
Lin Sunji's realization

Across the street, Lin Sunji waited for the boy to return.

A while later, the boy came back with the exact amount of money in his hand.

"Here." He handed the money to Lin Sunji and scolded, "Next time you sell something, you should have change ready. What if the next customer isn't as considerate as I am and wants their change right away?"

Lin Sunji didn't like being reprimanded by a random stranger, even if that stranger was her only repeat customer.

"Then I won't sell to them. It's not like I'll lose anything because they didn't buy."

The boy gave her a strange look. "How do you expect your business to last if you act like this?"

"Ah, just stop nagging me. Anyway, you bought it. There's no taking it back." Lin Sunji counted the money. "Hmm. Since you're my first customer, I'll give you the next basket for free."

"No need. You already gave me a lot of free stuff last time."

The boy adjusted his glasses and left.
