
Chapter Eight



Touya was sitting alone in the bar room in the new hideout thinking to him self, 'Now what the fuck I'm going to do now?!'

His 'grandfather' made it back to Japan sooner than expected and now he have to figure out just how in the ever living fuck is he going to bring Enji to the L.O.V hideout now that his abusive pig of a grandfather know that he's back in Japan.

"Fucking hell..." Touya mumbles to himself while rubbing his temples.

He can swear that he can feel a headache somewhere, he don't know where but it's there. He began to sighs deeply to himself and Toga walks in and see Touya sitting by himself looking a bit down so she decided to skip towards him with a small grin on her face.

"Heya Dabiiiii~" Toga said childishly while sitting next to Touya.

Touya looks at Toga from the corner of his eye and raise his eyebrow. "What is it Toga, I'm not in the mood for your little games...." He stated to her, then see Toga began to pouts at his response. He wasn't really in the mood for any of Toga tricks right now.

"Oh come on Dabiii~~ I only wanted to see what was wrong with you!!" Toga stated while smiling at Touya showing her fangs.

Touya squint his eyes at her not really believing her. 'There is no way in hell she actually sat by me to see what's up with me.' He thought it himself not sure if he believe her or not.

Touya looks at Toga and see her raise her hands as a symbol of surrender. "I'm being serious Dabi honest!" She exclaimed while looking at him.

Touya looked for a few more seconds before sighing and finally given in. "What do you want to know?" He asked her being straightforward, not seeing a point in hiding anything from her since she'll try and force it out of him.

Besides maybe having someone to help him won't be a bad idea and Toga is his friend even though he not going to tell her that.

"Well I want to know what got you in such a more grumpier mood than usual." She said while having a determine look on her face.

Touya sighed softly and shake his head a little then rubs the back the back of his neck. "Then get comfortable you're going to be here for a while" He stated to Toga.


Touya was sitting in his room reading enjoying the peace and quiet. Touya came home early from school because he was 'sick' and Enji took him home. Fuyumi was still in elementary school while Natsuo was with Rei spending a night at her mom's place. It was just him and Enji home alone and honestly Touya couldn't be happier spending time with Enji more. Early they both was playing kickball in the back yard and then bake some cookies and brownies for later when him, Enji, and Fuyumi if she'll won't be tired once it was time to pick her up from school, to have a small movie night. Since Natsuo and Rei is staying won't be back until next Tuesday morning it'll be more fun for Touya and Fuyumi. Even if Enji still haven't agreed with training him it still nice for them to spend more time together and enjoying each other's company.

'At least dad is trying to spend more time me unlike mom...' He thought to himself bitterly.

Rei have been avoiding him and spending more time with Fuyumi and Natsuo. Not even bothering to spend time with her oldest son.*RINGGGG* RIN-* Touya heard a the phone ringing coming from Enji's office and on the second ring it was cut off meaning Enji answered it. He heard low muffled sounds but he couldn't really hear the conversation. It wasn't until he heard Enji footsteps passing by his room door and from the sound of how hard Enji feet is hitting the floor it sounds like his in a hurry and also afraid. This confused Touya he never thought Enji would be afraid of anything beside spiders and it kinda through him off a little bit.

'That's weird dad is hardly afraid of anything let alone anyone..' The eleven year old white haired boy thought to himself.

*KNOCK* *KNOCK* He then heard a very harsh and loud knock on the door causing him to flinch slightly due to the loud noise and stay in his room to hear what's going on. After hearing Enji open the door Touya stayed quiet as possible to hear Enji and the mystery conversation.

"W-what are you d-doing here?" Enji stuttered as he was visibly trembling in fear.

He didn't expect him to get here let alone this fast. Standing in front of the open door was no one but his 'father' looking dead at him with and irritated look on his face.

"What the fuck did I tell you about stuttering Enji?" Valk said annoyed and say Enji name like it was venomous, Enji flinched a little and quickly fixed his composure not wanting to irritate Valk even more.

Of course he knows what Valk always say about stuttering, he never shut up about along with other things.

"Stuttering is a sign of weakness and a disgrace to the family name and everything it stands for..." Enji responded automatically since Valk told him this over a million times since he was three years old.

He still till this day do not think you should tell any child that at three years old.

"Oh, so you do actually fucking listen for once, what a surprise Enji." Valk said while walking past Enji and step inside the house.

He took off his shoes and begin looking around the living room, as Enji closes and lock the door looking at Valk nervously wondering what is going to do or say.

Valk kept looking around the living room until something caught his attention. He saw Touya shoes, normally he wouldn't care but those are the same shoes Touya wear to school which only means one thing Touya did not go to school today. This pissed him off and made his eye twitch in angry, by doing this it cause his body temperature to rise up. Enji notice this and realize that Touya left his shoes in the living room, this cause him to panic knowing that he fucked up.

'Shit how the fuck am I going to explain this to him?!?' Enji thought to himself in full panic and hoping that Touya can't hear anything in his room nor do he step one foot out of his room.

He don't think he could forgive himself if anything happen to Touya.

"Dad wait I can't explain-" Enji said trying to explain himself to Valk but was cut off by Valk punching him in the chest.

The sound echo through the whole house as Enji double over coughing and wheezing loudly, gasping breath Valk looks down at Enji which pure rage in his eyes.

"WHY THE FUCK IS THAT DAMN BRAT HERE AND NOT AT SCHOOL ENJI!?!" He shouted at Enji as his voice boom through the whole house.

Once Enji regain his breath he look up at Valk still wheezing a little. "He wasn't feeling so I picked him up from school." He said he a raspy voice still recovering from the blow to the chest.

Sadly, for Enji he didn't give Valk a good answer and this cause him to get hit again this time in the face. Enji felled backwards and groan in pain while his trying to blink the tears that started to form, then he began to have a metallic taste in his mouth.

"OH YOU CAN BRING THAT DAMN BRAT HOME WHEN HE DOESN'T FEEL OKAY BUT CAN'T BRING HIM HOME FOR TRAINING!?! YOUR FUCKING WEAK ENJI!!!" Valk yelled while letting his Russian accent slip out, his eyes glowed in nothing but angrier.

At this point Enji silently prayed no begged that Touya didn't hear anything at all. "I ALREADY TOLD YOU ITS NOT SAFE FOR HIM TO TRAIN HIS QUIRK THE WAY YOU WANT ME TO IT COULD KILL HIM!!!" Enji shouted back at him, Enji would be damn if Touya or any of his kids would go through the same brutal training he did as a kid.

He wiped the blood that was dripping from the corner of his mouth before he felt Valk pressed his foot down on Enji chest making him lay flat on the floor.

"THEN GIVE ME A STRONG GRANDCHILD THAT CAN ACTUALLY USE THEIR FIRE AND NOT BURN THEMSELVES OR MAYBE NOT HAVE A SHITTY ICE QUIRK!!!" Valk demanded, he despise Fuyumi and Natsuo ice quirk seeing it as 'weak' and since Touya is the only one with a fire quirk but can't use it they way Valk want him to he sees Touya as a 'disgrace' of a grandson.

Enji uses both of his hands to try and prey Valk foot off his chest but only cause Valk to add more weight to his foot. Enji felt like his ribs was going to break at any giving moment, and the thought of Touya walking in here at any giving moment didn't stop his fear from bubbling up.

Valk looked down at Enji with an ice cold glare. "Listen Enji and listen good if you don't do something about his fucking I'll do it my damn self." He said while removing his foot off of Enji chest and walking out of the living room to put n his shoes.

Once he put his shoes on and head towards the door and before he open the door he stop.

"And Enji we'll both know what will happen if I do it myself." He said loud enough for Enji to hear and open the door.

*SLAM* After hearing the door slam shut Enji lay there letting that happen sink and cover his face with both of his hands and letting out a loud and deep sigh. He got up and headed towards the bathroom in the hallway. He cleaned up the dried blood from the corner of his mouth and on his hand, he then rise his mouth and spit it out. Enji lifted up his shirt and look at the mirror, he saw a huge purplish blue bruise in the center of his chest along with the cuts he gave himself that are scatter around his upper body to make it look like a scar from fights with villains and a busted lip its not that noticeable unless you take a real close look at his face. Enji put his shirt down and let out another sigh good thing it was only on his chest anywhere else would be hard to hide or explain.

Enji walks out the bathroom and heads towards Touya's room as each step he took his anxiety risen. 'To whatever deity out there please let me walk in Touya's room and he didn't hear anything that happen early...' He thought to himself as he opens Touya door only to find him sitting in his bed with earphones in his ears listen to something on his tablet.

Seeing this let a wave of relief washes over him. Touya looks up from his tablet and look at his door to see Enji standing there.

"Hey dad do you need anything?" He asked taking out one earbud with a confused looked on his face while he was quietly praying that Enji wouldn't find out he heard everything that happen a few minutes ago.

'Please don't ask if I heard anything...' He thought to himself.

Enji shakes his head and and put a small smile on his face. "No I wanted to let you know that I'm going to pick Fuyumi up from school and I wanted to know if you're okay staying home by yourself until I get back." He said and Touya mentally sighed to himself thanking the heavens that Enji didn't ask if he heard anything.

"I'll be fine by myself dad I'm not a little kid anymore." Touya said and this caused Enji to laugh softly at least he got him to laugh.

"Alright I'll be back in a few minutes so if you get hungry you can have some snacks." He said as Touya hummed back as a response.

"Okay dad see you later.." Touya said and once Enji bid his fair well and closes the door, Touya waited and few minutes before fall backwards on his bed and sighed deeply.

He took the other earbud out of his ear as tears finally began to stream down his face. 'He was hurting him and I didn't do anything dammit I couldn't do anything!!' He thought to himself blaming himself for not trying to save Enji and stayed in his room being quiet due to fear.

He even felt more of a coward for hurrying up and plugging his earphones to his tablet and putting in his ears when he heard Enji footsteps getting close to his room. He knew something was wrong with Enji by the way he'll be acting or walking to different rooms more than usual when his phone rings. Now that think about it he just realize something that made his stomach drop. When he was like seven or eight he remember walking in the training room and saw Enji working out. He remember this day clearly because that was the day Enji was lifting weight shirtless and he saw scars on his arms some was old and some beginning to heal. He remember asking Enji about it and believing Enji when he told him its was from the battles he had with villains he have fought. Now thinking about that memory Touya realize that those wasn't just any scars. This made blame himself even more for taking him this long to only know just realizing it. As he laying down silently cried to himself for not helping Enji wishing that he was strong enough to save Enji that when it hits him.

He wiped the tears off face as his chest heaves softly. 'I'll get strong so dad won't have worry him or his siblings and most importantly not having to worry about him ever again..' Touya thought to himself with a determine look in his eyes an that day he swear to save Enji from that sick bastard.


It was dead silent in the room, tension was thick enough to be cut with a knife. Neither one of them utter a word, Toga was still letting everything that Touya said sink in. Touya one the other hand feel like heavy weights was lifted off his shoulders well for now. There was another moment of silence until Touya was braced in a unexpected hug by Toga. She tightened her embrace with tears in her eyes, the hug surprise them both but it was all Toga could think of doing. "I'm sorry that you had to hear and witness that Dabi, no one should go through that." She said while choking on a sob, she didn't care about finding out Touya true identity or that his father is Endeavor all she care about is making that asshole of a grandfather pay. Touya begins to hug Toga back and slowly rub circles on her back in a soothing manner. It's the first time he every saw Toga cry, he's so use to seeing her being happy all the time so having Toga crying in his arms caught him off guard.

"It's okay Toga don't cry..." Touya said in a shakey voice, feeling something wet dripping down his face only for him to realize that there's blood dripping from the burns under his eyes.

He didn't even notice until now, Toga was the only he ever told about what happen that day. It's not like he didn't try to tell anyone else it was just the fact that no one listen to him. He tried to tell Fuyumi and Natsuo but they didn't listen he tried to tell Rei but she just flat out ignored him. And he hated Shoto when he was younger because of how Shoto can be so blind and never even try to realize what's actually going on. If Touya is being honest he still hate Shoto but not that much.

"NO IT'S NOT OKAY!!! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE HELP HIM?!?! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE NOTICE HOW THE BOTH OF YOU WAS ACTING?!?!" Toga shouted as she was bailing out her eyes, this is the first time he ever heard rise her voice like this before sure when she joking around but never when she's serious about something.

'She's crying because of me....Should I even her why no one help or why no one notice....?' Touya thought to himself even if he do tell her what can the two of them do about it.

As Touya was mental battling with himself, he finally gave in and sighed its better than nothing. "The reason why is because no one ever listen, and if they did they won't believe it. Or they would just ignored us and act like nothings is wrong. Even when my dad would show signs of doing self harm they don't care." He said to Toga while not missing a beat, the last thing Touya said caught her attention.

'What does he by that...? Don't tell me that....' Toga thought to herself feeling her chest began to twisted hoping that it's not what she think it is when Touya said that.

She begin to calm herself down so she can asked Touya a question that she'll might regret asking but as of right now she don't give a damn at the moment.

"W-what do you mean about that last part Dabi?" Toga asked as she already have a feeling that she knows that answer.

It took Touya a few minutes before he answered her question. "My dad would harm himself, but he never do it the same way he'll always do it a different way so no one would notice. I was the first to caught on and realize what he was doing. Sometimes he would hurt himself on purpose and make it seem like an accident. If he don't do that he would wait days hell even weeks before he treat his wounds from fights with villains and play it off like he didn't notices it. And it's all because of that bastard...." He explained to Toga and after hearing this cause her blood to boiled.

All these years and even now no one notices no one tried to help them and the fact that Touya blamed himself and try to deal with this by himself pisses her off even more.

'That sick son of a bitch, I'll slit that monster throat when I get a fucking chance...' She thought to herself in rage.

"Don't worry Dabi I'll help you make that disgusting pig pay for he has done!" Toga said to Touya in a serious tone as she wipe the tears off of her face.

This leave Touya in pure shock before he wipe the blood off his face as he began to chuckle a little. He's glad that he got to have a friend like Toga.

'Heh.... I guess I am one lucky guy to have a friend like her....' He thought to himself if he was being honest he felt a little happy knowing that Toga would be there for him no matter what.

"Alright ya little goblin here's the idea..." Touya began to say as Toga begans to lean towards him to listen.

Little did Touya know that Toga wasn't the only one listening. Outside of the bar room the rest of L.O.V was eavesdropping on their conversation and hear everything. And they all was thinking the exact same thing.

'I'm going to kill that asshole when I get my hands on him.....' The rest of them all thought in angrier, they can tell Touya and Toga that they was eavesdropping later but for now they all have a murder to plan out.

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