
Kitchen Princess (Yu-Gi-Oh x Reader)

นักเขียน: QueenB01
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(Y/N) is a great cook and she likes to make meals for the people she loves. But something is missing from her life. When she was a child, she met a boy who touched her heart and now she's determined to find him. The only clue (Y/N) has is a silver spoon that leads her to the prestigious Seika Academy. Attending Seika will be a challenge. Every kid at the school has a special talent, and most of the girls in (Y/N)'s class think she's doesn't deserve to be there. But Atem and Yugi, two popular brothers who barely speak to each other, and their friends recognize (Y/N)'s cooking for what it is-----magical. Is either boy (Y/N)'s mysterious prince? This is a Kitchen Princess AU. It's based on the Kitchen Princess manga.

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Chapter 1(Y/n) and Flan

I scooped a spoonful of the next untouched flan that was sitting on the table. "Slightly bitter caramel sauce. This is made by Kishimototei." I said after putting the spoonful in my mouth and tasting the dessert. 

I did the same for the next one. "The cream gives this one a rich flavor. This is Santonoure's."

The final one I put into my mouth was easy to identify. "Oh, this is easy. Homade flan by out dear Miss Hagio."

All the kids' eyes widened in awe once I was done identifying all the flan that was laid out before me. 

"Wow, big sister (Y/N)!! You got all ten right!" One of the girls who was watching me says.

I smiled. "This is too easy."

We all live here at Lavender House in Hokkaido. Here, orphans who have no parents or other relatives live together like family. There are no fast food places or arcades. But there is beautiful lavender blooming all around, and I love it.

But today, I'm saying goodbye...

"I don't want you to go, (Y/N)!" One of the little girls ran up to hug me tightly with tears streaming down her face. "Why are you going to a school in Tokyo?"

"I don't want you to go either." Another little girl says with teary eyes.

I teared up as soon as I saw the sad expressions on their faces. 

"My, my. Out (Y/N) is going to go fulfill her dream." I turned around to see our elderly Miss Hagio. Her grey hair was tied in a bun and she was wearing thin eye glasses. She was also wearing a white frilly apron and holding a picture frame. "We need to wish her good luck."

She walked up to me and handed me the picture frame. "Take this picture, too."

I smiled when I saw the picture in the frame. "Okay." The picture frame contained a picture of my parents. They were both wearing their chef uniforms and smiling. My dad had his hand on mom's shoulder and both of them were holding a tray that had a beautiful cake they made together. 

"You're going to be a pastry chef like your parents, right?" Miss Hagio asked. "It seems like it was only yesterday when you came here. You never spoke, nor ate. I was so worried."

Yes... my mom and dad died, leaving me all alone. I cried all the time. Then... I fell in the lake and nearly drowned. A boy saved me and I just cried instead of thanking him for saving me. I was just so sad and lonely because I was left here alone. And then, to make me stop crying... he gave me something. 

It was flan and a silver spoon.

It was delicious and the boy told me, "When you eat something good, you smile. That's why Mommy and Daddy didn't take you." He moved my bangs out of the way and kissed my forehead. "They wanted you to keep smiling."

That boy made a rainbow in the darkest time of my life. Before he left, I made a promise to him that next time, I'll make him the most delicious dessert in the whole world. I can't forget him...like I can't forget the taste of flan. He's my Flan Prince. I learned how to cook for him. I hope to find the owner of the spoon. 

Four months ago, I found out that Seika Academy had the same emblem as the spoon. So, I studied hard to get in.

"You can come back anytime." Miss Hagio says snapping me out of my thoughts and holding both of my hands. "This is your home, after all."

After hearing that, I gave Miss Hagio a big hug and let my tears fall one by one. "Thank you, Hagio."

I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful home here.


The next day, I was off to Tokyo. I wore one of Miss Hagio's old clothes. They fit me perfectly, but they were old fashion. The dress showed off my shoulders and it was a bit puffy at the bottom where it stops at my knees. I was wearing lace gloves and a matching bonnet. 

I got in to Seika Academy with the director's recommendation. I wonder what kind of academy it is...

A rainbow caught my eye once I've made it to Tokyo. A new place, new people. I have a feeling something good will happen...

Seika Academy was a mammoth academy of over 5,000 students that goes from elementary school to high school. I'd heard about it before, but... wow... the school looked enormous and so luxurious. My mouth was agape when I saw my room at the Girls' Dormitory. I dropped my luggage and started jumping on my dormitory bed. 

"Wow! This is my first-ever room of my own!" I laughed out as I continued bouncing on my bed like a Hyena on a trampoline, not caring that the teacher who took me here was standing at the doorway doing an anime sweat drop as she watched me act so childish. 

She cleared her throat and said, "Your classes start tomorrow. Please don't leave this room until the director gives permission."

"Yes, ma'am." I replied and sat properly on the bed.

After the teacher left, I looked out the window. The view is just as good as my dorm room. 

My Flan Prince... might be here.

I jumped out the window climbed down the nearest tree. I know that the teacher told me not to leave, but I got itchy feet and couldn't help myself. While I was climbing down, I heard a voice from below. I looked down and saw a boy lying down on the ground. My face went red as I remembered that I was wearing a dress. 

I told him not to look as I tried to hold, the bottom of my dress so he wouldn't see my panties. I lost my grip and fell off the tree. I fell right on top of the boy's lap. I groaned in pain as I looked up at the boy I fell on. His eyes were the color of amethyst and showed a bit of curiosity. His spikey tri-colored hair flowed in the breeze and his lightning bolt bangs casted down his face. He was also wearing the Seika Academy Boys uniform. Our faces were just a few centimeters apart.

"Wh-what... what are you doing?" The boy asked with blush appearing on his face. "Where'd you come from?"

I quickly got up as I realized that I was still on his lap. "I'm so very sorry!" I cried out feeling embarrassed. 

Before the boy could say anything else, we heard a voice.

"Yugi, where are you?" I was so surprised when I heard the voice of an adult. I thought we were going to get in trouble, but luckily, we weren't spotted. 

"Shoot, it's Ms. Kobayashi!" The boy, whose name appears to be Yugi, dashed in the opposite direction of the teacher. I followed him.Yugi was hiding behind the side of some stairs when I finally caught up to him.

"Your name is Yugi, huh? Are you ditching?" I asked him from behind. "You don't look like the type to ditch."

Yugi jumped. "Agh! W-why are you following me?"

"I'm sorry for falling on you earlier. My name is (Y/N) Kazami, and I'm a new student. I just came to Tokyo today."

Yugi gave me a sheepish smile and scratched the back of his head. "It's okay, don't worry about it. Also, if you're a new student, shouldn't you be returning to the dorms?"

Now it was my turn to give a sheepish smile and scratch the back of my head. I was completely lost. I laughed nervously. "Um... which way is the dorm entrance?"


"Isn't this the school?" I asked Yugi while he holds the door open for me as we enter the school. 

"Don't worry, it's faster this way." Yugi replies with a smile. This Yugi is a really nice person. 

A familiar scent catches my attention making me smile. I sniffed the air. "I smell flan..."

Yugi gave me a confused look. "Huh? I don't smell anything."

"Yugi, there you are." A girl wearing the female school uniform was walking towards us while holding a plate with both hands. She had long auburn hair and greenish brown eyes. 

"Serenity, what are you doing here?" Yugi asked the girl.

"You ditched cooking class again, so I came looking for you." Serenity replied. "We made flan today. But... no one wants to eat mine. Will you eat it?"

Serenity gave Yugi the sad puppy dog eyes and showed us the flan she made. It looked... poorly made. It hasn't hardened at all. But she did her best, so..."

"I'm sorry, but no thanks."

I looked at Yugi. "Huh? But why?"

"I just won't eat it."

Serenity got teary Eyed after hearing that.

Yugi realized his bad choice of words and tried to calm the girl down with an apologetic look. "Th-there's nothing wrong with it or anything! I-it's just that I don't like sweets and--"

"How ungentlemanly of you to make a girl cry." A deep says. We turned to the source of the voice. "You should eat it, Yugi."

I stared and blushed at the person before me. He looked just like Yugi! The only difference was that his skin was more tan and his facial features were more mature. He was a bit taller than Yugi and his eyes were the color of Chelan cherries. His blond lightning bolt bangs were longer than Yugi's and he had a few lightning bolt strands out with his spikey hair. Yugi's cute, but wow! Atem was undeniably handsome. 

"Leave me alone. Outsiders should stay out of this." Yugi snapped. I was surprised at Yugi's attitude towards his look alike. He was nicer a moment ago.

The male student takes the plate of flan from Serenity. "But I'm your brother."

Brothers. That does make sense since they look alike.

"I heard you're living in the dorms now. Father was worried about you."

The student tries to give the plate to Yugi.

"Don't treat me like a kid!!" Yugi exclaimed as he slapped the plate out of his brother's hand.

The plate landed face down on the floor completely ruining the flan Serenity made. I got on my hands and knees where the ruined dessert was. 

"What are you doing!?" I cries out as Serenity tried to calm me down even though she was also upset because she worked so hard on it.

Yugi looked away in regret and embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry. But it's only flan. It's not like I'll get hurt if I don't eat it."

I snapped. My entire body trembled in frustration. "Didn't you learn in kindergarten?  You can't waste food like this."

I handed the plate over to Serenity the turned my head to Yugi. He flinched at the stern look I gave him. I got back up on my feet and balled my fists. "I'm going to remake it. So you have to eat it!!"

There was a brief moment of silence until Yugi's brother spoke. "If that's the case, I'll get the cooking room ready."


When we entered the cooking room, all the female students in the room fan-girled when they saw Yugi's brother. 

"OMG! It's Atem!"

"Why is he here!?"

Atem walked up to one of the female students. "Can we borrow the room for a moment?" He asked her.

The girl was blushing hard and had hearts in her eyes. "Anything for you, Mr. Student Body President!!"

Oh, he's the student body president. He's popular. 

While I was putting on an apron, I heard something break and rushed to check on Serenity. "Are you okay?" I asked in concern. Two eggs were broken. One was on the counter and one was on the floor. Yugi helped me clean the mess up. 

"I'm sorry. I'm very clumsy." Serenity sadly said on the verge of tears after me and Yugi were done cleaning the mess. "No one ever wants to eat my food. I can't make a hard snack like flan."

I gave Serenity a sincere smile. "Flan isn't hard to make." I picked up a whisk and a mixing bowl. "Everybody has trouble with crumbling flan. But if you take your time and do it, it's really easy. Flan gets harder with more egg, and softer with more milk."

We started putting the ingredients in the bowl. "I think it didn't harden because there was to much sugar. When there's too much sugar, the flan loses the ability to harden."

Everyone in the room watched and listened as me and Serenity continued making the batter. "20% egg, 65% milk, 15% sugar. This is the perfect combination!"

The batter was done, so I pulled out a teacup. "And we'll use this for the flan cup."

"A teacup?"

I gave the cup to Serenity. "Yup! It's better to use something that doesn't conduct heat."

"It looks cute, too." Serenity beamed as she poured the batter into the cup. 

I put the flan in the steamer. "First, you put it on high heat. After two to three minutes, lower the heat. And then, you make a wish."

I closed my eyes and clasped my hands together. Serenity did the same.

"Please come out good. Because I want to see the smile of the person who eats it."


"Wow." Serenity gazes in admiration at the flan we made. She had tears of joy in the corners of her eyes. "I really made it!"

Yugi takes the flan from Serenity and scoops some into his mouth. Me and Serenity smile.

"Hey, this is really good." Yugi says with the spoon hanging from his mouth.

I was also eating the flan we made. "Right? It's not just any old flan!"

"I never knew it could feel so good to have someone eat what you made." Serenity says with a big smile on her face. She turned to me. "Thank you so much. Um... who are you? I haven't seen you before."

That's right. I never introduced myself to Serenity and Atem.

"I'm (Y/N)." I greeted with a friendly smile. "I'm joining the first-year A class. Nice to meet you." 

"Class A!?" 

"That's the special class!"

I was confused. Everyone in the room were so surprised when I said I was going to be in Class A.

"Oh, so you're the one." Atem says with a smile as he walks towards me. "The new student with the recommendation from the director."

I didn't realize the height difference between me and Atem until we were inches apart and I was raising my head to look at him.

"You have a cute smile."

Before I could respond, he kissed me on the cheek. All the female students watched in anger and jealousy as he kissed me. My eyes went wide as saucers and my face was as red as a tomato. I was so shocked by Atem's action that I dropped the flan I was holding and almost dropped the spoon, too.

"Welcome to Seika Academy."

Dear Miss Hagio,

My roller-coaster school life has begun.

To Be Continued...
