
Ella knows

After the brothers had left, with Xander obviously being the winner as Alice agreed to go on a date with him, you'd swear he'd won the biggest prize at a fair. Xavier let his brother have his happiness, Xander never had time for women and so this was great for him and to top it up, everyone in the family liked Alice. They thought she was pleasant, well mannered and kind natured.

Alice made her way to the military base for her registration and Sarah and Josie had decided they would go through Maria's room to see if there was any hints as to where she may have gone. Sarah did not like not knowing where Maria was, especially after finding everything out. Sarah asked Josie to organise someone to come pack up and refurbish Maria's quarters into a guest quarters. Sarah would not be forgiving, especially to someone who'd betrayed her trust and cost her child's life.

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