
Chapter 330: Escaped Beast

"Doctor Camen, how is our patient?" Asked an older man as he suddenly opened the door that led to a large room full of technological medical equipment, which was currently positioned beside a bed.

"Haa, I think you should see for yourself, Sir Anaa." Replied Camen softly with a complicated expression as he lowered his clipboard and glanced at Anna while gesturing to the bed, causing him to furrow his brows.

Walking forward, I grabbed the curtain that hid the bed and gently pulled it open as I laid my eyes upon the human-monkey patient connected to various life-support equipment, yet I couldn't help but be taken aback when I noticed his condition.

"W-What is this? D-Did the genetic analyzers make a mistake?" Asked Anna with widened eyes full of disbelief as he stared at the patient before glancing at Camen, who softly shook his head.

"No, they didn't, Sir; I used other genetic analyzers just to be sure, but the results were the exact same. This man… He's quirkless." Replied Camen lightly as he handed Anna the clipboard while gazing at the patient.

(Note: I'd just like to add I stopped reading MHA around the time when Deku fought that weird magician dude with the obsessive fan, so don't expect a whole bunch of details and whatnot like I what I do with One Piece.)

I was completely stunned at Camen's words; the patient before me looked completely different from when he was first brought to the hospital. As a matter of fact, it's beyond miraculous that he was still alive after suffering such vicious and severe injuries; I was almost certain whatever quirk he had was the sole reason he even managed to live. However now…

"W-Wait, n-no quirk? B-But h-how? How is that even possible when he looks like that?" Asked Anna in pure confusion as he rubbed his head while intently staring at the patient before looking at Camen, who sighed.

"That brings me to the second thing I wished to mention; this man, if we could even call him such, isn't human. The DNA results were too different; whatever he is… it's something that's never appeared before." Stated Camen solemnly as he looked at the patient, his eyes containing both fear and excitement, something Anna happened to catch.

"A-A new species?" Muttered Anna in shock as he stared at the patient, still trying to process such surprising information.

"I-I've safely hidden the DNA results until you've arrived, Sir Ann; it's your call; what shall we do?" Asked Camen softly as he glanced at Anna, who snapped out of his thoughts and furrowed his brows.

"L-Let's keep it hidden for now; if this creature shows intelligence and is capable of complex speech, the last thing I'd want is to hand him over to the government. I'm sure you could imagine the hell he'd experience." Replied Anna sternly as he handed the clipboard to Camen, who nodded in agreement.

"I thought the same as well, Sir Anna. Though what shall we do with him now? Even though it's only been a single night, he's healed so much; he's gone through nearly 150 IV bags, but still, at this rate, he'll be fully healed or close to it within two more days." Said Camen softly with a nod as he glanced at Anna with a faint smile before furrowing his brows and pointing to the trash in the corner, which was overflowing with empty IV bags.

"We'll remove the life-support systems one by one, and if there is no negative change, we'll just keep him connected to the IV bags." Stated Anna lightly as he approached the bed, fiddling around with one of the many devices before pushing it away while intently eyeing the heart rate monitor, checking for any changes.

"Got it, sir, Anna. Also, we'll be required to inform the police about him; he did happen to fall right in the middle of the road and nearly caused a pile-up." Remarked Camen with a nod as he assisted Anna, who inwardly groaned before nodding.

For the next few hours, we removed all the life-support systems until the only thing connected to him was the heart-rate monitor and the IV bag, which needed to be changed every ten or so minutes while his body healed at an astonishing speed for having no quirk, though it seemed at the cost of an exorbitant amount of energy.

"Alright, Doctor Camen, keep a close eye on him, and don't allow anyone in this room. I still have a few other patients to check upon." Said Anna as he glanced at Camen, who nodded, only to turn around and exit the room.



Finally coming to after who knows how long, I opened my eyes with a slight flutter of my eyelids, only to be hit with bright light, causing me to growl in annoyance as I raised my hand, covering my face. After adjusting to the brightness, I lowered my hand and sat upright, only to freeze when I looked at the room I was in.

'White, bright, technologically advanced machines, IV bags, heart-rate monitor.' Thought Diddy lightly as he carefully observed the room before raising his head and sighing.

"I'm in a fucking modern hospital? What kind of fucking whirlpool was that?" Muttered Diddy in pure confusion as he rubbed his head while trying to wrap his mind around his current situation.

Taking a second to yawn, I grabbed the IV and ripped it out my arm while hopping off the bed, causing the blanket to drop to the ground as I stood in all of my nude glory.

"Tsk, my clothes." Said Diddy in slight annoyance as he clicked his tongue before approaching a mirror in the distance.

Standing in front of the mirror, I took a few moments to look at myself, and other than a few cuts and bruises that have yet to heal, I was feeling pretty fucking great.

"Especially that sleep; I feel like a baby right now." Said Diddy softly as he stretched, twisting his body inhumanly before ending with a loud yawn.

"So, how is our patient doing, Doctor Camen?" Asked Anna curiously as he entered the room while Camen followed right behind, holding his clipboard.

"He's doing well; most of his injuries have healed, yet he's still not awake- W-WHERE IS HE!?" Replied Camen lightly as he lifted his head and glanced at Anna before shifting his focus to the bed, only to widen his while panicking.

"Tsk, quiet down, I just woke up." Stated Diddy in slight annoyance as he slammed his tail onto the ground, turning his head around and looking at the doctors.

"H-H-He speaks?" Muttered Camen in shock and terror as he stared at Diddy, taking a second to regain his composure while Anna silently stared at him in amazement and disbelief.

"Hmph, of course, I speak. Do I look like a child to you?" Asked Diddy with a frown as his verticle-slit eyes stared at Camen, who was having trouble breathing from the sheer pressure he subconsciously radiated.

After staring at the cowardly old man who could barely stay conscious despite me purposely suppressing my haki, I shifted my focus to the other doctor, who was proving to handle the aura of a predator that my body naturally gave off much better.

"E-Excuse me s-sir, m-my name is Hansforth Anna; w-what's your name?" Asked Anna softly as he looked at Diddy while profusely sweating.

"Diddy D. Kong. Now, where the hell am I? Also, where is Naga-sa, my bo-staff?" Replied Diddy blankly as he folded his arms and glanced at Anna before narrowing his eyes, causing the two to fearfully gulp.

"Y-You're in N-New York, a-as for the bo-staff, l-last I c-checked, it's still a-at the place w-where you crashed; f-for some reason, n-no one can hold it for long w-without collapsing." Replied Anna softly as he avoided making eye contact, causing Diddy to grunt before nodding.

"Well, at least I know where it's. Also, did you just say New York? As in New York of the US, on planet Earth?" Muttered Diddy with a nod, only for him to widen his eyes as he grabbed Anna by the collar, causing him to nod rapidly.

Releasing the man, I turned and walked towards the large windows as I stared out at the city. Although they had just answered my question, I finally believed I was in New York only when I saw the Empire State Building.

"Huh, fucking crazy." Muttered Diddy lightly in surprise as he stared at the city below, only for him to suddenly grin while his tail aggressively wagged.

"Hehehe, I wonder how I'll fare against a nuclear warhead." Said Diddy with a savage grin while his eyes shone with a dangerous light.

With such thoughts traveling through my mind, I leaped out of the building, breaking the window in the process as I used geppo to travel through the sky.

"First things first. Get Naga-sa, then get some clothes; I wonder how I'll look in modern clothes." Remarked Diddy curiously with a thoughtful expression as he rubbed his chin, only to kick his feet once more, creating a sonic boom that shattered every window in a mile radius.



"S-Sir Anna, I-I think we may have just unleashed something terrible." Muttered Camen with an ugly expression as he held his ears while slowly standing up, gazing in the direction Diddy vanished.

"I… I think you're correct, Camen. Let's inform the Police, Government, and World Hero Association." Declared Anna with a nod while his body still shivered in fear from the remains of Diddy's presence.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 313: Sarah's Struggle) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 195: Lazuli, A Real Woman) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 340: Conqueror Kong)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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