
Training Day

I stood in front of a sign in Kurosaki Plaza and waited for Himeko to arrive. Bip looked around in her Slime Form on her shoulder. I was texting Mae while I waited for Himeko.

{Mae: Are you sure about this? This woman practically came out if nowhere and proclaims you her boyfriend and you're only 19. Do you not see a problem with this?}

{Me: You worry too much. I've never witnessed you text this many words in one message. (~_~)}

{Mae: I'm looking out for you. Himeko is 15 years older than you.}

{Me: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯}

{Mae: ...}

"Yoshida!~" Himeko called out to me as she ran toward me.

"Himeko is here, Yoshi!~ Pi pi pi!~" Bip said then transformed into a necklace.

{Me: Himeko is here. I gotta go.}

{Mae: Alright. Keep me updated.}

I put my phone away and looked at Himeko. She wore a blue turtleneck sweater, black leggings, and brown boots. Her hair was styled in a ponytail with black hair clips in her hair.

"Sorry if I'm late~ The train ran late." Himeko smiled at me.

"No worries, I only got here a minute ago myself." I said. "You look amazing."

Himeko blushed a bit and giggled. "Thank you, and you look dashing yourself~"

My cheeks began to heat up and became a bit rosy. "So...this training is a date?"

"Mhm!~ I'm gonna help you get your dating skills up." Himeko smiled at me.

"I'm gonna let you know, I'm flat out broke. I spent my money on the girls two days ago." I said. "I don't get my payment until tomorrow."

"That's fine~ I'll pay for everything today~" Himeko said and held my arm. "Also, you're pretty tall for being 19~"

I smiled at her. "Well the growth spurts did happen when I was around 16. Anyway, where are we going?"

"I have a few places in mind~" Himeko said. "Let's go~"

Rimuri and Mae watched from a distance. Mae watched with her binoculars and felt Rimuri poking her side. She sighed and looked at Rimuri.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm hungry..." Rimuri said and gave her puppy eyes.

Mae looked back in her binoculars. "They are heading into a Starbucks so we can get something to eat there. Come on before they get too far away."


Himeko and I sat at a table and chatted for a bit while we waited for our coffee and breakfast sandwiches.

"Oh~ I didn't know you were that smart..~ It's always the cute antisocial ones..~" Himeko smiled at me and held my hand.

I blushed and smiled a bit. "W-Well..."

Rimuri gasped then Mae stuffed her mouth with break so Rimuri wouldn't make too much noise.

"I didn't let you tag along so you can screw this up. I have to know what she's up to." Mae said as she watched from table a distance away from us.

Rimuri held the wrapper in her hand and gobbled down the bread. "How dare she touch my human in such a way.."

Himeko stared into my eyes and smiled. "Has anyone ever told you, you have beautiful eyes..?~"

"I mean, Orimi has on occasion. And Fujin." I said. I knew she was making me fall in love with her but I knew for this training I had to make her fall for me. "But my eyes couldn't compare to yours...it's as beautiful as the ocean..~"

Himeko blushed and felt her heart flutter. "My my~ Who knew you were good at flirting..~"

"I wanted to compliment you yesterday when I saw you, but I was too busy trying to figure out why you wanted to meet. Now that everything's out the way, I can actually...express my words on how beautiful you truly are..~" I softly said.

"Ooohh~ Rawr..~ You're getting me all riled up..~" Himeko cooed and bit her bottom lip.

"What the fuck.." Rimuri said softly. "Look how she's moving. It's like those mating humans before they mate. Do you think she wants to mate with him?"

"Hard to say, but I know he's pushing all the right buttons." Mae said and took a bite out of her breakfast wrap. She held it to Rimuri and Rimuri took a bite from it. Mae looked at the wrap and noticed Rimuri had taken a large bite. "Bruh. Why?"

"Shorry.." Rimuri said.

"You're lucky I got four." Mae said.

Himeko heard her number getting called and got up to get the coffees and breakfast sandwiches. She brought them back over to our table and sat down. "Alright so, let's talk business for a second."

"Mhm?" I replied.

"How do you feel about transferring to Yahoma Academy? Yahoma is close to cities like Yukihori and Fujitori so you won't be bored around there. The Yahoma Academy is also home to the great Yan Mei." Himeko said.

"Yan Mei?" I asked.

"She's an excellent Martial Artist and she's a future recruit for the MPT. I feel like you and her would get along." Himeko smiled.

"Hmm...It might take some convincing for Fujin to come with. I don't want to leave him behind. He is the one that helped me and Orimi break through our shells." I said.

"Always thinking about your friend and sister before yourself. I really like that about you..~ So considerate..~" Himeko said then took a sip of her coffee.

I smiled and took a sip of my iced coffee. "I have to. Wherever they go, I go. So if they choose to go, I go as well."

Himeko nodded. "There's no rush in transferring. It is a long process after all. We'll have to get your transcripts and financial aid and all that bullshit. As for your parental signature, I'll handle that..~"

I nodded and smiled. "Thanks."

"What could they be talking about?" Rimuri asked.

"Dunno, we are pretty far from them and all these other people are talking so their voice is drowned out." Mae said.

Rimuri watched a crew member set down a cup of coffee at their table. "Mae, what's that?"

Mae looked at the coffee then back at me and Himeko. "Coffee."

"Ooo~ I wanna try it~" Rimuri said and picked the cup up.

"Careful it's-"

Rimuri squeaked as she burned her mouth from the coffee.

"...hot.." Mae sighed. She noticed Himeko and I getting up. "Come on they're leaving."

"Buth whath abouth my thongue? It hurths!" Rimuri whined.

"Suck it up. Come on." Mae said then got up.


Himeko and I held hands as she lead me to the next place she wanted to go to. She walked toward the park and together we went in the park. Mae and Rimuri crept behind and she watched with her binoculars.

"So uhm...about the bad robot people. When are you quitting?" Rimuri asked.

"Soon. If what Himeko says is true, I will join the MPT and help save the monsters. But before I quit, I'm going to need more information about your kind. I want information on Yoshida as well. Surviving two monster attacks is more than a miracle, although I am thankful he did." Mae said.

Himeko and I strolled around the park and talked to each other. So far the date has been going smoothly. Himeko taught me things I should do more on dates. I began to learn a lot from her within the hour or two we spent together already.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the restroom real quick~ Wait for me okay?" Himeko said then kissed my cheek and hurried to the restroom.

I nodded and smiled then sat on a bench then got on my phone and decided to text Mae.

{Me: So far so good. No traps.}

{Mae: Yet.}

I smiled and rolled my eyes then went back to typing.

{Me: Don't be such a Debby Downer.}

{Mae: I dunno about this. It seems too good to be true.}

{Me: Why do you think that?}

{Mae: It sounds too perfect.}

{Me: You're being paranoid..}

{Mae: You're being careless.}

{Me: Mae.}

{Mae: Yoshida.}

Himeko came out the restroom and smiled at me. "Okay, you ready to go?~"

"Yeah." I smiled and put my phone in my pocket as I stood up.

Mae watched from the bushes and groaned softly. Rimuri swatted away some bees and squeaked. Mae noticed and grunted then ran off with Rimuri as the angry bees chased them.

"Why did you agitate them?!" Mae asked as she ran. "I'm allergic to bees!"

"I've got an idea!" Rimuri said then stopped and held her hand out at the bees. "Halt!"

The bees swarmed her and began to sting her. Rimuri cried out and began running again. Mae looked back at Rimuri and snickered then noticed wasps were now chasing them. They both screamed in fear as they ran away from the wasps.


Orimi sat on the couch, watching her soap operas and drinking her juice. Fujin sat in a recliner and watched videos on his phone.

"I wonder what Mae and Rimuri are doing." Orimi said then took a sip of her juice.

"Mmm...probably stalking Yoshida." Fujin said.

"I've got a question." Orimi said.

"Mhm?" Fujin said then looked at Orimi.

"Do you have a crush on Yoshida?" Orimi asked.

Fujin chuckled a bit and sat up. "No darling. I just enjoy teasing him is all. I don't have my eyes on anyone currently."

"Ahh okay. Sorry if I kinda offended you." Orimi said and looked at Fujin.

"You didn't offend me. Everyone knows I'm pansexual, but currently I'm just focusing on myself. I'm not even jealous of Yoshida's polygamous relationship with Mae and Rimuri. It's kinda fun to watch..~" Fujin smiled.

Orimi smiled and nodded. "It's a lot more lively around with those two around~"


Himeko held my arm as we walked around the mall. She was telling me about her life from 20 years ago. She's never had a significant other since she was always so busy battling against a monster apparently named Apeiron.

"Apeiron? Who's that?" I asked.

"She's known as the Original Monster...the monster that started the Monster Era. I believe she holds some significance in Rimuri's and Karasu's appearance though I'm not too sure yet." Himeko said.

"You said Mom was the one who defeated her? She must be extremely powerful.." I said.

Himeko smiled and nodded. "She is..~ Stronger than me for sure."

Mae and Rimuri watched us from the distance. Rimuri had all her bee and wasp stings healed by reconstructing her skin, but she was still a bit itchy. Mae stopped her from scratching the wounds on her arms.

"Damn they've been at this for hours.." Mae said.

"Maybe it is nothing and we are just paranoid. She isn't even a monster so I don't care too much." Rimuri said, resisting the urge to scratch her skin.

"Well I do. This incredibly good looking woman in her 30s comes and seduces Yoshida and now they are dating and on this date. Smells like trouble." Mae said.

"Well the reason I don't care is because she's helping Monsters like me. What more can someone like me ask for?~" Rimuri said and smiled brightly at Mae.

Mae pushed her face away and continued to watch us with her binoculars. "Hmph.."

I walked into a clothing store with Himeko. I walked with her to the women's section and helped her pick clothes I thought would look great on her for her age. She happily got the clothes in her size and we went over to the counter and she paid for them.

I kinda began to feel bad because she's been doing all the paying, but I had no money to repay her with. Himeko noticed I was feeling bad and gave me a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, love~ I don't mind paying..~" Himeko smiled at me.

"Yeah, but I kinda feel bad. The whole day you've been spending money.." I said and felt her caress my cheek.

"It's no worry, I'm fine with paying..~ All you gotta do is keep me happy and I'll do whatever you want me to..~" Himeko said softly to me. She leaned closer to my ear, whispering, "Anything...~"

I blushed and closed my eyes. She smiled and held my hand. We began to leave the mall and soon Mae and Rimuri followed behind. Once we left the mall, we began to head back to Kurosaki Plaza.

"I had a wonderful time with you today~" Himeko said then giggled softly.

I smiled at her and nodded. "I had a great time with you as well..~"

Himeko smiled and leaned forward and pecked my lips. "Until next time..~"

I nodded and watched her walk off. Bip had changed back into her slime form and sat on my shoulder.

"Good job, you even secured a kiss~ Ahh redheads~" Bip giggled.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Whatever, let's just get home."


I had made it home and sighed tiredly. "I'm home!"

I walked in the living room and noticed Mae on her computer and Rimuri trying her hardest to act normal. She sat in The Thinker pose and stared at the floor.

"Wow Mae, the floor is made out of...floor." Rimuri said.

"Affirmative. The floor is indeed made out of floor." Mae said.

"I know you two were following me." I chuckled and walked toward them and rubbed their heads. "I'm back in one piece. No traps. No backdoors. Nothing. I'm perfectly safe~"

Mae blushed and grumbled a bit. "Yeah okay..." She hated to admit she was wrong.

"I wasn't too worried, I only wanted to tag along on the adventure and what an adventure it's been." Rimuri giggled.

I smiled and chuckled. "I'm gonna get some rest...I am a bit tired."

"Affirmative. Rest well." Mae said and looked at them.

I kissed their foreheads and went to my room for the evening. I noticed Orimi in my room cleaning and she turned to me and smiled.

"Welcome home!~ Fujin left a while ago to do some shopping~ I cleaned your room for you..~" Orimi said with a blush.

I walked over to her and rubbed her hair. "Thanks..~ I'm gonna get some shut eye. Been a long day."

"I bet~ Sleep well!~" Orimi smiled and trotted out my room, closing the door.

I smiled and set my things down and flopped in the bed. "Yahoma Academy...I wonder what that's all about.."
