
Certain Things

On the last day of their little trip, Hope wakes up before everyone else.

It's a rare occurrence. Back at school, Hope was more of a morning person (or more, she woke up early despite her efforts and ran laps in the woods to fight off some of the extra tribrid energy) but now she sleeps past Josie and MG's wake up times regularly. Often, she'll be woken up by the sound of MG using the blender downstairs or by Josie's lips on her thighs and a teasing smirk peeking up at her from under the sheets. Sometimes, Josie wakes her up by gently dragging her fingertips down Hope's bare stomach while they spoon and pressing soft kisses to the nape of Hope's neck.

Hope can't decide which one of Josie's she likes better, but she figures she doesn't have to. She gets both, and she also gets the loose sense that she always will.

Except, that morning she wakes up to something new. Josie is still relatively quiet, her mouth resting near Hope's ear and her breathing coming as a steady, soft thing that fills Hope with warmth. Her arms are limp around Hope's waist, but tangled together in a way that leaves Hope's body locked in and comfortable against Josie's front.

Hope loves this feeling too, but her stomach grumbles as if it's been summoned and, on cue, she hears the sudden whirring of MG's blender downstairs. She rolls her eyes at herself and her body's weird decision to be constantly hungry, but starts to slowly shift out of Josie's arms regardless. She tries to get up as carefully as she can, but Josie makes a little whining noise and tightens her grip.

"No protein shakes before five in the morning." Josie murmurs, her voice still sleep-laced and low.

"I'm hungry." Hope responds, only a little embarrassed with how predictable she apparently is.

Josie chuckles from behind her, somehow sounding both amused and in love with all of Hope's quirks. Hope's whole body softens at the sound, so when Josie loosens her grip enough and Hope turns around to face her, she can't help but press her lips to Josie's. They kiss how the rain comes, with a few subtle pecks at first and then a sudden pour of intensity and tongues.

"Wait." Josie pulls away first. She's breathless but she doesn't go far, leaves maybe an inch or so between them. "I haven't even brushed my teeth yet."

She sits up and it's Hope's turn to chuckle before grabbing Josie's arm, yanking her back onto the bed in the gentlest way she can. Josie ends up planted under her (like she's made for this position), and Hope crawls on top of her eagerly (because she's definitely made to be there).

"I don't care." Hope informs her, leaning down and kissing Josie again before she gets a chance to protest.

The kiss, much like their relationship, gets heated slowly. Hope doesn't intend to do anything more than kiss her, at first. She is pretty sure she has some type of ritual smoothie drinking to do with MG and has the lingering suspicion that he's downstairs waiting for her, so she tries to keep the kissing time short. Josie, on the other hand, is running on no clock whatsoever and sneaks her fingers up Hope's loose shirt almost greedily.

She wastes no time in dragging her hands up the sides of Hope's body and cupping Hope's beasts in her palms, already teasing her nipples before Hope even gets a chance to moan. Hope will be the first one to admit that Josie makes her weak. All that power and anger and strength in Hope's little body can be coaxed out by a few gentle touches from Josie's careful hands. Hope knows it, and so does Josie.

That's exactly why she can't help but rut forward, pressing herself closer into Josie's hands. Josie grins into the kiss at the action, so Hope breaks it in favor of dropping her head to Josie's neck and mouthing at the skin there. They work in tandem from then on. Hope's kissing makes Josie's teasing more of a tug and Josie's tugging makes Hope's rutting more of a rough grind.

Hope rolls forward like she wants to fuck something or be fucked, and it doesn't take much for Josie get the message and snake her hand down into Hope's shorts. Hope isn't wearing any underwear for this exact reason and Josie hums, pleased with finding Hope already wet and bare.

"You're pretty in the mornings." Hope murmurs into Josie's skin as Josie touches her lightly. Her voice is a new type of low, still a tad sleep-laced but rough from her arousal. "You're pretty always, actually."

"Such a romantic." Josie comments softly, sounding amused.

Her fingers become more firm after that, sliding along Hope's slit and spreading the ample wetness there. Hope makes quiet noises as she does it - quick, low moans when Josie brushes her entrance and little grunts when her fingers slip against her clit.

She doesn't have to ask Josie for more, because seconds later Josie slips two fingers into her as if on instinct. Hope moans at the sudden feeling and rolls her hips forward as Josie curls her fingers, setting a rhythm. Hope has her elbows resting on either side of Josie's head and she's lifted herself up enough to make eye contact while she grinds downward and god - Hope so wants to fuck her later.

They both still have all their clothes on and Hope is chasing a quick orgasm, so it will have to wait another minute, but Josie looks as if she's on the same page as her girlfriend (and Hope can't explain how good it feels to hold that title).

"Come on, baby." Josie whispers, voice soft and needy because it's just the two of them. "I'm so wet. I wanna ride you."

It's those words that make Hope tremble and cum, leaning down to possessively capture Josie's lips as her orgasm hits her fully. Josie works her through the aftershocks with firm fingers and eventually pulls them out when Hope starts to sit up a bit.

Hope stays there long enough to watch Josie clean her fingers and to kiss her senseless right after that - feeling drunk, somehow, on the taste of her - but then she climbs off the bed. She removes her shirt as she goes and then her shorts before reaching into their little hiding spot in one of the drawers.

When she looks over her shoulder, she sees Josie curled up on the sheets, watching her expectantly, and grins at her. "Take your clothes off."

Josie complies immediately. Hope gets a glimpse of Josie pulling her shirt off - tan arms raised above her head, beautiful flat stomach, and just the round, bare bottom of her breasts - before she turns around once more. She grabs the strap-on from their hiding place and puts it into position eagerly, already buzzing from just the thought of watching Josie ride the toy.

By the time Hope gets back to the bed, Josie is waiting for her. She's up on her knees near the pillow, legs spread just wide enough that Hope can see the subtle shine along her inner thighs. The sight makes Hope move a little faster than she should, and she ends up flopping on the bed and pulling Josie on top of her in a supernatural flash.

"Jesus, Hope." Josie says, sounding more amused than anything.

Hope flushes, only very slightly embarrassed with her blatant enthusiasm. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

That tiny bit of embarrassment passes and they both realize the position Hope's speed has put them in. Hope is all laid out comfortably on the bed and Josie is hovering over the tip of the toy, but not by choice. Judging by her wetness and the blush along her skin, Josie would be fucking herself down on it if she could - but Hope has strong hands resting on her hips and ultimately, Hope has control over the situation.

They both know it. It doesn't have to be said at this point. Hope pushes her hips up just a little so the very edge of the toy runs along Josie's slit, and Josie squirms but doesn't fight to try to get more in her because she gets the feeling Hope won't give it.

"Are you gonna make me beg?" Josie asks, her voice sounding desperate enough that Hope can tell she's fully on board with doing it.

"No, actually." Hope shakes her head, deciding against it at the last minute. She releases one of Josie's hips and waves her free hand, placing a soundproofing spell on the room in seconds. "I want to hear you scream."

Josie moans loudly at that, but it's nothing close to the sound she makes when Hope finally pulls her down. It's times like these that make Hope grateful she is part witch, because Josie is suddenly making absolutely filthy little sounds and rocking up and down with abandon - and fuck, Hope would be really jealous if anyone but her ever got to hear these noises of Josie's.

Hope returns both her hands to Josie's hips and helps the process along, leading the rhythm. She picks up the pace until it's fast and hard, and Josie is gripping at the sheets in search of something to ground herself. Besides the noises spilling out of Josie's lips, there is also the constant squelching sound of the strap-on moving in and out of Josie.

"Fuck- fuck." Josie gasps as Hope thrusts up while she grinds down, hitting a spot that Hope can only get to while she's buried deep inside of her. "I forgot how goddamn big this is."

"Feel good, baby?" Hope asks - and she's quite fond of this nickname. She's also fond of asking questions she already knows the answer to, as long as hearing the conclusion is satisfying.

And it's definitely satisfying to hear Josie whimper and watch her nod shakily. "So good - don't stop."

She has no intention of doing that ever (the apocalypse could happen and Hope would fight off zombies with one hand while fucking Josie with the other - she totally has the power for that). In fact, Hope just gets rougher. She slams her hips up into Josie at the same time that her hand finds Josie's clit, and the two actions combined rush Josie into a sudden orgasm.

Overwhelmed, Josie leans down and buries her face in the soft spot where Hope's neck meets her collarbone. Her moans come out muffled due to it and Hope makes a displeased noise, wanting to be able to hear them fully.

Hope grabs some of Josie's hair and uses it to tug her head back just hard enough that it bares Josie's neck and makes her moan - loud and unashamed, the way Hope wants her to.

"What did I say earlier?" Hope asks. She's pleased when the slight roughness makes Josie's skin turn a new shade of pink and her heartbeat stutter in Hope's well-tuned ears.

Josie stumbles over her words. "Y-You wanted to hear me."

"I still do, pretty girl." Hope tells her.

With the hold Hope has on her hair and the position they are in, Hope has easy access to Josie's neck. She only pauses for a second to stare in admiration at her girlfriend. Josie's neck is long and thin and marked with purple hickeys from previous nights, and with her head tilted back Hope can focus on the line of her jaw. Hope would say that there are certain things she adores about Josie, but that would be a lie - because she adores all of Josie, every little piece and part of her.

Hope shows her that by kissing along her neck and then quickly nipping the skin. She goes back to her thrusting, finding the rapid rhythm with ease. This time, Hope pretty much masters multitasking and plays with Josie's clit and fucks her all while mouthing down her collarbone to her breasts. Hope sucks a hardened nipple into her mouth greedily and rolls her tongue around it, drawing high-pitched whines out of Josie.

"Oh god- Hope." Josie whimpers, her voice not sounding as it usually does but still very familiar to Hope's ears. "Harder, please."

Hope complies without missing a beat (she's always holding back a bit for Josie, if she didn't then she would end up literally tearing her in half with the force of her thrusts) and fucks up into her harder, her fingers still sliding messily against Josie's clit. Josie gasps and whines and meets Hope's thrusts as best she can with needy downward grinding, chasing a second orgasm like a predator after its prey.

She gets hit with it a minute later, when she shifts her head and makes eye contact with Hope. The orgasm rocks through her like an avalanche, makes her shake and chant Hope's name over and over in ecstasy. (It's one of Hope's new favorite things, now - to lock eyes with her girlfriend while she cums.)

Josie clings to Hope once she is done and breathes heavily, sounding tired despite the early morning time. Another one of Hope's new favorite things is listening to Josie's breathing as she comes down from an orgasm high. At first it's rapid and more like gasp after gasp instead of steady breathing, but eventually it evens out to this gentle inhale and exhale. Her heartbeat steadies too, but never fully - not around Hope.

Eventually Hope carefully lifts Josie off of the toy. Everything below the waist is shiny and wet, especially Josie's slit that has taken on a new color Hope likes to call fucked-out pink. Not that she would ever tell Josie what she has named the color, but she still uses it in her head. It's very fitting.

Hope moves Josie aside and lets her slump down on the bed beside her. Josie makes a little noise that doesn't really resemble words, but she doesn't try to communicate further so Hope gets up and takes the harness off. In the back of her mind, she thinks about how she should clean it and when she'll be able to. She's sure MG wouldn't say anything if he saw it in the sink besides maybe a quick, humorous comment, but Lizzie would lose her shit. Hope settles with drying it off for now and setting it back in its place.

When she returns, Josie is spread out on top of the sheets and grinning at her. Hope sends the same loving grin back and crawls onto the bed before speaking. "Hey, I was thinking."

"That's dangerous." Josie replies teasingly. Hope flicks her arm gently and curls up next to her naked body, taking advantage of Josie's nakedness by using her boob as a personal pillow.

"No, really. I…" Hope trails off, not sure where the sudden nerves are coming from. She tilts her head up so she can look at Josie properly. "I think we should go on a date while we're here. Like an actual, proper date where we have dinner before the sex."

Josie's grin broadens at that, the way the sunlight starts to stretch across a dark spot in the world. Hope feels her heart twist and shake in its spot in her chest, totally and completely enamored with everything Josie does. She simply can't help it. Josie has made her such a sap.

"What?" Hope asks. She is unable to keep the blatant nervousness from seeping into the single word. Josie must notice (of course she notices, this is about Hope and she is Josie Saltzman after all) because her hand reaches out and naturally presses to the side of Hope's head.

"You've just come so far." Josie tells her. There is admiration in her voice and clear love there. It's the type of softness that makes Hope's eyes flutter closed while Josie tentatively brushes strands of hair out of her face. "I'm so proud of you, Hope."

Hope's heart swells like she is the Grinch at the end of the movie and despite her usual restraint, she can not stop herself from leaning up to kiss Josie again. Their lips meet and move slowly against each other's, no hurry in the kiss at all. Josie's tongue moves as if it is trying to soothe Hope of some sort of ache while Hope's moves like she is trying to tell Josie that she loves her all over again (and she is - fuck, she is). Josie cups the back of her head a bit more firmly and Hope hums into the kiss, almost forgetting most of what is going on besides this press of lips. A warmth spreads through her that she can't name, but she likes it a lot.

They part naturally and Hope shifts lower on Josie's body again, curling into her original position once more. She casually throws her arm around Josie's waist and pulls her closer, tucking them tightly together despite the lack of space already between them. They press skin to skin - Josie's skin is so warm and soft that it makes Hope's head spin - and Hope quickly kisses Josie's side once, just because Josie is there and will let her.

Josie does more than let her. She lowers her arm to Hope's shoulders and pulls her closer, too, until it seems as if there is no way they could ever get nearer to each other. Hope shuts her eyes and starts to drift off a little in the embrace, caught up in the warmth and the love of it. Josie tilts her head towards Hope and presses her lips to Hope's forehead as gently as she possibly can.

Hope hums quietly in response and lets her shoulders relax, fully ready to fall back asleep with a tiny smile on her face.

"By the way…" Josie murmurs, sounding as if she is going to go back to sleep herself. "I would love to go on a date with you."
