
Chapter 93: Sunaipu, The Cursed Pistol

With the pistol in hand, I closely observed it, wanting to find out why Its presence not only resembled my bo-staff but also why it had a vague feeling of haki; however, other than it being black with a goldish-white handle, I couldn't discern anything, causing me to frown as my senses haven't ever failed me yet.

'Hmm, since it's in his store, he should know about it, though it seems to be quite old.' Mused Diddy as he held the pistol with one hand before turning around, eyeing the manager while Trenza stared at the black pistol.

"Sir! You're not allowed back here; please, exit my store before I call the mar-" Said the manager in slight anger as he neared Diddy, though he kept his professional demeanor; however, when he noticed the pistol in his hand, his face became slightly pale.

"Tell me what this is if you don't want me to destroy your store." Ordered Diddy as he walked forward and tossed the black pistol toward the now pale-faced manager, who fell to the ground in fear while quickly crawling away, causing Diddy to raise an eyebrow.

"S-Sir, I-I don't k-know how y-you knew about that w-weapons existence; b-but, please, d-don't touch it, i-it's dangerous!" Yelled the manager fearfully as he eyed the pistol on the ground while hiding behind stacks of ammunition.

"Tch, of course, it's dangerous; it's a weapon meant to kill; I'd be disappointed if you told me it was safe. Now tell me what I want to know. Don't make me ask again; I'm not going to be so nice next time." Remarked Diddy with a growl of annoyance as he picked up the pistol and pointed it at the man, causing him to shriek in fear.

"O-Okay, okay, Sir, I-I'll tell you, just p-please don't point it a-at me." Replied the manager as he curled into a ball while protecting his vital organs, more terrified of the pistol than of Diddy.

Clicking my tongue, I lowered my hand and folded my arms as Trenza and I listened to the man explain the pistol's history, which turned out to have quite the backstory.



"... A-And that's everything I know about the cursed pistol, Sunaipu. S-So please, Sir, listen to me when I tell you to just forget about it; its power is tempting, I know, but I've also witnessed its cursed powers! Anyone who attempts to wield Sunaipu will be killed by it; that's why my Father, the previous owner of this shop, decided to hide it underneath our store to forget about its existence. It's been nearly three decades since then, and if it weren't for you, I'd never have remembered its existence." Stated the manager in slight fear while sitting seiza as his eyes never once left the black pistol in Diddy's hand.

"Ho, hear than Trenza? Looks like someone's just got a new pistol." Remarked Diddy with a feral smirk as he ignored the manager and looked at Trenza while spinning the pistol around on his finger, once again causing the manager to shriek in fear, curling into a ball.

"I-I don't know, Captain; the pistol, I feel it almost calling to me, but if everything said about the pistol was true, I don't think it's worth it. Let alone myself, even the fact that it somehow killed one of the previous wielder's friends is too much; I don't think I can put you all in danger just for a little stronger firepower." Said Trenza with uncertainty as she looked at the captivating pistol in Diddy's hand, truly believing its cursed powers.

"Hehe, I know an easy way to solve whether this thing is truly cursed or not; Trenza, hand me some pistol ammunition." Said Diddy with a chuckle as he stopped spinning the pistol and opened the chamber where the ammo was stored, which was the entire handle.

"Eh, you sure, Captain? Even if the pistol isn't cursed, and it's just all coincidental, do you think it's worth the risk?" Questioned Trenza with furrowed brows as she glanced between the pistol and Diddy, though she still did as was told and tossed him a box of pistol ammunition.

Catching the box of ammunition, I filled the pistol or Sunaipu with ammunition before closing the hatch and cocking the hammer back, causing the manager to squeal in fright as he looked like he wanted to run away, yet at the same time, he seemed to terrified to do so while Trenza did the smart thing and hid behind me.

"Heh, it's definitely worth the risk; as the saying goes, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Besides, I'm curious how powerful this pistol is; after all, it must be deadly if it's got its own name, no?" Replied Diddy with a grin as he closed one eye and pointed it at what looked to be a rusty old rifle leaning up against the wall.

While aiming at my desired target, similar to Naga-sa, Sunaipu released this invisible yet dangerous aura that attempted to invade my body, though before it could, Naga-sa did the same as it seemingly fought off the new aura that sought to lay claim upon me. Although the two were fighting it out, the effects of their fight for superiority was harmless; not even a slight gust of wind was made, though, in the end, I didn't know whether it was because Naga-sa was stronger than Sunaipu or because Naga-sa had just been beside me for so long, but Naga-sa managed to finally repel Sunaipu's vicious aura, forcing it to retreat back into its body.

'I don't know if cursed is the correct term to call it, but there is definitely something unique about Sunaipu, and I suppose it's time to find out.' Thought Diddy as he suddenly pulled the trigger back, the recoil proving nonexistent, his arm not even so much as twitching.

Watching the bullet leave the barrel with a surprising amount of silence, it shot towards the rifle with impressive speeds, much faster than what I've seen any other gun produce; except for Lindbergh's weird gun, that thing was like a mini-gun. Despite having excellent hand-eye coordination, it was the first time, in both lifetimes, that I ever fired a pistol, so my aim was just slightly off, which caused the bullet to scrap the edge of the rifle before lodging itself deep into the stone wall. However, it wasn't over, as the rifle I scraped fell towards the right, causing it to land directly on the trigger of another riffle that was on a shelf, which just happened to not only be positioned perfectly aimed at my head but for some reason, also had a bullet in the chamber, that was shot right at me.

'Never mind, maybe cursed is the correct term.' Mused Diddy as he watched the single bullet head straight for the middle of his head, a sure kill shot, well, if it were anyone other than Diddy.

Using tekkai, the bullet hit my head, though it did absolutely nothing; still, to say I wasn't slightly surprised would be me lying. Sunaipu wasn't even being subtle about it; this pistol wanted me dead.

"Still, it didn't kill me, did it?" Remarked Diddy with a grin as the crumpled bullet fell to the ground, causing Trenza to finally peek her head from behind him.

"You're not dead, are you, Captain?" Asked Trenza lightly, though that just earned her a slap in the face from Diddy's tail.

"No, I'm not dead, you fool, though since I'm not dead, the so-called curse was a lie, sort of. Anyways, here you go, Trenza, a brand new pistol." Replied Diddy as he turned around and tossed Sunaipu to Trenza, who barely managed to catch it since she was busy rubbing her cheek in pain.

"Woah, this feels amazing; it's so comfortable, almost like it was molded perfectly for me to wield." Muttered Trenza in amazement as she intently inspected Sunaipu, utterly oblivious to the dangerous aura that enveloped her, laying claim to its new owner.

Seeing the Sunaipu's aura surround Trenza, I glanced at Naga-sa, holstered to my back, and gave it a curious look.

'I wonder, does that mean Naga-sa is considered a cursed weapon? Hmm, but would that be right? The previous wielders of Naga-sa didn't end up dying or anything; well, I mean, one did, but the others didn't; at least, I don't think they did. Oh, whatever, it doesn't matter.' Pondered Diddy as he shook his head and headed towards the exit, passing by the manager hiding himself underneath ammunition boxes.

"We're taking Sunaipu with us; let's go Trenza." Stated Diddy as he glanced at the manager before ignoring him as he exited the storage room, followed by Trenza shortly after.

"Y-Yes, Sir, you can g-gladly take it!" Yelled the manager in happiness and relief as he watched Diddy and Trenza exit the store, feeling like an enormous weight had been whisked off his back.

"Haa, that cursed pistol is finally gone; this deserves a celebration! I heard there was apparently a super beauty at the brothel; maybe I'll be lucky enough to spend time with her. I've saved some money, and hopefully, it'll be enough." Said the manager with a satisfied smile as he gleefully left the storage room, not knowing that while he'd get some time with the super beauty, it wouldn't be one he wanted.



"Thanks, Captain; if it weren't for your incredible senses, I wouldn't have ever found this amazing pistol!" Stated Trenza happily as she expressed her gratitude by hugging Diddy.

"Grr, get off." Said Diddy with a growl as he continued walking despite Trenza latched onto his body like a Koala.

"Hehe, nope." Replied Trenza with a smirk, though that earned her being shocked with a weak current of electricity, causing her body to spazz uncontrollably as she fell to the ground.

"Hehe, you're welcome." Said Diddy with an amused grin as he watched Trenza convulse on the ground in the middle of the street.


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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