

While the firefighters and medics entered the shopping center, I was steali... borrowing some clothes for myself and Cthylla.

Before putting on the clothes, I use some good cotton towels I found in the store to wipe away the ash from our bodies, so we can at least look not too dirty.

Afterwards, I put a button-down white shirt, jeans, and a green jacket on Cthylla. While, I simply wear a white T-Shirt, black cargo pants, and a black zipper hoodie to hide my charred weapons.

Then, borrow sneakers for both of us and leave the shop while still carrying the sleeping beauty.

Coming back to the hallway, I see that the people who were mind-controlled by the Followers have already woken up and were either brought out or treated by the medics.

"Sir, lay her down; we will take care of her," says a medic after seeing me holding Cthylla.

"No need, she is sleeping. I will bring her out," I say to him and walk to the exit that the firefighters cut open because they couldn't open the gate.

"Sir, I can't l---"

He tries to stop me, but another medic calls him over, screaming, "Mike, we need help! There is a completely burned woman here who seems to be still alive!" and he forgets about me and rushes over to assist them.

Yeah, some of the mind-controlled people had no luck and got hit by the elder sign flames as well... At this moment, I couldn't care less about those people.

I don't know them, and I wouldn't be able to heal them in time anyway before the medics and firefighters would appear.

Therefore, it was the better decision to concentrate on our well-being...

So to finally get out of this place I join a small crowd of ex-mind-controlled people and together, we walk outside through the cut-open gate.

Luckily, they seem not to remember anything that happened before, or else this would be very awkward...

We come outside, and many curious people and reporters are already waiting for us here, while the police keep them at a distance.

And then it began... nearly ten black buses arrived in the parking lot, and the police made even space for them to drive through.

They park in a circle around the shopping center. Then, a bunch of guys in Tactical gear storm out of the buses and place some privacy barriers between the buses to block the view of the crowd completely.

And so blocking my way out too...

Only then does a blonde guy in a suit and around twelve scientists come out of the buses.

After positioning one SWAT looking guy at every bus, half of the scientists are led inside the shopping center while the other half stays outside.

"Attention everyone. We are from the special health care unit, and these doctors here will conduct some tests on you to be sure everything is alright with you, and afterwards, you can go. So make three rows and let's get this over with," says one armored guy.

Yeah... no identifications or patches on the gear, and the cure-all M4's scream "health care unit"...

But the people don't care and simply settle into rows as if they are in a trance...

It seems that they still haven't fully recovered from their last experience, or some Karen or her male counterpart would already go crazy about this.

After the rows are formed, the scientists split into groups of two and then go to each row.

One of them carries a notepad and some vials, while the other takes out something from a case that resembles a small directional microphone.

Then they start screening the people and also take some blood before allowing them to pass through.

My instincts scream to get away from here, but we are basically surrounded, and I can't get out of here without making a lot of noise.

So I decide to play along for now...


"Next! Put the woman down and step to the side," says a seemingly nervous SWAT guy as his finger is on the trigger.

"I'll pass on that. I only stood in line because I thought there was something for free, but it seems I was wrong, so I'll be on my way. Goodbye!"

I don't really care if they take some blood and scan us with the microphone thing, but I won't put her down...

Walking past the dumbfounded scientist and armed guys, they watch me for a second before surrounding me, while pointing their weapons at me.

"I will say it again: put the woman down and step aside, or we will use force," repeats the trigger-happy guy.

"Oh, will you now? Let's see how this fares." I put Cthylla on my shoulder and grab the pistol that I stuck in my pants.

The guys around me get tense, but before it escalates...

"Wait!!! No one dares to touch these people!!!" screams the blonde guy in the suit while running towards us.

Strange... from a distance, he seems to be a normal human. But when he comes up close, I can sense how the aura of the SWAT guy and even Cthylla starts to circle him.

It was the first time I sensed something like that... but if he can read these auras, then he could be an empath or something like a psychic.

The SWAT guys immediately put their weapons down after hearing him, and I place Cthylla back again into my arms.

"I must apologize for my men... My name is Patrick Jane, and I'm in charge of this operation," says Patrick, and shivers a bit when he looks at Cthylla.

If he reacts like that then probably a psychic...

"Nice to meet you, I guess?" I say, raising a brow since I have no idea who the guy is and why he is so friendly.

"Yes, the pleasure is all mine. Follow me; I will bring you out without much attention," says the man and starts to walk to a bus.

I follow him, and when we arrive, a SWAT guy opens a screen for us to pass through.

"Ok, I hope your first impression of us is not too bad because we all can benefit from each other. Here is my card; call me when you need help from an organization with a lot of resources..." says the man and gives me his expensive-looking card carefully.

I grab the black card with white writing and a strange white logo on the back then walk away, not really wanting to stay there any longer or join an organization...

Patrick sighs out of relief and then walks back inside while the SWAT guy closes the screen again.

I look at the card again and place it in my pocket afterwards. I have never heard of an SCP Foundation... but he is probably high up in the hierarchy if he is the Site Director.

But still, it is better to stay away from them...

~~~ SCP Site Director Patrick Jane POV ~~~

After leaving the FBI, I never thought that some secret organization would hire me next. However, who wouldn't want a mentalist in their ranks... especially a real one?

But thanks to them, I could finally use my abilities to fight real evil in this world...

I couldn't stand it that so many cases got shut down during my time as an FBI consultant because no one believed that a ghost or some other supernatural being killed the person.

But the SCP Foundation did...

They called themselves the Men of Letters before a demon wiped out all the members except for five lucky ones. Afterwards, they wanted to be more active and created the SCP Foundation.

Their main purpose became to secure anomalies and then contain them to study their nature and find their weaknesses. Only then do they believe they can save humanity.

And the job today looked like it was right up our alley...

First, we received reports about crazy people running through the streets. So we thought it was a normal zombie outbreak, but when we arrived there, it was something completely different...

The epicenter of all this was a Toledo shopping center. So we drove there, but when I stepped out of the bus and approached the people there, I froze...

I suddenly felt a creature nearby that was far above my paygrade... It was so grotesque that I started to shiver, and my instincts told me to run away.

But I gathered my courage and still looked at the creature.

And the being that made me shiver was a young red-haired woman seemingly sleeping in the arms of a big, handsome guy.

After looking at her for a while, I felt like my soul got cleaner for some reason... So whatever that thing was, it was an abomination for sure.

But then I realized something more horrific—the man who held her. I couldn't feel anything from him. It was like he wasn't there...

For the first time in my life, I met a creature I couldn't read. He could be a beast that hides in that body, and I wouldn't even notice it...

While I was frozen, my stupid staff members nearly got themselves killed when they pointed their guns at them.

As soon as I saw the man reach behind his back, I got a foresight of the future, where the SCP foundation was burning while the man walked through the halls and slaughtered everyone he saw only because we had his red-haired girlfriend in one of our cells...

So I ran towards them and stopped the situation from escalating and brought them out of the quarantine zone. Our only chance to survive this was to be on the good side of this man...

So I gave him my card, but when he grabbed it, I got another flash of the future.

There I brought a report to the former council office, which was now the office of the director of our newly formed organization.

When I opened the door, I saw the director happily flirting with his red-haired wife, who sat on his lap seemingly not even caring about my presence.

Then I gave him the new report about some Winchester brothers who started the apocalypse again, and the vision ended...

He took my card, and then left with the woman in his arms while I could only sigh out of relief because we still had a chance to survive...

I decided that day that I would do everything in my might to never let the first future come true.

So while walking back to the shopping center I called the information gathering department to find everything about Aiden Cross and the Winchester brothers.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the end of the chapter.

Next time, Cthylla will finally awaken, and they can spend time together. ;)

Stay tuned for more!

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