
Mew in the world of httyd (maybe multiverse)

I was thinking either a person same premise as my other HTTYD fanfic idea earlier is reincarnated as a newborn mew into the world of how to train your dragons so just my earlier idea but the person is a mew who interacts with Hiccup I don't know if he should reveal his or her ability to speak through telepathy during Hiccups time or not but the mc will for sure talk to the kids in the nine realms series. So the start I'm thinking after talking to god, wishes, or just straight out our mc just finds him or herself in a dark space hears things nearby and breaks out of the egg finding themselves that they have become a mew. After hatching, the mc realizes the people in front of him/her are Hiccup and the gang after the first movie, and in this story, the mc is similar to the mew in the pokemon anime always loving to do pranks while also helping out Hicuup and the group throughout the series. The mc will have to all the pokemon moves just like normal mew as well as turning into other pokemon, but I don't know if the mc will need to train for the moves and turning into other pokemon upto the author. Most pokemon forms will be used for pranks like turning into haunter or other ghost types to spook people or other forms for what the form has like if it has bladed arms, a heavy weight or just being big and able to carry people, like if Hiccup or someone falls into the water or the group just wants to relax the mc can become lapras for a person or a giant wailord for a relaxed travel. But the mc won't have access to certain legendary pokemon and their special moves until the mc matures as a mew, not that he/she would need them in the world of HTTYD but thats why I said maybe multiverse because since Dragons the nine realms isn't finished yet I thought once the author reaches the end of Hiccups story the HTTYD 3 and the nine realms series still hasn't finished maybe have the mc during the supposed 1,300 years before the nine realms series start during that time our mc does world hopping like the story The Journey of Mew by LaughingSnowFox or the author can have mew do the world hopping throughout the story this is where the legenday pokemon forms come into play or they could just scratch out the multiverse idea and have the mc just hibernate in the hidden world until the nine realms series start in which case I think it would be cool if our mc uses the little bubble barrier mew usually does for the hibernation and during the time skip a crystal forms around the mc and he wakes upto the kids from the nine realm series finding him/her wondering if the mc is somehow alive or a creature that's been preserved in crystal then the mc drops the bubble barrier and breaks out to their surprise and introduces him or herself as mew and you get the idea he hangs out with them sometime using mews invisibility it does in the anime sometimes ditto to mimic a normal creature like a cat or dog while promising the dragons he'll keep an eye on the kids until they come back and follow the kids when they have to go back to the research station our character will still even reaching this point still do little pranks I hope and maybe the author will use the mc to speed up the revealing of the dragons to the kids parents as I say upto the author on what they do.

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