

The coming and going was abnormal this Athenian afternoon. Countless people were heading to different places, exchanging words and greetings.

The topic in question that was loudest was the summons to the Plaza Real. A popular convocation, without distinctions of social classes or wealth.

A macabre and unusual convocation, despite the war culture. But even taking into account the end of the call, probably the spatial proportion would not be enough to accommodate so many people.

A young man who was dressed in dirty clothes was heading to the square in question. In advance due to the great distance that had to be traveled.

His steps were precise and his face decisive, without stopping to observe the natural and urbanized architecture in which the city was built.

His hands were clenched weakly into fists, due to his poor early nutrition. He was a beggar without any purpose and a premature destiny.

He came from a small and poor family, fulfilling the duty of a creeping older brother. He only knew the status of his close relatives, ignorant of any uncle or grandfather.

Occasionally he carried out precarious work on the streets he was crossing at this time, heading to the summoned place.

But his thoughts never focused on that axis, as his head hurt. His tongue, with an indistinct bitter taste, was soaked in saliva.

His eyes was separating, observing the different people around him. He didn't do it with the aim of robbing someone unsuspecting, after all he no longer had the need...

In fact, he had been the one unprepared. His fear was that his last dignity would be stolen...

That is why he demonstrated an insatiable invincibility. His body was weak and his clothes were dirty, but he was not a withered leaf... He did not tremble.

Or that was its exterior face, its interior being pointed crystals; forcing him to breathe heavily.

The day was setting, the sun in the distance gave the last glow of the day. Hiding among the clouds without showing another face.

The pre-arranged time was being crowned. An unworthy king waiting...

When it arrived, there were people in order waiting for the final sentence. His desperation was not able to reason, entering into the crowd.

Some turned away out of pity and others out of disgust.

"Please please". The young man repeated as he tried to penetrate the crowd. A magic word that he had learned recently.

Distant and unknown, I had not practiced it for an entire decade. Even with big eyes and small dimples, he could only laugh with an identityless cunning.

But a sudden blow was the killer of his shock. He fell among the illustratively made mosaics, which elegantly decorated the surroundings.

As he looked over his shoulders, he saw a man with a huge corporeal figure compared to his own. Who simply granted him a menacing look.

This brought him back to reality. He had always been cautious about offense, but his thoughts wandered to the point where he couldn't reconsider his previous behavior.

It was from his position where he observed how a large stage rose in the center. On it, wooden pillars were built, from which nine ropes tied tenaciously to them hung.

"Please". He repeated for the last time. He clasped his hands weakly, hoping that the scenario causing his paranoia would not occur.

On a day painted by the colors of the sunset, the Athenian citizens plunged under the shadow of nine ropes.

Indifference burned in the eyes of many.

Curiosity in other young people.

The desperation in Kevin's.

The dirty young man, in old clothes, watched the condemned carefully.

Nine individuals. Men and women.

From a middle-aged man, to a young girl in her twilight of youth.

But they all shared one characteristic: Their faces were not visible, being hidden by a hood made of black cloth.

Their outfits differed. And one woman even kept her jewelry.

Kevin's attention was completely focused on trying to identify the condemned, trying to find out if his loved one was among them.

But it was unsuccessful, due to the distance and his poor eyesight. It was when another man got on the stage that the objective of his attention changed.

With an imposing and elegant bearing, he looked at the countless citizens. His upright figure, he conceded his chest, proclaiming:

"Oh, subjects, worthy citizens of our city, greatness without end. It is universal knowledge that our morality, peacefully or aggressively, we have proclaimed as ours where our foot has trod... For this reason there is no possible excuse, only immorality and justice" . The man was eloquent and concise, extending his voice to inhuman distances.

Kevin listened attentively, unconsciously biting his nails.

"Thus, the final sentence has been decided. For high treason by conspiring against the highest authority, the punishment is the end of life, without exception, of all those convicted." He said, ending his speech, getting off the stage to observe the end.

Kevin was eaten away by desperation and hopelessness, to the point of tearing out light hairs. He had not yet identified his beloved, with no chance of overflow the crowd.

He closed his eyes hopelessly, trying to dismiss his paranoia. Thus, his ears were enhanced, being his sentence.

He heard the lower doors of the platform open and the ropes tighten. It was at that moment when he heard the loud jingling of a bracelet.

To his pain, he instantly recognized such a jingle. With the jingle, his expression doubled in pain and anger.

The only girl who had shown him decency despite his deplorable state...

The moment he opened his eyes again, he directed his gaze in the opposite direction, without intending to observe the hanging bodies that jingling before the ropes that were tightened by exerting opposite force.

There, high up, was where he saw red eyes that glowed in the darkness.

"Burning like another speck of dust, in an ephemeral kindling... The meaning of a premature death." Federick whispered silently, watching the unfortunate young man carefully.

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