
Vishal vs Red Hood (2)

The next day Vishal woke up at 7 o clock and did some warm up in the backyard and waited for Jason. Jason arrived at 7:50 am into the backyard along with the outlaws and Ravindra.

"Are you okay with this Ravindra?" asked Jason.

Ravindra smiled and said "Do not underestimate Vishal, Jason. His goals may be different but since six years of age I never saw him slack off while training in martial arts and he also beat the shit out of goons with guns at 10 years of age."

Jason raised his eyebrow. Vishal was wearing an orange gi with a black belt tied to his body and since it was sleeveless his shoulders are visible.

Jason was wearing a paramilitary pant with a Red T-shirt tucked in.

"Three personas. Which persona will you show now?" asked the system.

"What are you talking about ?" asked Vishal.

"Vishal- A sophisticated, philanthrophic and a successful business man.

Mystical Punisher- Less Talkative, More Provocative and Mysterious man with less tolerance to crime.

Vigilante: A wild, unsophisticated, loud mouthed and ruthless hunter of crime."

Vishal asked "Why do I feel like you're mocking the third persona?"

A chuckle came from the system.

"As for the answer I'll go with the first. I need to correct Jason's mentality as he let's his rage control him rather than him controlling it." said Vishal.

Vishal and Jason walked towards each other and they assumed different stances. Jason kept his hands up ash is guard while Vishal kept his hands open and put one forward and kept one near the chest.

"Begin" said Ravindra.

Jason took charge and sent a punch towards face which was deflected with hand and a flurry of punches came at Vishal.

He blocked every punch without any issue when Jason jumped and kicked them chest of Vishal but Vishal guarded by keeping his hands as cross while trying a sweep on Jason.

Jason jumped but this gave an opening which Vishal cashed on by punching in the stomach causing Jason to stumble back.

"Man I haven't even used 1% of power. No wonder Batman could beat him everytime." thought Vishal.

"You need to go hard on him host. Show that his anger is useless." said the system.

"Nope. His mentality is different from Bruce Wayne. His way is also different. There is no need for him to take the path of his father. I'll show him that his anger is a pure weapon that is dangerous than Bruce Wayne's calm demeanor. I'll show him how to wield that weapon so he can be an asset when Injustice starts." said Vishal with a grin.

"You seem so smug about it host." said the system.

"You should already know that my mentality is based on rage. The difference between me and Jason is that I've learned to wield it as a weapon after Bruce Wayne's gala rather than let it consume it." said Vishal.

Jason came at him and delivered a round house kick which was blocked bu he delivered a punch immediately to Vishal.

Vishal tasted blood from the punch. "He is not as tough as his father but he managed to land it.

Now let me show my prowess." said Vishal as he quickly zigzagged and punched the gut of Jason sending him flying.

Jason could not understand it as he fell first but slowly the image came back.

"Damn kid. You're too fast." thought Jason as he somersaulted and used his speed to fight but his moves were countered with the same speed.

Jason's anger started showing in his face as every his moves kept getting countered and many hits landed on him.

His moves started losing momentum and the anger and emotions keep getting worse.

"Feeling angry? Feeling defeated?" asked Vishal seeing the expression.

"I won't lose kid." said Vishal as he did acrobatics which are countered by the ninja skills of Vishal.

Vishal received a kick to jaw but Vishal caught the leg of Jason and lifted his body along with leg to throw him far.

"Come. How will you defeat your old man if you can't defeat a 15 year old like me?" Vishal provoked.

Jason acted as if it did not bother him but he was bubbling with anger. He kicked the thighs of Vishal which was countered by kick to Jason's shoulder.

Vishal let some of the kicks hit him because he wanted to show Jason that even fi he delivers a kick, he will not go unscathed.

"He's losing it." said Artemis.

Kori looked at the scene anxiously while Roy felt a little miserable that Jason is getting his ass handed over by a 15 year old.

In another 10 minutes Jason was on the ground and Vishal placed his leg on his chest.

Jason felt unbridled rage but it was useless. "Do you see it now? You're anger was the cause of your downfall." said Vishal grinning.

Jason didn't look at him due to shame.

"I fought you just like Batman did and you met the dust in less amount of time. That rage of yours clouded your senses rather than helping you." said Vishal.

Jason got irritated and shouted "What do you expect? Do you see me as a failure too?"

"No. You're not a failure. If you were a failure you wouldn't have achieved what you set out to do and achieve these many things. If Batman thinks otherwise then screw him." said Vishal.

Vishal removed his leg and extended his hand. Jason took it and stood up.

"His cool mind may be his weapon, but you don't even know that your pure rage is powerful than that cool mind.

You fail to identify the true strength of it and let it control you causing you to feel inferior and hopeless when you lose." said Vishal.

"Don't drop your self worth because of an emotionless father like Batman. You know what Batman and Superman fear the most?" asked Vishal.

Jason and others looked at Vishal curiously.

"They fear to face the naked truth as it is. They do not want to see the reality as it is but they want to see it in the way they can accept it." said Vishal.

"Any example?" asked Jason.

"Let's say if you say to his face that his methods are ineffective and they do not work even with real proof presented to him he will never accept it because it is completely against his moral compass to use lethal methods or killer moves." said Vishal.

Jason remembered his time with Bruce. Whenever he broke some bones of criminals he would get verbal thrashing from Batman.

"You are different Jason. You stared into the ugliness of the city at young age and see the reality in it's true form.

You're not Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin. Leaving the Robin aside Nightwing and Red Robin's experiences are child's play compared to what you've suffered." said Ravindra.

Jason felt like a weight is being lifted in his heart.

"Just like you've faced the ugliness and embraced the fire in your heart to fight it. You should embrace the rage in your heart and make it your own. Then even Batman is not your enemy." said Vishal.

"Wield the anger as an extension of your body and turn it into a weapon to burn the enemy." ancourage Vishal.

A look of determination and fire appeared in Jason's eyes. He let the words sink in and slowly started bringing the raging anger in his heart under his control.

Jason smiled and said "Time for round two, kid."

"As you wish." said Vishal.

"Wait." Kori tried to stop when Artemis put a hand.

"No. This has to happen. He has to overcome this ordeal by himself just like a warrior undergoes a trial.

He needs to conquer the fire in his heart so that he will not hesitate again." said Artemis with a smile.

"Yes. I want our bird to fly as high as he can." said Roy.

Both Vishal and Jason took stances and as soon as signal came they jumped towards each other.

Next chapter