

   "Shooting~~~Falcao~~~ was blocked by Rufael again" Barr roared with regret.

   The start of the game has come to the 21st minute. Monaco's third shot from the opening to the present, Rodriguez's wide pass, Falcao volleyed in the penalty area.

   The first shot at the start of the game belonged to Saint-Etienne, but this shot was directly confiscated by Li Shou, and then Monaco turned to the defense to complete the first shot of the game.

   In the following time, Monaco firmly controlled the initiative at his feet, but Saint-Etienne did a pretty good defensive job, only giving Monaco a three-foot shot in the first twenty minutes.

   And Rufael used his own wonderful save to shut out all of Monaco's three-footed shot, especially the third shot. Falcao volleyed in the penalty area and the ball went straight to the dead corner.

   "Rufael is in very good condition today" Duan Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this save.

"Hey~~ This is normal. Rufael is the former main goalkeeper of Monaco, and he was born in the youth training of Monaco. The players played very hard in the face of their old club, not to mention that Rufael was still bad at that time. "Leave in a different way" Zhang clearly did not check the information before the game.

   Compared to Rufael's performance in these twenty minutes, Li Shou is a bit quiet. Monaco only shot three shots in the first twenty minutes. Saint Etienne was even worse, only the opening kick.

Monaco failed to reach the ball in the subsequent corner kick. In terms of direct corner kicks, Monaco was at a disadvantage. The central defender had two veteran players with declining physical fitness, and his height was not too high. Ocampos, who had a higher striker, sat in this game On the bench, there is only one Kondobia in midfield.

Saint-Etienne's counterattack, the first altitude of the game, Thrall made a header clearance, Kohard headed to Shammoma, Shammoma wanted to turn around and was resisted by Raj after receiving the pass, missed the best Shammoma who countered the opportunity could only choose to pass back.

   A quick counter-attack failed and could only enter the battle, the ball returned to Kohard's feet, the latter passed to Lemoyne, and Lemoyne sent forward to Morrow's feet.

   But Moreau did not go any further because Abidal was in front of him. Although the two central defenders of Monaco have no advantage in the header, they are still quite strong in frontal defense.

   Saint-Etienne, who has never been able to score into the Monaco penalty area, finally ended the attack with a long shot. The offense and defense changed. Li Shou took the goal kick to Kondobia's feet.

   Kondobia took the ball and crossed the half-court. The strong body and good skills made Kondobia's forward penetration appear full of impact. The Saint-Etienne midfielder can only choose to intercept.

   Pass the ball, Kondobia, who saw the other two players holding it, immediately sent the ball forward and sent it to Rodríguez, who began to rush into the San Etienne penalty area.

   Although Rodriguez's arrangement for this game was on the wing, in fact Rodriguez has been active in the middle. This time there is no exception. With the help of Kondobia, Rodriguez has rushed to the front of the penalty area.

   If it was Rodriguez at the beginning of the season, now this position is already shooting straight, but now Rodriguez has chosen to pass.

   Rodriguez, who appeared at the front of the penalty area, attracted the defender of Saint-Etienne, and Falcao attracted another central defender. At this time, Carrasco flanked in at high speed.

   Rodriguez made a decisive kick when he saw it, and the ball flew past the defender's side, flew into the San Etienne penalty area, and flew in front of Carrasco.

   "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~ the ball was scored~~~ Monaco broke the deadlock on the field, in the twenty-sixth minute of the game" Rodriguez passed the ball very accurately, Carrasco did not need to make any adjustments.

   "The ball that Rufael didn't touch, Carrasco didn't give Rufael any chance at all." Carrasco shot very fast. Although Rufael made a save, he did not touch the ball.

   "Rodriguez began to prove to the world why he is worth 45 million euros" Rodriguez's changes are obvious to all, and his performance in recent games has been getting better and better.

   There was a huge cheer from the stands of the Louis II Stadium. This was not only because of a goal from his favorite team, but also because of Rufael's goal being broken.

   Rufael's performance since the start of the game is indeed very good, but no matter how good the goalkeeper is, he can't ensure that his goal is not scored. After all, the goalkeeper is still the passive side.

Of course, Rufael's responsibility for the loss of St. Etienne is actually not great. He has done what he should do. The reason why Monaco fans are so much is because Rufael once hurt the team, as the so-called love. The love and hate of the fans is even more direct.

   "Oh oh oh~~~ What happened, the goalkeeper of Saint-Etienne seems to be pointing at his teammates for a bad defense." When celebrating in Monaco, UU read www.uukanshu. com Rufael roared at the young Zuma.

   In the past summer, Zuma, who is less than 18 years old, was valued by Chelsea and completed the transfer, but Zuma did not immediately join the Premier League giants, but continued to play in St Etienne.

   As a genius, and has completed the transfer of wealthy feats, Zuma naturally cannot be yelled but also because of the dispute between the two attracted Barr's attention.

   However, the dispute between the two did not last long. The other players of Saint-Etienne came to separate the two at the first time, while on the sidelines, Saint-Etienne coach Galtier's face was pale.

   "This is interesting" Barr gloated, because the goalkeeper and the defender's dispute is absolutely fatal to the team's defense, but it is a good thing for Monaco.

Soon the game restarted on the court, and on the sidelines, Saint-Etienne came out of the bench with two players, one is a central defender and the other is a substitute goalkeeper. Obviously, Galtier used this The way to tell Rufael and Zuma, the two of them will go straight away if something like that happens again.

The ball came to Cohad's feet again. This time Cohad did not split the sides, but sent it directly to the front line and sent it to Moreau's feet. Saint-Etienne played double forwards, played by Moreau and Shammoma. .

   But these two are not pure center forwards. Most of the time, both of them are wingers, so they have good skills at their feet. After receiving the pass from Kohard, the two directly thought of Monaco to initiate an impact.

   "Nice hit the wall to cooperate, Shammoma and Moro crossed Abidal, and only Carvalho and Monaco goalkeepers were left in front of them. This is Saint Etienne's chance."

   "Ricardo, left" and when the two rushed into the penalty area, Li Shou roared.
