
Chapter: 133

With the equipment provided by Mark to S.H.I.E.L.D., the supercharged S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the Avengers teamed up and successfully eliminated all enemies before the Helicarrier suffered further damage, quelling the sudden battle.

On the other hand, Natasha engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Agent Barton, not giving him a chance to use his bow and arrow. After closing the distance between them, she subdued him with her superior close-quarters combat skills.

Through cognitive recalibration, commonly known as "brainshock," she successfully helped Barton break free from Loki's control.

After some psychological guidance, Hawkeye Barton also joined the Avengers' plan, becoming an important force in the fight against Loki and his alien army.

Inside the control room, the original work order has been restored, and some logistical personnel are cleaning up the aftermath.

Injured personnel have been transferred to nutrient hibernation pods for physical recovery, while damaged equipment from the incident is being replaced and repaired as quickly as possible.

At this time, Fury has gathered the Avengers for a meeting, ready to discuss strategies against the enemy.

Black Widow - Natasha, Hawkeye - Barton, Dr. Banner (the Hulk), Thor Odinson, Captain Rogers, Iron Man - Tony Stark, young prodigy Mark, and the enigmatic figure Nick Fury.

"First, I want to confess to you honestly that we did indeed intend to use the Tesseract to create weapons, and because of this foolish decision, we brought today's catastrophe upon Earth.

But I never put my hopes on the weapons developed during Phase Two, because I have a bolder plan.

I have an idea, and some of you already know about it. I call it the Avengers Initiative.

The plan is to bring together a group of exceptional individuals and see if they can become a stronger team. To see if they can fight side by side in times of crisis, cooperate and win wars we couldn't win before.

Your performance in the recent crisis has shown me that you can do it, that you have the opportunity to succeed.

Regardless of any unpleasant things that happened between us in the past, we need to put aside our grievances and focus on dealing with external threats, just as you have done now.

Loki needs a power source to open a portal for his invading army. If Mark's analysis is correct, then his next target is clear—the Stark Tower."

"I knew it wouldn't escape this disaster... Damn it, Loki!" Tony gritted his teeth.

"We need a plan now," Captain stated firmly.

But Mark, who had always had a good relationship with Steve, voiced a different opinion, "I don't think so, Captain. We are facing an alien army led by an extraterrestrial.

When we know nothing about our enemy, any plan will only hinder us on the battlefield. What we need now is to enhance our own strength, preferably an overwhelming strength.

Of course, that's not realistic, but even a slight advantage can sometimes change the balance of the entire battle. So—I have prepared a little gift for all of you."

"Natasha, your advantage is close combat, but when facing a large number of enemies on the battlefield, this fighting style can put you in more danger.

So I have prepared a carbon fiber combat suit for you, with carbon-carbide plates added to vital organs to increase your defense. As for the attack, I am making an exception today and lending you something. You will know how to use it when you grip the handle of the gun.

Remember not to aim it at anyone other than the enemy. I have specially activated its lethal mode today, and being hit by it would have serious consequences.

Hawkeye, you previously mentioned that you really liked the bowstrings I provided. Today, I am giving you a great bow - made entirely of carbon-carbide material, with indestructible durability and amazing elastic range for extended range.

There's also a special quiver of arrows. When using them, be extremely careful. I have equipped the arrowheads with antimatter annihilation rounds. They have already shown their power in New Mexico, and I trust you will make good use of them.

Dr. Banner, I really can't think of anything that can help you after you transform. The only thing you probably need is a sturdy and durable pair of pants.

The material of these pants was previously used by me to make an expanding belt that can stretch from 1 meter to 100 meters. I believe it can meet your needs.

As for Thor, your civilization is more advanced than Earth's, and your physical abilities are extremely powerful. Moreover, you already have top-notch equipment in your hands. I really can't help you with anything. If one day I develop a potion that can enhance intelligence, I will be sure to give it to you first."

Thor tilted his head and looked at Mark with a puzzled expression, "Why do I feel like I should be offended?"

Mark quickly waved his hand and said, "That's just your imagination, my friend! Isn't it natural for friends to give each other good things? Hahaha..."

Using an awkward smile to dispel Thor's suspicion, Mark quickly changed the subject, "As for Captain and Dad, I upgraded your equipment long before this, and there's nothing else to modify now.

Yesterday, I had Baymax mobilize personnel and deliver the Thunderbolt to Stark Tower as quickly as possible. It should already be parked in the underground garage.

After ensuring Pepper's safety, Baymax stayed behind with Nani to take care of her and has activated combat mode to come for support.

In addition, we have a Hover-cannon on the Helicarrier and billions of miniature magnetic axis robots in my reserves.

I believe we do have a chance of winning this major battle."

After hearing Mark's analysis, everyone's morale was high. But the war hasn't started yet, and the outcome is still unknown...


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