


Theon POV

Even though I only spent one night in this room, it annoyed me to no end. I could break the door, kill the guard, and leave, but I didn't because I believed in my sister. While I stayed here, I started planning my future actions. Too bad I didn't have a map, but from what I knew, there were two castles between Golden Tooth and sunset sea.

If I took those castles, the whole north of the Westerlands would be mine. Fair isle wouldn't be too hard to take. As much as I knew the Lannister had a small fleet, it would break under the Iron fleet. Then there was Lannisport and Casterly Rock. The city I would somehow manage, but Casterly Rock was a different beast entirely.

I know there was some weakness to the Lannister seat, but I can't remember it. Well, I will find it sooner or later. But I was starting to worry about holding my new lands and castles. Even if I took all these lands, it would take time to control them fully. The villagers and farmers would probably flee if they saw us. But I needed those farms to feed the Iron Islands.

And there still was the Tyrells. I don't think Stannis will be able to contest with them for now. Well, maybe if the Riverlands and the Vale joined him. But that would make Stannis a bit too strong for my liking. The Iron Islands alone won't be able to stand against him, and I didn't want to kneel to him just for servitude.

Stannis wouldn't accept any peace treaty if he thought he could win. I needed allies. The North is out of the question. Robb fighting against his blood wouldn't be good. The only choice left is Dorne. I don't know if they would want to fight against Stannis. Wait, how could I have forgotten about the Dragon Queen?

I needed a hard minute to remember where she should be at this moment. Qarth? Astapor? Maybe she is already in Meereen. All I remember is that she stayed in Meereen for a long time. I quickly wrote those cities' names so I wouldn't forget them. As I scribbled some notes about Daenerys, there was a knock at the door before it was opened.

"Theon," An average-looking man greeted me. He had brown hair and eyes and a short, neat, grey beard. I had no idea who he was, so I kept silent. "You look better than the rumors would suggest."

"What rumors?" I asked, still trying to find out who he was.

"Lord Balon has reported that you were sick and needed to stay in your room to rest," The man was quite old.

"How many believed it?" I asked.

"Not many. Asha told me everything," He spoke as if he knew my sister and me well. Could he be a family member?

"Go to the point. Why are you here? You wouldn't be here if you believed in my father."

"Lord Balon has not been well for a while now. He barely sleeps, and when he does, he is tormented by nightmares," He didn't sound or look like Victorion, was he a member of my mother's side?

"How do you know of this? Are you his Maester?"

"As a good brother and well-read man, the Maester Qalen has discussed lord Balon's conditions with me on some occasions. Unfortunately, there wasn't much we could do. All that lord Balon would say after those nightmares were that his sons are dead."

"Did he finally start to blame his foolishness for my brothers' deaths?" Good brother? Now I remember. He is Rodrik Harlaw, my uncle. "Well, it doesn't matter much now. If you know of my father's condition, you should know that he isn't fit to rule and especially lead us to war, uncle."

"I am not too fond of attacking the North if that is what you wanted to know."

"I want to know if you would support me as your King," I said.

"Theon, it has been ten years since I saw you last."

"You don't trust me?" I asked. "I understand. You can't just believe some rumors that came from Greenlanders. All I can say is that I was taught together with Robb Stark, now King of the North. Lord Eddard Stark didn't treat me poorly, and I will acknowledge that I know little of sea warfare, but it wasn't luck that brought so many victories to me on the land."

"Is that so?"

"Yes," Well, luck was a part of my victories, but it was I who seized it. "I won't tell you to trust me, but you can at least believe in your nephew, your blood, can't you?"

"What are your plans?" He sat next to me and asked. I could see he was willing to hear me out, at least.

"Take the northern and western lands of the Westerlands. I already have Golden Tooth, so even if the Lannisters try to counterattack us, we can retreat through the Riverlands if necessary. Once we take Fair isle and western shore, we can think of how to tackle the rest of the Westerlands."

"What of the Reach? They won't stay still and let you do as you wish."

"They would have to deal with Stannis first, as I know most of the Reach is in King's Landing. If we strike fast, they wouldn't be able to do anything before it is too late. The Redwyne fleet isn't stronger than the Iron fleet, and Robb Stark would gladly sell us wood to build more ships."

"Robb Stark, can he be trusted?"

"Yes, and I am not saying it out of my naivety. Robb Stark would gladly help us to bring the Lannisters to their knees."

"What you do after?"

"Enough, uncle, my plan is way better than my father's," I didn't know how much I could trust him, so I stopped here for now. "I know the North. The western shore is a wasteland. With winter, there will be little farming land. We will find neither gold nor glory there. I will take you for a fool if you insist on these lands and definitely won't seek your counsel."

"As I said, I am not fond of attacking the North. But you're right. I heard what I wanted."

"Will you support me?"

"If there is a need for it, I will support you."

"You wanted to support my sister first, didn't you?"

"I know her better than I know you. She would be a great ruler of the Iron Islands."

"Then she will rule as my Hand if you trust her," I agreed with my uncle. "Now, I wonder how much the rest of my family trusts me?"

"Victorion will listen to Balon for now."

"Uncle Aeron?"

"He is a man of faith now, well respected though."

"No matter. If it comes to it, I will call for Kingsmoot. Once Asha finds the letter, I don't think many would find my father selling his only son to the Lannisters appealing."

"You are right about that. Even now, I can't believe it. What could Balon be thinking?"

"Maybe he doesn't like me and wants to get rid of me. Maybe he is afraid that I will threaten his position. Or perhaps he has become delirious."

"Lord Harlaw, the time is running out," The guard outside reported before we could speak more. "Soon, my replacement will come."

"It seems we have to end it here."

"Your man?" I asked, and my uncle nodded. "Can you make sure he is guarding me when the feast starts? I don't want to kill an Ironborn if it can be avoided."

"It shouldn't be a problem."

With that, my uncle left. Now I was sure I could do it. I could take the Seastone throne. Once Victorion sees how weak Balon is, he will support me. Aeron was a wild card, but he shouldn't be a problem with the rest of the family supporting me. And then there is Euron. I have no doubt he will try to kill me for this twisted goal.

I quickly took note of Euron, marking him as the most dangerous enemy. I can't remember what Euron wanted, but I remember that he killed many people to achieve his goal. I know he has killed his brothers before, so kinslaying isn't something he wouldn't do. There was nothing he wouldn't do to achieve what he wanted.

Tomorrow was the day of the feast prepared for all the lords of the Iron Islands. I was busy these days, writing letters and then using my squirrel Rocky to deliver them. It was annoying that it took a few hours to travel between Pyke to Lordsport. I would deliver the letters to Thoros, who would give them to Bronn or Anguy.

Bronn had his uses. As he couldn't read, he wouldn't know the contents of the letters. If he tried to sell me out, nobody would believe that I, who was locked in his room, somehow managed to deliver letters to them. Anguy wasn't a fool, and I trusted him, so there wasn't a problem with him.

Thoros seemed to accept my short explanation that I could warg into the squirrel, and he kept it a secret. My sister has asked several times how I could deliver these letters. She probably suspected someone in Pyke was working for me, and I let her think so too. There was no need to tell her or anyone else my little secrets.

Today, just out of boredom, I warged into Rocky and went around Lordsport. I was listening to what people were thinking. Most seemed happy about the upcoming feast, believing Lord Balon would order Ironborn to sail. Not many were concerned about where they would sail. However, I heard of a few men boasting about taking all the gold from the Lannisters.

I like hearing how men tried to boast their capabilities to join my fleet. As the night started to fall, I saw a group of armed men walk through the streets straight to the port. Curious, I followed them. It was a good thing I did as they went to the ship where Thoros was staying. I already suspected why they had come there.

My suspicions came true as I watched the armed men dismiss the captain and go inside. They brought out of the deck Thoros, lady Allysane Lefford, and Martyn Lannister. Thoros decided not to resist even if he was handled quite roughly. I knew that these men were my father's. It made me furious. I would probably have killed those men if I were in my body.

I didn't tell anyone about my prisoners, so one of the sailors probably told someone in the tavern, and the word spread. I knew what Balon was trying to do. He would question me about having Thoros there as my companion and hiding the high-value prisoners from him. It was fine.

I will let him have some hope in controlling me. At least for a day, but tomorrow at the feast, I will crush him and tarnish his reputation. I will not let him do as he wishes any longer. At first, I would have locked him in his chamber and let him spend the rest of his days there, but now I will put him on a boat and let the winds take him.

I wonder how many would care for him then. The fool thinks he can play with me. I will show what happens to those who piss me off. And I was pissed, but I controlled myself. I stayed in Rocky's body as I knew that if I returned now, I would have broken the door, locking me, and gone straight to my father.

Thoros was family to me by now. If Balon hurt him in any way, I would throw him from the bridge connecting the castle's towers. I knew he walked through those bridges often. It wouldn't be hard to intercept him.

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