
Something Found

Hot and exhausted, William ducked through the flap to his tent and peeled his sweat soaked shirt from his back. He was startled by a gasp while his shirt was still obscuring his eyes.

Ah, fuck. He'd completely forgotten Joan would still be in his tent.

William stood, shirtless and still. He looked down. Joan was sitting on the ground and gazing up at him in surprise but also with obvious admiration. Her eyes roamed over his exposed chest and belly.

Feeling his face turn uncomfortably hot, he quickly crossed the tent in two steps and pulled out a clean shirt from his satchel. "Sorry," he muttered as he tugged it on. "I forgot about you being here."

The young woman was wide eyed. "What happened to your shoulder, my lord?"

"A battle a few weeks ago with the Moraigthians." William said. "It's healing well enough, though. And at least it's not my sword arm."

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