

"I think it is imperative that we always go back to that place that birthed us, that place of our foundation, where our course was set for life"

[Marcus Gerry-Stock II on how history shapes the present, an excerpt from the Daily Inquirer]


When Abe stepped out of the stable building, he found the stalwart caretaker, Mr. Linus Preeny, idly waiting for him at the main building's entrance.

"Took you long enough", he grunted, chewing on a blade of grass in the corner of his mouth. "I thought you was going to brush down all the horses in the stable at the rate you were going", he added eying the younger man with an unnerving direct gaze.

"It's good to see you too Mr. Preeny. Or can I call you Linus now?", Abe responded smiling amiably.

"Still as impudent as ever I see", Linus grumbled, starting back down the stairs away from the main entrance. "Come along".

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