
Crazy crazy system


'how many time does this make it.'

278 days have passed since my stepping into the battlefield and during these period I die an average of four to five times a day.

"Time to get up."

Making my way to a silent secluded part of the battlefield I began analyzing my mistakes.

'the main problem is this body and the fact that I can't use demon art.'


An arrow went through his head and he died once again.

Waking once again I found myself back at where I call the spawn point,I decided to move the opposite way this time around.

At some point I manage to find a cave downhill perfectly hidden from sight.

(3rd pov)

After entering the cave Adrien made sure to check the surroundings and further decrease the view of the cave from the battlefield.

Sitting on the floor with his finger on his chin Adrien began pondering.

'i have to start from the basics further increasing my connection with this body and to try grasping the next stage in mana conduction and ki ejection.

And so it began Adrien spent 5 hours sleeping six hours practicing exercise and the seven hours try to grasp ki ejection.

Three and half week later...

Adrien was standing in the cave with his finger enclosed like a blade and around it was a green hue rippling through the atmosphere.

"Yes success," clenching his finger Adrien began muttering "now all I need do is go out and kill some asura to increase my spirit-mana connection."

With a heart filled with confidence Adrien went out to fight.

After stealthily moving through the field Adrien found his target.

A green coloured asura in a gladiator out fit.

'ok,he has no ring tattoo meaning he his unranked.'

"Should be able to take him."

Dashing towards the figure Adrien struck with his ki covered hand.



Adreien ki Slash was blocked by a machete,kicking the ground the asura moved back and struck again this time,Adrien blocked the machete with an imperceptible speed the asura punched Adrien stomach.


Stumbling down like car without brakes Adrien crashed on a rock.

'grhh,how that streng...."fuck."

Gazing at his other arm Adrien saw a ring two rings actually.

(An asura strength his ranked through the color and the amount of ring on their arm.)

"You've got to be shitting me a black tank 2 asura ReallY!"

Standing up Adrien dodged the close kick that was going for his head.

'i have to end this....


Once again he was kicked really but he was unscathed because he negated the force behind the kick,not giving a chance to rest the asura began attacking like a mad man.

Not to far from Adrien fight was a woman in a hoodie walking through the battlefield.

"Mm,a sword fight how rare."

Moving closer the noise became louder.

Clang! Clang!

"Wow a decent asura fighting a wait what how?"

" A child what a child doing here,and most importantly how is he standing on equal foot with a rank 2 asura."

Adrien dodged the slash.

'have to risk it.'

The asura thrust his machete in a straight motion stabbed Adrien,holding on to the machete Adrien embedded his ki blade deep into the skull of asura.

"I won." He said weakly.

Staggering to the back Adrien began to fall.

*Whoosh* A figure appeared beside him and picked him up.

"You've done well."


They are many mysterious things in our world. Unknown to everyone is a verse of it a world untouched,unblemished, undiscovered to even the most powerful beings in the universe.

This world filled with lot of neon light and high rise buildings is a world of system,signs where hung from the undefeated system to the dragon system,vampire system just to name a few.

A few days a broken system was given a new host.

(System pov)

I was given a new host just to my surprise my new host had an artifact capable of disconnecting me from the main servers.

Day 1

Mmm not bad he has quite the potential.

Day 27(asura time)

How many times does this make it that he has been killed.

Day 79

He is quite strong-willed.

Day 100

Why? is he not giving up I don't get it it not as if he is being monitored he can do whatever he wants,so why?

Day 150

Do that it;just because it was his dad first time of entrusting home to a mission.

Day 165

Quite naive if you ask me but that naivety is also cute.unaware of what going a kind of feeling welled up in my heart just sitting and watching him.

Day 304(day of Adrien battle)

Yes he is winning,how dare that bastard asura injure him,how dare he.

No,no,no *phew* he is okay.


Some one burst inside.

Standing in front were five figure each wearing a black bear and holding a gun like metal rod.

"System 9678 of gen z it has been deemed by the high council of nocturnal system that you are not in the right mental state to be a systesite."

'wah.' I couldn't hear what they said after that "no,no this cannot happen."


The lights went off.



"She got me,helllpppp!!!!!"



Sounds of bullet could be heard from the apartment with sounds of flesh tearin and bones breaking.

(3rd pov)

The light came back and in the room bodies were littered on the floor with incomplete part and muffled groaning standing in the midst of this chaos was a humanoid with womanlike features long black hair a velvet colored night gown her hands was stained with a grey liquid.

Snapping out of her thoughts 9678 began packing her bags.

"Since am not connected to the servers the servers they shouldn't be able to find me."

Saying this she changed her clothe and stepped out of the apartment.


Her apartment went up in flames and burned quite voraciously.

"From now on 9678 is dead."

With an intoxicated smile and flushed cheeks she began muttering.

~Don't worry I won't leave you my dear dear host~


(Back to Adrien)

Opening my eyes I immediately noticed I was not at my spawn point rather in a bed.

"Holup a bed."


Looking at the floating strings of word I couldn't help but question.

"Have I run mad?"

my first time writing a fighting scene and it quite hard

R3fi_culcreators' thoughts
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