
Chapter 30: The Queens Pride [1]

The moment Lancelot vanished, the entire atmosphere of the village changed, along with the bright and cheerful aura that Ikumi brought with her.

Morgana's joyful and pleasant face faded, replaced by the cold demoness as she sensed he had left and began sleeping.

'All right, My darling listened to me and went to sleep, fufu~ he called my name before he slept.'

"Aria, have you scouted the north?" Her voice was cold and piercing.

"My, Queen!"

"The enemy is a horde of wild Volken, and their numbers are great."

She looked at the kneeling succubus nodding before waving her arm across the air and summoning the other succubus that was the spitting image of Aria with shorter hair.

"Nel, prepare to come to help the Frost Hares gather and equip that leather armour we took from those pathetic imps. You have 1 hour."

"Aria, gather your two new sisters and have them prime their Domina for battle."

"Yes, My Queen!"

Morgana watched as the two succubi left the throne room before she looked into the distance.

Thanks to being the commander and given the trust of Lancelot, she could use the same systems as he could and use any materials if she desired and monitor the various troop's actions while sitting on her smaller throne.

'Let me see how my dear is right now.' She thought after confirming that the summoning of the new units went without an issue.

Her face was gentle after her arm swiped to the left, showing an image of the real world where Lancelot was sleeping.

Morgana's smile was motherly and affectionate, like a lover, while she leaned back on her small throne, watching his sleeping face.

'Oi! Rabbit! What are you doing climbing into his bed naked? Your room is elsewhere!'

Her mind shouted upon seeing the sleepy Ikumi, now stark naked with her ass and female parts completely exposed.

She felt irritated as the rabbit's body clung to Lancelot, her fluffy legs wrapped around him as he seemed to mistake them for the quilt and began to stroke them.


"That rabbit... I'll make sure to punish her!"

In her anger, Morgana violently slammed her hand against the throne's arm, causing a loud bang before the four succubi entered and knelt before her with a fist against the ground.

"My Queen! We are ready, our Domina primed!"

Only Nel spoke as the other three silently held their show of respect.


"Let us go to the front—those damn rabbits cannot take all Master's affection and praise."


Before she finished her speech, the four succubi instantly transformed with pink energy covering their bodies with a slight crackle and howl.

Their form transformed from beautiful and fascinating women into monsters.

Beautiful and charming monsters, those that a mother would tell tales to her children to make them behave a night.

A black visor similar to dragon scales covered their forehead and hid their large yellow eyes with slit pupils while a blood-red eye was painted on both sides of the visor to imitate real eyes.

At the same time, their beautiful skin was filled with various tattoos and runic sigils on their faces that added to their eerie beauty.

"In Queen, we follow!" The distorted voices of each succubus sounded as they lifted into the air, following Morgana.

Their pearly white teeth became sharp and beast-like, with mouths large enough to swallow a small animal whole.

They might look like beautiful women during the day like the monsters assailing the walls tonight.

These women were demons—succubi, the brutal reapers of the night.

Slowly as their bodies fluttered closer to the village walls, their yellow eyes could see better with the strange magical visor that glowed a dull red in the twin moons.


Their skin began to harden, covering them in a strange blood-red amour hiding their feminine figure in the same armour as the visor identical to a dragon scale.

On the scales of their shoulders was an image of two bloody swords crossed together, identical to Lancelot's sigil and emblem.

When they landed on the wooden rampart, they immediately kneeled as a woman with similar armour stepped past them with her black scale boots.

Her scales are black, with the image of a succubus on one shoulder and the white crossed swords on the other with a long spear in hand.


"So fierce..."

The Frost Hares seemed to feel fear towards the five succubi.

Especially Morgana, whose facial markings were blood-red and her voice extremely distorted and menacing.

"Follow me; we will end this before Master even realises."

"We must not disturb his sleep!"

"Aria, inform the Hares of the situation and have them ready to fight until death."

"Nel, prepare the defence. Our guests are close and of the Volken variety."



'Will you see my wretched form one day and turn away from me?'

Her mind was slightly uneasy as Morgana wished he could watch her fight. Yet the maiden heart feared his disgust of the true form of a succubus in battle.

The Domina Form.

Demons normally have a resting form that uses minimal ether and stamina to maintain, while the males have a Dominus Form that normally boosts power and aggression.

Like the current Volken is already in their Dominus form, their bodies a metre long with spines extending from their bodies with the crackle of flames wrapped around their sharp spikes.

The Domina Form would primarily improve the body or add supportive techniques to allow female demons to surpass the males in speed, skill and technique.

However, the succubi Domnia was different.

It made them bloodthirsty and boosted their desire to fight and for sex—their body and strength would be greatly increased at the cost of a small portion of rationality.

Those under the control of a Lord would only direct secondary feelings and sexual desires to that person without permission.

So they would only display increased aggression and desire to fight and kill.

Morgana's body was bathed in the silver and dark light of the two moons, her golden eyes slightly different from the other's with their beauty and shimmering like they contained stars inside them.

She opened her arm's to the sky before muttering to herself.

"True, we are a race created to sate lust, but sex isn't the only lust or desire..."

"My lust and desire are all his~."

"The only thing left for these mangy dogs is my bloodlust!"

Her body began to pulse with a dark purple aura, the slits between the scale of her armour glowing with a faint light as Morgana walked towards the edge of the village wall, looking down at the approaching horde of Volken dogs.

'My beloved master~ future king, let me display the power of your slave, commander and queen."

Morgana watched the image of his sleeping face with her golden eyes one last time, even ignoring the fact the rabbit was dry-humping his thigh between her legs in her sleep.

Her smile distorted and widened, revealing her large mouth and sharp teeth.

Before they vanished with a snap!

Now a black scale visor covered her entire face, only showing the bottom of her chin and the painted red eyes.

She flicked her wrists, causing a dark flame to billow at her feet, slowly churning into a vortex.

"What was his favourite saying...." Her voice was deadly and seductive as the atmosphere vibrated from her seductive and devilish tone.

'Ah... My Lancelot... I watched you from the moment you awakened and summoned that goblin... Your growth... Determination and passion stole the heart of this demon...'

Her hands pressed together as if in prayer, with a black flame now swirling around her entire body like a small storm of black fire.

'So please accept my endless desires~ I want to ravish you, devour you and taste every inch of your body~ ah~ what god made you into my ideal man?'

'You will accept us. Accept ME?'

Due to their ethereal beauty and endless charm, the succubus was once a highly sought race in the demonic lore and tales.

But those that sought such beauty learned another fact about this race.

They are a terrifying race to choose as a bride, filled with a strong tendency to become addicted, obsessed, and possessive.

This becomes more intense the stronger the bloodline.

And thus, there was a line from the demonic tomes that always reads the same thing whenever Succubi are bought up.

"Oh~ Baal, forgive he who chooses a Succubus Queen as his Bride."


She stood atop the wooden wall hanging over the edge and looked down at the Horde of Volken, a wolf-like demon with sharp claws and fangs with long spikes expanding from their bodies.

They were about the size of a teenager with thick black fur-like durable armour.

Morgana looked at the beasts that rushed towards his village like there was enough food to feed their entire horde in this small place.

Beside her stood Marimo, who looked adorable in her leather outfit and spear.

Ignoring the woman who seemed most likely to become his mistress, she entered the air.

Her black hair formed round pipes filled with the same black armour and countless spikes at the tip as they danced like death tendrils.

Morgana cleared her throat as two balls of shadow formed in her palms, crackling as they drained the warmth from the air with their necrotic energies.

"You fiends, this is my beloved Kings land! Be gone!"

Her body exploded with shadowy energy as the rest of the Hares and succubi shuddered from her voice's powerful vibrations in the air.

"You face Morgana, Queen of Lancelot!"

The shadow energy began to swirl into large balls in the palms of her hand, crackling and distorting the atmosphere as the red eyes on her visor glowed.

"Monsters, be gone from his empire!"


Her hands released the shadow bolts that smashed into the huge pack of demons, extinguishing their existence.

The front waves of the demons were turned into ash before the second and third waves began to rush forward. Opening their jaws in anger, dark flames bubbled from their lips.

Their loud howling cries, blood churning and twisted like a wolf having its neck slowly broken.

The Volken were bloodthirsty.

"Leave none alive; our king does not need to deal with garbage of this level."

"Yes, My Queen!" all four succubi sang with fascinating voices.

"We, the guards of his majesty, shall extinguish his enemies!"

Standing on both sides of Morgana, the four succubi dropped down with their red armour and gruesome mouths open as fireballs began to manifest from the tip of their tongues.

The fire evaporated the water from the air as prickly heat assaulted all that stood within 200 metres of the women.

Laying in bed, Lancelot's eyes snap open, now glowing golden with slide pupils and runes shimmering side.

His lips curved, showing sharp fangs before he collapsed, a sweaty forehead as the bedroom returned to normal.
