
Not to use an affectionate tone

Xianwu gazed at Eunuch Yuhan through the mirror as he adjusted the cross collar of his robe. "You look young. Why did you choose to become Eunuch?" he inquired and he dropped his hands to his sides. 

"I was brought into the palace when I was ten. From then onward, I trained to be an Eunuch in the future. I'm twenty-three at the moment. It is my fortune that I became a loyal servant to the Crown Prince," Eunuch Yuhan replied with a smile. 

"Your loyalty will be checked soon, Yuhan," Xianwu stated and turned around while extending his arms out. The two servants put the Dragon Robe on the Crown Prince and he lowered his hands. 

"Tell me Yuhan who is the best among the four princes?" Xianwu inquired. 

"Pardon me, Your Royal Highness, but how could I answer this?" Eunuch Yuhan asked. 

"You have been here since the age of ten, so you must know," Xianwu replied. "Who do you think is best among the prince?" he repeated his question. 

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