

I turn him over to take a proper look at his back.

... It's a little red, but it looks alright. "You don't have any blue spots at least."

"Those take a while to form. Can you check the back of my head and my ribs?" He takes a deep breath as if readying himself. "I feel dizzy and have sharp chest pain."

"You're not bleeding anywhere." I run my hand through his long hair to brush over his scalp. Feels like a massive bump.

"Ouch. Do I have a hematoma there?"

"A what?"

"He meanss a swelling." Salandit doesn't meet my eyes as she explains it.

"Yes. A large swelling, right there."



I trace my hand down his spine, looking for any piece of bone that seems out of place but finding none. Then I check the red spots.

They feel warm, warmer than the rest of his body, and--

"Shhhit." He hisses. "Sorry, that really hurt."

That one rib can bend a little more than all the others.

"It's broken."

"Damn it... Can you feel and find where the crack is?"

Is it not at the impact site?

I carefully trace the rib around to the side of his chest. Oh. Yeah, I feel it. Right there. When I press, the two pieces of the bone move independently from each other. "Found it."

"Did the rib dislocate? Or is it a smooth, even feeling until you apply pressure?"

"Smooth and even."

"Thank Arceus for small miracles. I need a potion from my backpack and--"

"Found it!" Salandit presents a potion and a little box with a thick red X on it. "Here."

"Good job, Salandit." He says to make her feel better.

... I don't know what to think about that.

Why is he such a kind leader? She fucked up. He should be mad at her.

He was mad at me when I made a mistake. He gave my steaks away and got angry when I... threatened his authority.

I guess that's why. Huh. I didn't even notice I did that. It was just such a natural thing to do. To put him in his place because he has become so much weaker than I am.

Even now, I listen to his orders, despite him being weaker. He's in a rather pathetically vulnerable state now, and he let himself get trapped.


Riolu took over while I was stuck in my thoughts. She applied the potion, gave him some of it to drink, and wrapped a bandage around his chest.

"Are you back with us?"

He smirks while lying on the ground. Pain no longer marks his rugged face. He used to look much more innocent and younger. His face has become more... average.

No, adult is the right word. Handsome.

I nod slowly.

Does he stand above me? I know I'm at the top of his team, but why is he ranked over me?

He's good for a human, I won't deny that, but humans and pokemon aren't so different that he can automatically be at the top of the hierarchy.

I should challenge him once he's back on his feet.

I nod a lot more firmly, so that I feel the wave of motion travel through my ears.

"Glad to have you back." His gaze shifts to the ceiling. "I guess we're stuck now."


Four hours later.

We're actually stuck. Riolu and I checked the side rooms, and Salandit was banished to guard duty. Forever. Possibly.

Forever might not be a long time because she fucked it up.

There is no other exit anywhere.

And that stupid!






It won't budge!

Not even a scratch. How is that possible?! I can pulverize boulders with a couple of Double Kick and Jump Kick, but that wall is indestructible!

"Don't bother, Lopunny."

Master was the first to give up. Well, his rib is broken and the potions need a night or two to get him back to a healthy state. But he also gave up!

"They built this trap to capture gods. We don't stand a chance with brute force." He spent his time looking over the various wall paintings with the flashlight while he petted Salandit to calm her down. "I just don't understand how an ancient civilization could build something that interferes with modern pokeballs."

He presses the button on my pokeball a few times but nothing happens. He spotted something was wrong with it before holding the ball closer to his eye and inspecting it. A hint to get out?

His eyes sharpen with scrutiny... and then he polishes it with his dusty pant's fabric.

"Salandit, can you pass me a rag or something?"


Never mind. My pokeball was just dirty. "That will better be a clean rag!"

I resume glaring at the entrance.

Urgh! I can't stand looking at it. I don't want to see it anymore! Begone! I use Jump Kick!



I need something else to do.

... There is a mural of a bunch of white hooded figures with text underneath.

"What does that painting say?"

"Hm?" He looks away from my beautiful and pristine pokeball. "The sacrifices won't be in vain. Ha. I guess they were in vain in the end."

The hooded figures stand in a line, have their hands folded in front of them, and at the head of the line... uhhh are a bunch of dead humans: Pale corpses with slit throats and blood stained robes.


Swole has switched to polishing Salandit's black and golden pokeball.

I have nothing to do.

My glare finds the wall blocking the exit once more.

A few more hits and I'm going to chip off something, right?




Two hours later.

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing! All my effort! And I have nothing to show for it! No chip, no fracture, not even the tiniest of scratches!

"Why did you give up already?!" Master looks up from his air mattress after I scream at him. "I thought you wanted to become the pokemon champion!"

His two gym badges, half of the pokemon contest ribbon that he couldn't pawn off to Dawn, and our pokeballs lie in front of him, all have their metal parts polished to a mirror finish.

"I didn't give up yet. I'm just in too much pain to think right now." At some point, he lied down on his stomach. It has revealed how his back turned black and blue. Even darker than Riolu's fur. It's just one massive bruise.

"With the potion doing its work, I should be ready to find a way out soon. Once I can stand up, I will get us out of here."


There is no way out. We already checked everywhere for an exit.

He shrugs before wincing in pain from the motion. "Don't know yet for sure, but I'm certain that I will succeed."

I don't believe him. He's just being nice to us. Like he told Hatterene, it's a promise he knows he can't keep.

... I should get back to attacking the entrance. I'm sure I almost managed to create a crack in it.




A few hours later.

"Hi." He's acting cute while I sit down next to him. His back hasn't gotten better yet. "Still no success?" I shake my head.

I used everything I had on that door. Nothing.

Attacking it is a fruitless endeavor. But now I have absolutely nothing to do.

"Do you want to eat a mystery fruit?"

He asks and I tilt my head.

He places one in my paws. It looks like something I have seen before. It glows with a yellow color and there are weird growths hanging down from one end. I can't put a name to it.

"Remember when we found Lucario and that Alpha Regirock chased us down? We had to hide in a tunnel which led to the Tree of Beginning, and inside a ravine, we found these fruits growing along vines."

I nod.

"I remember how I planned to eat them with Lucario, Salandit and with you, but I forgot about it."

Riolu looks up at him with a look on her face that I can't place. Swole puts one fruit into her paws and into Salandit's claws.

"Weren't they poisonous?" When I mention the poison, the things on the back of Salandit's neck twitch.

The next moment she bites into one. Her sharp teeth tear out a chunk and she chomps down on it. Juices splatter everywhere as she chews. She only eats properly after Swole flicks his finger against her snoot.

"It'ss not poisonous. But tassty." Her long tongue darts out to lap up the juices from her face.

I bite into my own fruit and catch the juices in my hand to prevent it from dripping onto my lap. It has a sweet flavor, although, the skin doesn't taste so good. It's a little waxy. Definitely nutritious. It wouldn't have been out-of-place as a breakfast item in that restaurant we visited in Oreburgh City.

Swole mutters something as he covers his face with both of his hands. "... All the effort I put into testing the fruits... in vain... Salandit could have just tried it and told me about it..."




One day later.

Swole's back has improved enough so he can sit again, and Salandit abused that fact immediately. She rests on his lap and his hand brushes over her back.

I have nothing left to do. I'm exhausted. We're truly trapped.

His free hand traveled over my back a few times after I sat down beside him.

It feels nice when his fingers get entangled with my fur.

"I'm sorry." He takes a deep breath. "I shouldn't have pulled you back. You and Riolu could have made it outside."

"You too."

He shakes his head. I feel the motion traveling through his arm. "I couldn't leave Salandit behind. And I couldn't think of a solution fast enough either. It's my fault we're stuck."

Her tail flicks on his lap. She's still awake, and I'm sure Swole noticed it.

I don't think she moved even a centimeter away from him ever since we got trapped.

"And worst of all... I..." His breath hitches. "I couldn't let you go either. I'm sorry."

"It's alright." He twitches and recoils as if my words hurt him. "I'd rather die with the rest of my team than survive on my own."

"... Heh. Me too, I guess. Still, I'm sorry for making that decision for all of us." His hand stills for a while before picking up again. "Ahem, but we're not going to die. We're just temporarily trapped. It won't be long, and then I figure out the mechanism behind the door and open it again."

He spent almost all his time looking at the paintings all around us, probably trying to figure out a way to escape. At least he was doing that when he wasn't polishing his junk.

Or cleaning up his notebooks, making food, or meditating.

I'm not sure how much sleep he got tonight.

"Did you figure out anything yet?"

"Yeee-no. Nothing beneficial. There is a pattern in the paintings. Every fourth is a prediction of the future and they function as separators between different themes. When..."

He says a lot of really complicated-sounding things.

"The weirdest thing is the whole human sacrifice bit. I wonder if it's only religious, or if they had an actual, esoteric reason for doing it."

I nod.

"Don't worry, you don't need to get it." I like that. "Just trust in me that I will figure out the hints to get us out. Deal?"

I nod again, but his smile falls for a moment.

"A-anyway, it will take some time until the alarm for bedtime rings out again, I better get back to figuring out new strategies for our battle against Gardenia." Who? "The Eterna City gym leader."

He grabs his new, clean notebook and opens it on the page reserved for me. A few lines have a '?'-symbol penciled next to them. "Salandit, please remind me to get a fresh scan from your pokeballs as soon as we are out of here."

"Will do, masster!" She's excited for a moment until she sees me and pretends to sleep again.

Scatter brain... And she calls me stupid.




Shortly before bedtime.

Didn't Swole win an outfit for me in Jubilife City? I remember I wanted to wait until I evolved to wear it.

It should be somewhere inside the backpack.

So I dig through it. Berries... food... a rope... the tent...


... Pokeballs... potions... a Dusk Stone... the food again! "Urgh! Salandit, how do you find anything in here?! It's a mess!"

"What are you looking for?" She asks.

"A stuffed version of me."

Master chuckles for some reason.

"That'ss what she said." He and Salandit share a high five. "It's in the third section, counting from the back. On the left. Right next to the bag of empty bottless."

"Argh, I knew I forgot something!" Swole face-palms. "Salandit, please remind me to throw that out when we are in Eterna City."

... It's exactly where she described it would be.

Once I got my plushy out, I used my marvelous dextrose fingers to remove the clothing from her.

I'm a little disappointed that they didn't make her anatomically correct, but the clothes fit me, so who cares? The plushy lands back in the bottomless hole of the backpack while I squeeze myself into the clothes.

"Swole. How do I look?"

He takes a look, then turns his head away and covers his face with his hands.

"I really like this human design." I pull and loosen the blood red tie that comes with the shirt. "Look, it's not very restrictive at all, unlike your usual clothes. And it even comes with a useful quick-access point."

I see one of his eye widen through a slit in his fingers when I flip up the front of the skirt.

"That's--" He gulps after uncovering his face. "Ahem." His voice drops an octave. "That's the skimpiest schoolgirl outfit I have ever seen. Miss Lopunny, I believe I would need to send you to the principal's office for such a clear breach of propriety."

Principal? His office? What is he talking about?

"Pssst." Salandit hisses quietly. "Jusst play along!"

"The principal? What's he gonna do about it, huh? I can dress however I want."

Salandit nods in approval.

"He-- Ahem, I would put such a disobedient girl over my knee and teach her how to behave properly."

He's the principal too?

Suddenly Salandit skedaddles and points at his now empty lap.

I don't get it.

"Lie down on hiss knee, sstupid!" She hisses from someplace I can't see. And she took Riolu with her too.

But I do as she suggested and lie down on his legs.

His bones dig rather uncomfortably into my back.

But the way he looks at me is rather nice.

He's seated on the mattress with a couple of pillows propping up his back and his face can barely contain a chuckle.

"What now?"

"Turn around, Miss Lopunny. That's the wrong way to distribute punishment." He puts his notebook away and brushes his hand across my thighs.

A feeling like being struck by a weak electric pokemon travels up my spine at his touch. Except... it feels nice.

I turn around and his hand keeps contact with my thighs. "Like this?"

"Mhm." He confirms with a grunt. My ears pick up the sound of him swallowing.

"And how do you plan to punish me? How do you intend to teach me?" I honestly don't know.

His hand twitches where it rests on the back of my thigh. His throat rings out with the sound of another anxious gulp.



I'm about to make a stupid mistake.

I lift the hand that has been unknowingly caressing her thigh and gently slap her butt.

Her tail twitches, as if waking up but immediately going back to sleep.

~"What was that?" She asks, curiosity tinging her voice.

"A slap on the butt of a misbehaving girl."

~"Eh? I barely felt that. How is that supposed to be a punishment, master?" There is that word again. I thought I had gotten used to it, but the context changed it so much. ~"Oh. I meant to say principal."

I lift my hand from her skirt-covered butt where it once again decided to linger without my conscious input.

She bites her lip and braces herself.

A slap would echo through the temple if she didn't have thick fur.

Her tail twitches again, this time, definitely staying awake and alert. Her muscles all tense up and she lets out the tiniest moan.

~"I thought you were planning to teach me something. Harder." She demands without any of the previous curiosity remaining in her voice. Like the flip of a switch, her persona changed completely.

All her innocence has been washed away, replaced with a kind of seductive sex appeal I haven't seen or heard before. Not even Zoey was like that when drunk.

I really shouldn't continue.

Still, I lift my hand once more. I use the other to displace her non-standard mini skirt, so there is no fabric to cushion the blow.

Her tail wags slowly in anticipation. She's waiting for it to happen. But it would be really irresponsible of me to continue. I really should stop right now.

... My eyes drift around the room. I feel watched.

Her head turns to look up at me. A smirk is etched on her face and she wags her tail once more to get my attention back to where it matters right now.

"You've been a good bunny, you know?" Winning the gym on her own, saving our lives in the rock slide, dealing most of the damage against Hatterene...

Her smirk falters.

"But recently, you've been a very bad girl."

I smack her butt with all my might. She rocks forward and lets out a loud moan. Her tiny shirt jiggles together with the small mounds hidden underneath. Her meaty thighs and butt feel like striking a rock-hard muscle with a thin layer of fat and fur as a cushion.

She bites down on her finger to stifle her moan, but her tail can't hide the way she feels right now.

~"Hnng-- I should be a bad girl more often, don't you think?" She rubs her butt against my hand, raising it higher, so my hand ends up lower.

I'm going to hell. People will lynch me if they ever find out what I'm doing to my pokemon.

I feel something wet brush against the tip of my finger. It takes me a moment to realize what it is but I pull away as soon as I understand.

It was her no-no-place.

... Her... I shouldn't even be thinking of that word... Her poke-pussy.

"We should stop. I've taken the joke too far, I'm sorry."


I pull my legs away from underneath her.

"I can stand up now if I bite through the pain. I can look for a way out."

My discarded shirt quickly finds its way into my hands before I push myself up and get ready to flee-- escape-- look for a way out of the temple.

Just as I put my clothes over my head I feel a force pull at the back of the shirt, choking me for a moment before dropping me back down on the mattress.

Lopunny grapples and wrestles to get on top of me. She wrests the piece of garment out of my hands and throws it away.

~"There is no escape." She states as her thighs pin me in place.


AN: Content warning: Rape. Skip to the next author's note if it's not your cup of tea. ÷×÷×÷×÷

She crashes down on my stomach, knocking the air from my lungs, and sends pain through my injury.

Did she mean we can't get out of the temple? Or... I can't escape from her?

"W--" Before I can finish, she slams her face against mine, tongue plunging deep inside my mouth, swirling like she's digging for treasure.

I need to breathe.

Instinctively, I try to gasp air through my open mouth, but it only invites Lopunny deeper inside.

I breathe through my nose, she floods my senses. Her warm body, her heart beating like a drum. Sweet caramel and hazelnut. Why does she always smell so good?

I can't remember when it became my favorite flavor. Was it the day we got ice cream together?

Wait? What was that noise? It sounded a lot like... My belt!

I can't get distracted! I have to push her off!

But I can't! Her arm snaked around the back of my neck! She sticks to my face like glue!

Her other hand fumbles at my belt buckle, pulling and tugging--

I need to stop her! But I can't move!

~"Mwah." She ends the kiss, a string of saliva connecting us until she moves too far. ~"Why don't men wear skirts for quick access?"

She lets go of my face and I push her off as fast as I can. Her thighs keep us locked together.

A moist spot on my stomach grows wetter every second.


She doesn't stop. Her face scrunches up in concentration as she uses both hands to open the button and zipper on my pants.

She's distracted enough for me to sneak my hands around her legs and get hold of her pokeball.


It's not working! This temple blocks them somehow! I forgot!

She pulls down my pants before gently pulling her pokeball from my hands with a smile on her face that manages to send shivers down my spine.

Oh, fuck. Sweet Arceus! I really messed up. She's not stopping at all.

"Stop it, Lopunny! You can't do that!"

She looks down at me. Her head tilts 45 degrees, which would be cute if she wasn't about to rape me!

~"Why not?"

"Because it's wrong?"

~"How so?"

"Because I'm too young!"

~"No you aren't. I can smell you are an adult."

"It's illegal!"

~"Nu uh. I heard you say you can legally build a family, and I know how hatchlings are made."

"... I don't want it."

~"He says you do."

Her hand touches... my... thing through my underwear.

She moans. ~"He says he wants this just as much as I do."

It's my irrational flesh. My mind says it's too early-- no, it meant to say I shouldn't be doing this at all. Ever. Not just later. Never ever!

~"Stop wiggling around, master." She asks jokingly. ~"Or else I will have to tear your underwear off."

No, no, no--


I'm fully exposed.

~"I ordered you to stop wiggling." She lets out a cute chuckle as she slowly descends down my body, until her waist lines up with mine.

"A-as your principal, I forbid you from continuing."

~"Ah, ah, ah." She shushes me by placing her finger over my lips. ~"That game is over. Besides, I am a bad girl, I don't listen to his orders."

Then she leans down and we make contact.

Her soft chest presses against mine. Her fur tickles at my belly. Her heat bears down on my d- junk. She shifts the tiniest bit of weight on her pelvis and her pupils dilate as she lets out a desperate moan.

She feels like a warm, sopping-wet carpet.

"A-as your trainer, I order you to stop!"

She stops, but only to glare at me. ~"Well, this isn't a battle or training, isn't that right, master?"

It sure feels like a battle to me!

Her hand travels between our bodies and takes hold of my c-- special place.

~"Finally." Her fingers are gently, but firmly, wrapped around it. She doesn't wait any longer.

I can't see what she's doing. I can only feel her body against the tip of my p- thing. I can feel how she tries over and over again to insert my member into her slick, wet poke-p-- hole.

Pleasure and concentration alike twist her face. I wish I could hold her right now-- I mean, I wish she wouldn't do that!

And then I feel it. A tight, hot feeling around the very tip.

Moans echo through the temple.

Her movements finally stop as her stomach twitches with spasms. Breaths rush in and out of her mouth. Her eyelids close in euphoria.

I can-- I c- could pull out. But my mind is weak. It keeps sending ideas and images through my brain.

To thrust up, to pull her down, to kiss her, to bite her, to rip off her clothes, to dig my fingers through her fur; I could even do it all at the same time!

I'm scared.

A different terror grips my heart. One I've never felt before. I feel like puking.

This needs to end.

I should just pull out. Her muscles have slackened, I can move again. I can run away!

Why can't I do it?!

She moves again, propping herself up on my chest, lifting my c- manhood with herself. She hovers over me, still connected. Out of breath. Sweat slickens her fur. Eyes wide, smile bright.

In one fell swoop, she lets herself plop down and impales herself on me.

Her orgasm follows immediately after. I can hear it loudly, I can feel her insides squeezing around my p-- member in violent convulsions.

My hands reach out to grapple something on their own. They find purchase in her supple ass after brushing her skirt aside and around her shoulder.

I pull her as close as I can.

My face finds itself pushed against her neck. I'm breathing in her caramel-hazelnut scent deeply, burning it deeper into my mind.

I can't stop myself. I'm cumming inside my Lopunny.

Darkness creeps in from the edges of my vision.

Exhaustion, fatigue, everything is just too much.

I give up. I'll let the sleep win today.


AN: Continue here if you skipped. ÷×÷×÷×÷


Consciousness comes back to me like a fog lifting itself under the glare of the morning sun. Except, it's Lopunny staring at me.


... She actually, no-joke raped me.

Her finger draws circles over my chest.

I can't believe it.

What is wrong with me? How am I so pathetic? I lost control over my own pokemon, and she raped me.

She rubs her chin across my shoulder.

Well, at least she didn't kill me. I know there are cases where trainers got mauled to death by their rebelling pokemon.

She was rather gentle in her rebellion all things considered.

Still, I am a failure as a trainer.

~"... Hi?" She tries again.

The results of our unholy union slowly cool on my groin. Her body heat, which is usually comforting and calming, feels oppressive and smothering.

Part of me wants to run away and hide, another part wants to put Lopunny in her pokeball for a long time...

~"... Master?"

But the loudest voice in my head screams at me: I can't live without her.

~"I'm sorry for headbutting you." She did that? ~"I kinda passed out too, I didn't mean to knock you out."

Good grief... What am I supposed to do? Who would I even ask for advice? Mom? I had sex with my pokemon, what should I do next?

... Would she call Officer Jenny on me? For being a deviant freak?

This has to stay a secret. Just like the massage... Massages. Plural.

How much of this is my fault?

I could have drawn the line much earlier.

This really was my fault, wasn't it?

It wasn't truly such a terrible experience... Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Either way, I pretended that worse things had never happened before.

Like when that Miltank force-fed Buneary breast milk... Fuck. Let's get that memory buried again. Right next to this one.

~"Master?" She's pleading. Begging for me to respond. Her ears, which usually go up before bending down, are pressed flat against the back of her head.

I take a deep breath. "Yes, Lopunny?"

Motion travels through her ears. I can read her like an open book. Hope crossed her mind, and then she went right back to her anxious, current self.

~"I- I... I want to use my final wish now."

I can feel my eyelid twitch on its own.

~"For my third wish... I want you to forgive me."

Is it weird that I want to say yes? I should be angry with her. I want to be angry with her!


She's not even sorry. She just doesn't want me to hate her... I don't think I could hate her.

"We're not doing this again, alright?"

She nods way too quickly.

"Are you sure that you understood me correctly?"

~"Yes, don't worry! I won't grape you again, I swear!" Did she say grape? ~"Funny thing, really." Funny?! ~"I had the urge to do it for a while, but it's gone now. So don't worry! I won't do it again."

... Wait, what?

An urge? Like a natural drive to do it?

Why would she-- Oh. Oh, no!

"A-are you going to lay an egg now?!"

She lets me lift her up so I can see the damning evidence dripping out of her.

"Oh, no! I haven't even thought about that! How the hell am I supposed to explain that to the girls?! Uhhh, yeah. I don't know where it came from. Nobody knows. Fuck! That only works on children!"

~"Ahhh! I'm too young to be a mother! I have no idea how to raise a hatchling! Master! You need to raise it!"

"Ahhh! You're seriously just going to push it all on me?!"


~"Guyss? It's not mating sseason."



~"Ssstop ssscreaming!"



~"You can't lay eggs yet, sstupid. It's not the right time of the year and you are still too young to lay eggs."

Lopunny lets out a deep sigh of relief.

~"Ah... Right. Don't glare at me, master! I didn't know!"

~"Wha-- Why do I get the glare now?" Salandit asks.

"You and Riolu didn't stop her!"

~"Sorry!" Riolu shouts from a safe distance.

~"Well, you clearly wanted it, and even if you didn't, we couldn't stop her. I told you a few days ago, you were fucked."

... She did. Yesterday.

"Fuck me-- I mean don't! Good grief."

At least we don't have to worry about an egg plopping out of her. Fucking hell, that was irresponsible of me. What if one of the girls had done that to me? I can't just get someone pregnant!

And what the hell was that urge if it wasn't nature calling her to breed? Good fucking grief! Pokemon are weird!

~Master?" Riolu approached. Worry etched itself deeply into her face.

"Riolu, Salandit..."

They really don't stand a chance on their own. Maybe with my directions, the two of them could beat her, but I wasn't in any state to give out strategic advice.

"I forgive you both. You're both too weak. I get it."

~"... Ouch, masster. That was mean."

It was mean of them to let Lopunny rape me.

~"... Mean, but true, Salandit. We both need to become much stronger."

~"Hmhm! And then it's our turn to have our way with masster!"

Salandit said what?

"Oi! What the hell?! No more raping!"

~"It's not rape if you want it." She wags her eyebrows at me. She doesn't have eyebrows, so it's just the skin above her eyes moving up and down.

I roll my eyes. I will need to get a lot stronger too if I want to be able to keep my pokemon in check. Today, Lopunny rebelled and it was only my virginity that died; it could have been me. I can't let that happen again.

~"Master?" Lopunny asks. ~"What about my wish?"

Forgiveness... "Let me think on that for a while."

Suddenly someone's stomach growls, and I take it as the signal to do my job as a trainer. It's not just an excuse to distract myself. I swear.


I quickly clean myself up as best as I can without abundant water - I still reek - and get dressed in a new pair of underwear, a shirt, and a pair of pants.

Lopunny wanted to keep being disgusting for a while longer to show off to Riolu and Salandit. Yuck. At least she cleaned up before I finished prepping the food.

Inside this enclosed space, we can't use any fire, so it's pellets for dinner again.

~"Again?" Lopunny complains before digging in.

But the stomach growling doesn't stop.

Each of my pokemon got their food already and is eating. And they didn't skip breakfast today either. They can't get sick, so that's not the reason why they are still hungry.

Maybe Lopunny is eating for two after all?


It is coming... from me?


From my... back?


My back is seriously hungry. Just kidding, who sneaked under my shirt?!

I grab at it and pull it out. It feels like some kind of worm. Long body with nubby wiggling legs, bulbous head... It's a Sewaddle!

However, she's naked and doesn't wear her leafy hood. She uselessly tries to grab the nonexistent leaf over her head to hide herself.


"What did she say?"

~"She sssaid not to eat her. Can we eat her?"

"Sewa Sewa!" She struggles to get out of my hand, but I hold her in a good grip between two pairs of legs.

"We're not eating her. Besides, she must have come from somewhere. That means there must be a way out. Keep up, Salandit."

Grrr This was Salandit growling in anger.

Grrr That was Sewaddle's cartoonishly loud stomach.

"Sewaddle. Sewaddle!"

Lopunny suddenly collects her food pellets and starts digging in faster.

~"She said she is hungry but will only lead us out if we give her some food." Riolu translates.

Lopunny speaks through a full mouth. ~"She can't have mine!"

"Sewaddle." Sewaddle glares at Riolu. Did she make a mistake in translation?

~"She said she is hungry."


~"Okay! She said she is hungwy."

Awe. Cute.

"You can have some of my food. I have fresh greens for you too."

I offer her one of my kinda gross pellets, and she devours it in no time while still held in my hand.

Then she demolishes a whole cabbage head from my backpack. It was as large as her whole body.

"Are you still hungry?"

It's a rhetorical question. Of course, she is full now. I'm just asking so she can show us the way out--

She nods her head.

She's still hungry. "You're a very hungry caterpillar, aren't you?"

Another nod of her head.

"Alright, you can have another cabbage once you've shown us the way out."

Her eyes squint in mistrust until I pull out the next cabbage. Saliva drips down the tiny fangs at the corners of her mouth, and her eyes become wide as saucers.

One of her many nubby legs points in a random direction, but I can't quite tell which way. Her legs are just too tiny and nubby.

"That way?" She shakes her head and I adjust my aim until I point at one of the backrooms. That's when she nods.

Riolu and I shift our attention to Lopunny.

"That is one of the rooms you were supposed to check for an exit. Did I see that right, earlier?"

Riolu crosses her arms and taps her foot.

Lopunny looks down in shame. ~"I'm sure it was very well hidden."


I can tell that Sewaddle disagrees by the way Lopunny's ears begin to deflate.

~"It's a large hole in the corner of the ceiling. Behind it is a very deep cave."

What was a Sewaddle doing, spelunking in a cave?


"Alright, alright. Calm down, here is your cabbage."

I try to put her down to let her have her food but she clings to my hand and doesn't seem to want to leave.

"What's the matter?"

"Sewaddle..." She shivers.

"Are you cold?" A nod.

Ah, that makes sense. She is naked after all. And it would explain why she hid herself in my clothes. "Why are you naked?

"Sewa..." A tiny blush forms on her tiny cheeks.

~"She said she ate it."

Huh. Must have been very hungry.

Anyway, I wrap her up in one of my last remaining clean shirts and begin preparations to leave this temple, and any memories I may or may not be successfully forgetting, behind.

Step one. Make photographs of all the paintings. It involves Palkia and Dialga, so I'm sure that Team Galactic could make use of the information that must be hidden here.

... As I use my phone, I spot the wallpaper. It's still Buneary and I on the ferry to Canalave City. It feels like forever ago.

She used to be so cute and feisty, that I could barely get her to pose for the picture. The world was joyful and filled with hope for the future. The father and the little girl who took the picture have died. Probably. I don't know what happened to them.

Ha. Ha. I can't believe the biggest worry in my life was whether or not that angler guy sold us a crap fishing rod.

Then... death. Sacrifice. Traitors, and the scum of the earth. Uncaring gods, and a dying universe.

And my very own guardian angel, who was with me through all of it, decided to rape me.

... Why?

The picture I took of Arceus turned out to be blurry, so I wiped my eyes and tried again.

I guess I get why she did it. Pokemon aren't human. They think differently. She had an urge and she followed it through. It's not her fault for being like that.

Looks like that is the hole Sewaddle mentioned. I can't believe Lopunny didn't see that. Is she blind? No, just stupid. I bet she did something dumb like looking for it on the ground, because: Stuff is usually on the ground, therefore an exit would be too.

Heh. I would bet money on that being the reason.

I think I will get another drink once we're back in civilization.

... I should call my mom too. Even though I can't tell her everything, I think I would like that a lot.

... What would Lucas say if he knew? Would he just be making fun of me, tell me I'm disgusting, or would he try to be there for me?

He was a dick, but he always pulled through when it came down to it.

Barry would definitely think I'm gross. I can't let him know.

The phone is still at 80%. Poketch did a really great job with that model. I heard of some shitty phone models that drain the batteries even when the phone is not in use. Phones for losers.

One more sequence of paintings and I'm done.

Salandit and Lopunny are talking about something. It's too quiet but Lopunny seems proud, while Salandit has a resigned look on her face. Lopunny makes a joke, maybe, and Salandit chuckles for a bit.

Sewaddle has finished her second cabbage, left her clothing cocoon, and has begun spinning her own clothes. A little-known fact: The leaves around her body aren't leaves at all. It's her imitation of leaves, made from silk and digested plant matter.

Riolu watches me work. Now she stands up and heads my way.


She doesn't reply. Instead, she hugs my leg and then sits down nearby to watch me work some more.

I don't ask why. I don't want to hear a: Felt like you needed it. Or a similar variation of it.

I retake the final picture a few times until I can get the focus right.

... It won't work.

"Alright. I give up." I sit down and Riolu moves to sit on my lap. "Thanks."

She lets me pet her, hug her, and squeeze her tightly.

~"I don't get it, but I'm here for you."


~"They are here for you too, they are just too stupid do to it on their own."

"Heh. I know."


This is it.

I've cataloged every painting and pattern of lines, every room, and everything I remember of the wall mechanism.

The camp is packed up, everyone is fed, and ready to go.

My bones are fine. They might end up hurting if I have to climb up a wall or something like that.

This is actually the first thing I will need to do to get out since the hole is near the ceiling. Salandit is currently--


Salandit finished securing a rope somewhere inside the cave.

Considering the layout of the temple, the hole is in the left-most corner of the building. I guess it's the very edge of the area that was transported here.

The temple was clipped at the edge and there just happens to be a cave on the other side.

The universe works in mysterious ways.

~"Are you sure you don't want me to carry you up?" Lopunny asks, and I remain firm in my decision.

She sighs and then jumps from one wall to the other in a feat of insane acrobatics, and then into the hole.

~"Ah!" - ~"Ouch! Hey! Watch where you're going!" - ~"Sorry!" I think she crashed into Salandit.

Sewaddle grabs the rope with all six of her legs and slowly scales up. Stat-wise, Sewaddle is one of the fastest caterpillar-like pokemon. However, this doesn't mean she is any more mobile than the rest of them.

Riolu insists on being last, so I'm next.

Each time I pull myself up with my right arm, stinging pain shoots through my torso. The fracture might not have fully healed yet after all.

Or perhaps it's just the bruising. The discoloration won't go away anytime soon either. Potions can't heal that because it's just blood under the skin.

After a few more painful maneuvers, I pull myself over the edge of the hole, into the tiny cave beyond, and turn up the flashlight only to realize that I'm in for a world of hurt.

We're at the bottom of a deep hole. Some kind of chasm, thousands of years of erosion has carved out a natural-- No, actually, are those support pillars up there? And that's the kind of mark a pickaxe would leave on stones.

It's an abandoned mine. Every few meters is a section to stand on, and I think I can spot some remains of an ancient rope.

They went deep into the earth. Did they chase a mineral?

Or is it a mix of a mine and a natural cavern? I'm usually not wrong when I enter into my describing mode.

Eh. Doesn't matter. What matters is that they haven't left a ladder. I have no option but to climb up the wall.

Salandit scouts ahead to secure ropes every couple of meters. Luckily, the hole doesn't go straight down so it's not impossibly difficult for a poor injured man like me.

"What were you doing all the way down here, Sewaddle?"


Riolu dutifully translates. ~"She tried to hide from a Starly, but fell down the hole."

Starly... Rats of the sky.


~"The rocks are slippery near the top, so she couldn't get out."


~"But then she heard a human in distress and realized he could be her ticket out of the hole, and out of the wilderness too."

"Oh? You want to join the team later?"

"Se!" She nods.

"Are you a great fighter?"


"Well, very few bug types are great fighters on their first stage of evolution. But do you want to become one?"


"That's good. In that case, welcome to the team."

"Se-- Sewaddle!" She bows politely.

~"Master, are you sure it's wise to let her join just like that?" Lopunny asks.

And Lopunny is right. Usually, I would let her prove her worth once we are back on the surface; pokemon need a hierarchy. But... maybe I should let them feel some jealousy for a bit.

I am petty, so what?

"Nah. She has convinced me already. You know what, hop on Sewaddle, I will carry you up the rest of the way."

She follows my suggestion but hides her head under the hood of her leaf clothing while the other girls glare at her.

~"No fair! Carry me too, masster!"

~"Let me carry you at least!"

Only Riolu accepts my decision immediately, and I almost want to make an exception and carry her too... But Sewaddle is already the weight limit for me right now.

She is light and holds on to my left arm while I climb, so she doesn't affect my climbing, but any more weight, and I might as well give up.

It really hurts a lot.

I will resume my personal training and aura practice twice-- no, three-fold, as soon as I can so this never happens again!

"Sewaddle." She says as I am about to grab a nice-looking rock on the wall to climb further.

~"She says this is the slippery region."

The what-- My hand slipped!

Three things happened in an instant.

Salandit reached out to grab my slipping arm and use her own gecko-like properties to keep me bound to the wall.

Lopunny made sure she could jump up and catch me before I picked up too much speed during a fall.

Riolu's eyes started glowing blue in preparation to use Confusion, using her psychic powers to push me closer to the wall again.

"Thanks, girls."

Maybe I'm being too harsh on them. They are really reliable when it comes down to it. It was the first - probably only - time they ever disappointed me.

"Salandit, can you use incinerate on the area above us? Keep the flames small, just burn away the algae or fungus or whatever it is. Please don't burn up all our oxygen."


I should still go through with their punishment. They won't learn otherwise. But I can tone it down at least.

The tunnel above us fills with smoke and steam. "Less power."

The rock cracks and fragments pop out of the walls before raining down on us.

Lopunny uses her ears to protect us.

I sit down on the ground, dangling my feet down the hole and leaning my back against the slowly warming rock wall as Salandit clears the way.


~"Yes, master?"

"I will forgive you."


All that's left is to wait for the smoke to clear, for the heat to become manageable, to climb to the surface, and then find civilization.

"Yeah. But I'm still going to punish you three."


... I'm looking forward to civilization. I could really use a bath right now.

Next chapter