
Quid Pro Quo

As I've mentioned before, my life really wasn't great by any means.

Nothing I ever did turned out right, and no matter how hard I tried to please my parents they only returned my hard work with more suffering.

Life was quite grim then, and I didn't really have much hope for myself.

The only way out was school and I finally thought that once I graduated I could get out of that cesspool called home and make something of myself. And by some messed up twist of fate before I could even realize that dream I died miserably.

Here I am in a world from a novel I read, in a body I am unfamiliar with forced to live a life I didn't ask for yet again.

Of course this life is better than my previous one by leaps and bounds, and I sometimes envied Simuel for at least having a good place to live in and being able to do what he wanted, but wishing for something on a whim and actually wanting it is different believe it or not.

There was also the fact that Simuel Grey's life wasn't perfect either.

His life was lonely and demure and he never really knew what it meant to feel familial affection. I guess he and I have one thing in common.

Even so, I couldn't help but think that at the very least he wasn't abused. Maybe this situation isn't all bad.

Maybe God or the universe or whatever was finally taking pity on me and realized that I had suffered enough and that I was finally allowed some peace. I mean it's only fair right? I was dealt with a crappy life so in exchange I get a not so crappy one.

After pondering over this thought, I came to a conclusion. I would try my best to live as Simuel Grey and try to find happiness. Not just for him but for myself as well. I would enjoy this life to the fullest and live life as I pleased.

However the first thing I needed to do was familiarize myself with this world and learn its history. Luckily I still had some knowledge from the book and had an idea of how this world worked.

First and foremost there is huge system of class here. There are commoners — usually farmers sometimes shop keepers, the bourgeoisie — merchants shop owners and the like, aristocracy — Viscounts, Counts, Earls, Dukes and finally nobles such as the King and Queen.

Simuel's father was the most esteemed, well known and respected Earls in the Kingdom of Nadania.

There were actually rumours that he might possibly be able to become a duke near the end of the novel but this rumour wasn't confirmed.

From the looks of it, it is not easy for an earl to become a part of a dukedom. But it was rumoured that Donnellan Grey had a close relative that could help him elevate his status. This was also not confirmed. This Earl really had a lot of secrets.

"I've got a lot to learn" I thought to myself.


After breakfast, since I was feeling a lot better, Gwendolyn allowed me to go to the library as long as I had a guard with me. It felt a little weird having someone behind me even if they weren't there directly. I don't enjoy being watched, but of course this is the price one most pay for being rich I guess.

I proceeded to make my way inside and thankfully enough the guard did not enter but stayed behind the door.

This library was one of the many libraries we had in the mansion but what made it different from the other's is that it was private. This was the main library of the household. I started making my way through the aisle in search of the history section.

Unlike the library in my world, this one was neat, tidy and organized so it didn't take me long to find the section I was looking for despite it being so grand.

I started browsing through the many history books and picked the ones that I needed. I sat at the table nearby and began reading.

"This world isn't all that different compared to mine." At least not when it comes to its history. There was obviously a lot of political strife, usurping of the throne, wars, crime ect.. typical stuff I guess. What really caught my eye was how magic and alchemy were being used to understand science.

Although magic isn't commonly used among regular folk anymore but was more reserved for knights and swordsman. Another interesting discovery I learned is that aristocrats as well as nobles not only focus on education but practiced martial arts more commonly swordsmanship.

I can say with great confidence that I am quite smart, especially when it comes with my studies but swordsmanship on the other hand not so much.

I was constantly getting beat up at home and at school and I was quite average in PE. So I knew it would be very unlikely for me to become skilled let alone hold a sword.

"Sigh, I already feel a headache coming in".

Quid pro quo - a favour granted in exchange for something.

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