
Chapter Twenty Three: Alex’s Presentation

Once the last participant was done with his performance and was given rank three, Sam Barton had moved on to the next participant. A random name was picked and it turned out to be Alex's name.

"Will the participant number 202, Alex Gene, please come up the stage." Sam Barton announced through the mic.

Alex had half-expected his name to be called this sooner, but since it has turned this way, he'll just have to go with the flow. It's not like he wasn't prepared for this anyway. Upon hearing his name, Alex had started preparing himself to go forward.

"Hold on, that's you." Bob said as he glanced at Alex's tag and saw the role number he was given.

"Gosh, I can't believe you got to perform before me. Well, I wish you good luck bro, even though you won't be needing it since you're luck yourself." Bob said as he patted Alex on the shoulder. He wanted to complain since it wasn't something he was used to, but he just decided to let it go. He was in the life of a teenager after all, there's no crime in acting like one.

"Thanks bro, yours is also coming." Alex said in response, while also patting Bob on the back. Soon after he got out of his seat and started walking towards the centre of the stage.

"Do you think your friend can obtain a rank above rank three?" Tyler said, asking Bob while watching Alex receive a guitar from one of the contest staff, a request he had made previously from them.

"I don't know, he's a lucky guy. We'll just have to watch how things play out." Bob gave his honest reply.

"Hey, don't you think he walks like a celebrity. His name has been called for a long time now, but he's been walking to the stage for hours." Bob said which Tyler just giggled at.

Finally getting on the stage, Alex stood at the centre where the mic stand was placed. His whole body was illuminated by the stage light, but he could still see the judges from the dimly blue light that surrounded the arena. He looked towards his left where the judges were seated and stared mainly at Thomas before turning to look at Jenny and then to Dora.

Sighing wearingly, he had decided to speak up. "Judges, I would like to say a few things before I proceed." Alex requested.

"Sure you can go ahead, but you can't spend more than two minutes on that." Thomas said, giving him a go-ahead. This was something he already knew, even though he was here to present a song, there was still a chance for an opening speech as long as it doesn't take a lot of time.

Nodding his head in response, he began;

"It's a privilege to be here once again and to be honest, I kind of miss this even though I was gone for just for a little while. I'm surprised to see that a lot has changed in just a short period of time."

He was ensuring his speech was in codes so no one would be able to guess or find any meaning to what he was saying. There were those that weren't even listening to what he was saying. He doesn't have the best of looks and was just wearing some old shirt and a pair of pants. They discarded him as some random participant who would at one point of time make a mistake or forget the lyrics while singing.

Ignoring them all, Alex had continued with his speech. He wasn't here to impress anybody. He was only just saying his mind. Whatever the outcome of this contest is, he'll accept it that way.

"There's a lot of things I don't understand. I don't know why things have turned out this way, perhaps I offended someone in the past and they have decided to punish me this way. Or it could be that I was tricked by those I trusted and thought of as a family. Whatever the reason is, I'll make sure to put a change to that and make them all pay for their crimes and evil doings.

"Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you a song I've been working on for a very long time. If anyone had told me I'll be singing this song in the upcoming idol contest as a participant, I wouldn't have believed. I would have laughed it off as a joke. It has never been in my thoughts to be on the stage right here, singing such a song In a place like this. Well, at least not as a participant. But I've got to accept it. I have to."

Placing the guitar across his shoulder, he stroked the strings lightly, bringing forth a fine tune. "I'll be singing a song whose title is connection. It is a song I've been meaning to sing to a very special person, though I've not seen her for a very long time, I just hope she's doing well."

Everyone was silent as they listened to the words being spoken by participant 202. As for those who paid attention to what he's been saying, even though they didn't know who exactly he was talking about, they were still able to guess a few things. One, those he thought of as a family did something bad to him. Two, he misses someone very special to him.

Playing a tune on the guitar, Alex started singing;

It's another day, sixteen years gone

Told her she could stay till I'm back

His voice came out so sweet that the audience couldn't help but listen as they shifted their gaze to look at the one on the stage.

'Such a nice voice, who is this person?' Thomas said, while trying to see if he knew Alex somewhere, but no matter how hard he stared, he couldn't seem to recognize him anywhere. It was certain they've never met before.

However, there was a specific judge who found something familiar to her.

'This song… it sounds so familiar, where did I heard it from?' Dora stated as she listened carefully to the melody and the lyrics of the song.

She texted, I checked

Only to find out she's pregnant

Thought it was mine, yes of course it's mine

But she can't be with me any longer

Among those who were amazed by Alex's voice was Bob and Tyler. Though he wasn't the best in terms of looks, listening to him sing so nicely was something no one believed could happen. His sweet soothing voice betrayed his looks and appearance.


Why'd you leave me

Why'd you broke me

Told you I can't live without you (raised voice)

What's happening to me

I can't get over this

It might be 'cause of our connection (lowered voice)

I can feel it

I can see it

It's breaking as it goes

It's breaking…!

It's breaking…!!

It's breaking…!!! (High pitched)


Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohhhh!!

Why did you leave me

Why did you break me

Told you I can't live without you

Why did you leave me

Why did you break me

Told you I might die without you

I've been dead,

wish I could see you

Just one more time

Where are you

Why did you leave

Told you I can't live without you

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohhhh!!

Why did you leave me

Why did you break me

Told you I can't live without you

Why did you leave me

Why did you break me

Told you I might die without you

Cause what's happening to me

I can't get over this

I can feel our connection breaking


(Plays guitar slowly)

Our connection breaking

Breaking… breaking… breaking…

It is breaking (silently)

Bre-e-e-e-eeee-aaking (Slowly)

Brea-king… Brea-king…

(Start stroking guitar wildly)






Breaking!! (Stops)

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