
So This Is What It Feels Like to Be Misunderstood

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Qin Zhen was well aware that he could not delay any longer. "Five hundred million!"

The host said, "This gentleman offers 500 million. Is there a higher bid? 500 million once!"

"500 million twice!"

"500 million..."

"600 million!"

The doors of the auction were pushed open, and a soft yet powerful female voice rang out.

Shen Qingyue stepped forward in front of everyone's eyes.

Qin Zhen's heart, which had been clenched, finally relaxed.

The most excited one was the host; this bid was a full one billion higher than the estimated price.

Because everyone else had their budgets, in their view, buying this piece of land for 600 million was simply being cheated, so naturally, no one made any more bids. It was eventually won by Shen Qingyue.

Shen Qingyue naturally did not care about their thoughts. After the suburban area was planned, those people wouldn't be able to laugh anymore.
