
Chapter 37: Base Building

After hesitating for a moment, as this was quite a taboo topic for the different Ninja Clans, "I want to control my puppets with my mind, removing the need for any Chakra Strings whatsoever. Allowing me the freedom to use them differently, like using them to hinder my opponents or control their corpses to have more fighters on the field," he explained, already mentioning the crux of the whole idea. "I have one part of the technique already quite planned out, but I need help developing the actual mind control technique. Splitting a part of my consciousness to control a puppet. And that would be something you could help me best with, Inoichi-sensei, especially after witnessing your Mind Body Disturbance Technique allowing you to control multiple opponents. But at the same time, it is quite closely related to your clan secrets."

"I see. That is indeed quite a difficult request," said Inoichi thoughtfully, not offended at all, as such a technique seemed ideal for a Puppet master. "But not impossible. You could always marry into the Clan," he joked, probably.

"I am still too young to think about marriage, Sensei," reflected Tekku, while Hana nodded beside him. She remained quiet during Tekku's explanation as Clan Secrets were a very sensitive topic.

"Just joking, but seriously. Even if you succeeded in developing such a technique, you would still need something allowing you to control the puppet. Chakra strings, as far as I am aware, are actually responsible for the physical movement of the puppet. Do you have something in mind for solving that problem?" he asked, not answering about his Clan's Techniques for now.

"Yes, I am actually quite far in developing it. I am just missing some final components that I am still researching," he replied while thinking, 'Like studying the Human Chakra Network to create an artificial one.' "But I have already developed mechanical components that allow independent movement, powered by Chakra."

"Fascinating. You really are a genius," replied Inoichi, quite proud and shocked. "Well, giving you access to my clan's techniques is out of the question. We don't even write them down, only pass them down directly from person to person. But if you are willing to sign a binding contract, which breach would effectively make you a missing-nin, I, as clan head and your teacher, can allow you to gain access to a basic meditation technique that children of our Clan learn to prepare them for our techniques. Additionally, some theoretical notes studying the mind and soul, with some research papers for new mind-based techniques that don't contain too much information about our actual techniques. Would that help?"

"Yes, sensei. That would be a massive help. It is a solid starting point to develop my own technique. I am willing to sign such a contract," he nodded excitedly, as this was more than he had expected. He didn't plan to share any of that knowledge, as they were his own techniques either way. If he ever became a missing-nin, it would be for something that was worth it. But for now, Konoha was too good a place to pass up, with too many future opportunities.

"Good, I can also try to help you if you should have some questions, as I am Konoha's foremost expert in the Mind Arts," offered Inoichi with a smile. Even though he wouldn't share his Clan Techniques, he could still give his student some pointers.

"Thank you, Sensei," replied Tekku happily, as this was a very productive meeting.

"With our plan clear, we will start with it on the first day of the coming week. How about you two stay for dinner? After that, I should have a contract ready, and you can receive the material, Tekku," offered Inoichi, as his wife would be happy to feed his students.

"We would love to," nodded Hana, while Tekku followed her example.

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Deep underground, Tekku used the D-Rank Jutsu, Earth Style: Excavation, in combination with his hiding-like-a-Mole technique to shovel masses of earth while creating a big room for his secret base. He was currently in a remote corner of the Forest of Death, where he found a good tree with a small cave in it that he chose as his future entrance.

For now, he was creating a stable hole under the earth while hardening the walls with Earth Style and sealing the excess stones and dirt away in seals. Behind him sat one shadow clone that he created, as he now had enough chakra to create one and use some low-level techniques. His clone was practicing the Yamanaka Mind Refining Meditation technique, the technique every young Yamanaka Clan member began with to prepare the mind for any of their jutsu.

It was a good way to strengthen the mind and, at the same time, the spiritual energy of the user. Generally, a good technique for anyone specializing in Yin-based techniques like Genjutsu and the Yamanaka Clan techniques.

This also improved the growth speed of his chakra reserves, as it was a far more effective technique than the standard meditation he did every day or his constant studying, as it directly focused on the mind.

The theoretical knowledge of the Yamanaka Clan was quite insightful, and he already had a theory for a technique, but his mind wasn't quite ready yet for it. So, in order to effectively prepare his mind, he diligently practiced the meditation technique.

That his clone was doing so wasn't a coincidence. What was a shadow clone? Right, an exact copy of himself, even his mind was split. And that was one of the bases he is using for his technique. But he still needed to research the inner workings of the Shadow Clone more.

Deriving something like the Multi Shadow Clone technique wasn't hard, even if he lacked the chakra to use it. But basically creating a mind clone was much harder, as it was a further developed jutsu based on the Shadow Clone, having steep requirements for the mind and the Yin Nature.

Another problem was that this would only split his mind, making a copy of him controlling the puppet without direct communication with him. But he was also working on that, inspired by one of the Yamanaka Techniques he knew from canon, allowing them a wide range of communication, even with the whole Unified Shinobi force. In addition, his knowledge in physics, especially waves like radio waves and electromagnetic radiation, and also the knowledge about the Rinnegan and its use of using Chakra Signals to communicate with its corpse puppets.

All this allowed him to develop the theory for a second technique, allowing him to use Chakra Signals to communicate between his consciousnesses. But this required the working of his first technique and would, in its current version, work only between any clones of himself. But a way to silently communicate was a massive boon.

Once he had his laboratory ready, the real progress and experimentation would begin. For all of that to work, he needed an understanding of the Chakra Pathway system to develop his own artificial version of it that would supply the different parts of his puppet with power.

But that was only the first step, as this would open up many more possibilities but also problems to solve. He hoped he would be able to complete this project before the Chunin Exams.

- Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi -

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- Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi -

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