

Hartwell's face went from elation to shock, "You mean just take the man? You know the rules the Rangers have about officers going missing. It would be an all out man hunt for the High Commander."

"Oh, I don't think so, especially after I invite him, then bring him aboard, then in say two minutes?" Derrick said with a huge sly smile on his face.

Again Hartwell's mouth dropped open, "I forgot just how fast you can cross the galaxy. You still need to set it up."

"Hmmmmm," Derrick said as he was thinking, "I think I have an idea, let's go now, talk to him, and then decide if he wants to come back. If at least he's on our side we might actually get something done in the long run. Besides I think it's about time I made you sweat again Little Joey." Derrick was about to fall over laughing at the shocked look on Hartwell's face.

"You can't just go and take a person like him! There'd be hell to pay! Even if you are the Emperor!" Hartwell said pure shock radiating on his face.

"Look it's not like we aren't going to warn him. Come on! I think it would break up the monotony." Derrick told Hartwell an even wider smile on his face.

Hartwell leaned close and whispered, "I'm game, but I hope that nothing bad comes from this!"

"Mary, we'll be back soon, we may have a visitor. I need you to go through the entire list of the High Commander's staff and the High Commander. How soon can you have a report ready?" Derrick hoped Mary was as fast as he thought she was.

"I believe I can have it prepared in approximately fifteen minutes. Sire, sir? Will you need any assistance? I can have several guardians prepared to accompany you if you wish." Mary advised him.

"No, I think that the element of near surprise will help more in this case." Derrick replied.

"Yes Sire, I wish to protest that this may have repercussions if you do not handle it correctly." Mary said.

"I am well aware of that Mary, believe me I do." Derrick told Mary hoping that she'd drop it. "Shelby please bring Rear Admiral Hartwell and myself on board, and then set coordinates for Ranger command, light screen at full. Mary, transmit the information as soon as possible."

A moment later they were both watching as Shelby accelerated then trans-warped to the command headquarters.

"Have we been detected by Shelby?" Derrick asked her.

"Not as of yet but I suggest that we not maintain this position for long." Shelby advised.

"Thank you, Shelby , keep us as hidden as possible. Mary, I need that information as quickly as you can get it." Derrick ordered.

"I will do my best Derrick," Shelby replied.

"I have the first of the staff and the High Commander. It appears that of these ten all are clear except for this one." Mary told Derrick and Hartwell indicating the person in question.

"Shelby I need a direct channel to the High Commander, is the one Mary indicated with him?" Derrick asked.

"No but they are close by, I have the High Commander now." Shelby said as the screen showed the high commander and a few aides.

"High Commander, I am sorry to disturb you but I need to have a word with you." Derrick told the man.

"Huh? Who in the hell is this? How did you access this frequency?" The older man said, looking around.

"If I may bring you on board for a few minutes we can explain." Derrick told the now confused man. "Please sir, just have them sit still a while you won't be hurt but we really need to talk alone."

The man's face suddenly showed clarity, "I think that would be a good idea. I'll be back in a few minutes or I'll contact you, no alarms," the man told his aides who nodded. "How long..." Derrick had nodded to Shelby then the man was in front of them. " ... before you ... bring ... me, by god! That was exhilarating!" Derrick chuckled a moment and then the older man turned at the sound seeing Hartwell who had snapped to attention. Then Derrick really started to chuckle when the man's face registered shock and then he bowed.

"I apologize for not recognizing your voice," the High Commander stated. "I knew that you were a friend to the Rangers but I never expected you to contact us, not like this."

"We have the capability to detect those who are spying for the sects; we scanned half your staff and found that this individual has been affected." Derrick told the shocked man.

"I knew that you were moving fast but I didn't think you'd have it ready this fast!" The High Commander told them.

"I have come up with a plan to rid the empire of the sects, I am afraid that one of them will start a private war soon with the empire. I am willing to help the Rangers with better weapons and engines. The problem is we need to clear the ranks. That's why we started with you, at least with you on our side I think the others would fall in line." Derrick informed the man who was nodding his approval.

"So what can we do to help? You will have the backing of the entire Ranger force; I'll make damn sure of it! Oh and I have to say this is absolutely grand..." The High Commander started when Shelby appeared.

"Derrick, we have to reposition ourselves. I believe that several ships are starting to grow curious about where we are." Shelby informed him.

"My god!" the High Commander whispered, "she reminds me of my granddaughter!"

Shelby giggled as she bowed to the man, "Thank you sir!"

"Adjust now Shelby, as easy as you can no sudden movements they don't need to know we are here yet. I will have Hartwell bring the equipment back with him today. I will also leave instructions for removing the other in the mind of the one affected. If all else fails Mary can perform it." The Hologram of Mary appeared and bowed to Derrick, who in turn just groaned.

The High Commander started to chuckle, "I see that you still aren't used to others having to answer to you. Don't worry, you never get used to it, you just adjust to it." Again the man chuckled at the look of almost despair on Derrick's face, which quickly turned to a broad smile as Derrick nodded to the man.

"We should have everything in place by tomorrow, not a word about this to anyone, this includes your family." Derrick warned the man whose face was now deadly serious.

"I have had to do this for years unfortunately, the family shouldn't be a problem, but my staff might ask questions. They are the ones I am afraid might leak out information that I met with you today." Suddenly smiling, the man nodded to Derrick. "I just had a fantastic idea to keep them quiet." Laughing he nodded again yes it might actually work!

"Alright I have to return you before the one we suspect returns, take this," Derrick handed the man a communicator a lot like the one that Dempsy and Hartwell had. "This will make it far easier for me to contact you and vice versa." The man took it, turning it over a few times nodding at the simplicity of it. "IMT Shelby."

"Yes Derrick," they watched as the man reappeared in his office then was talking to his staff there. Suddenly they were all smiling then they went back to work. A moment later another person entered the office. Apparently the man's idea was working as the new person didn't seem to suspect anything.

"Alright Shelby let's get back before..." Derrick had just sat when the ship slightly rocked from a blast a few thousand yards away from the ship. "NOW! Let's go!"

The engines whined then a few moments later they were in the vicinity of the Imperial planet. Derrick breathed a sigh of relief, "Derrick it's the High Commander."

"Yes High Commander?" Derrick asked the man.

"Emperor I have quelled rumors that we were under attack. Do you want me to tell the forces that it was a test by you to see if we are ready?" The man asked.

Hmmmm that might not be a bad idea, the emperor showing interest in the Rangers just might increase their pride and effectiveness. "I think that would be a good idea, tell them that I was pleased that they responded as well as they did but they need to increase their reaction times."

The man at the other end could see where the emperor was going with this, just might do all the troops good. "I agree Sire, very good motivation thank you!"

Again Derrick was grimacing true he might not ever get used to it completely but at least now it didn't irritate him as much as it did.

On board Hartwell's flag ship Ensign Callie had just lain down, god what was going on, she thought as she fell asleep. A dark figure entered her room moving through the shadows as if they were part of them. Attaching an odd device to her head they clicked it on smiling when they saw the energy signature was still there. Good, they thought the emperor's tech was still behind theirs. Leaving the figure exited the ship entered a small ship setting a course for near the galactic rim.

Onboard Conner and Sherry alerts were going off. "Sire?" They both started at the same time.

"Yes, what's wrong," Derrick asked.

Sherry took over telling Derrick, "Conner and I have detected an older, slower trans-warp signature heading for the galactic rim. I believe it started near the Ranger Flag ship."

Derrick smiled up at Hartwell; finally the bastards took the bait. "Alright, continue to track, let me know where it goes."

"Affirmative," both ships replied to Derrick.

"I think we've caught a break," Derrick told Hartwell. "I do believe that the bastards think they are retrieving the personality that they planted in Callie."

Next chapter