
Recycling Waste for a Greener Future

The onslaught of the Demon Dogs, which was driven by their crazed malevolent leader, came to a halt at that moment. As their mighty Alpha crumpled to the floor, a palpable stillness enveloped the scene, even affecting the Chosen who were watching from the safety of the wall. 

For the Demon Dogs, the sinister compulsion that had overtaken their minds, making them give up their lives at the whim of their leader, had left them. Their need to belong, their fervorous and relentless need to pursue their "prey", had dissipated completely… The once fierce pack had come to a startling realisation — Their powerful leader had met his demise.

For the Chosen, who had stopped firing shots when they saw the shadow of their Clan Leader on the battlefield, seeing their Leader's back as he faced off against hundreds of Demon Dogs that merely stood there, unable to will their bodies to attack, they felt themselves overtaken by an excitement that made their blood boil.

How cool!!

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