
4 Negative news

4 Negative news

Bayern Munich's first game in Ukraine is Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and their first pre-season opponent is the famous Ukrainian nuclear warhead - Shevchenko's hometown team Dynamo Kiev.

Due to the competition system, the first half of the Ukrainian domestic league has ended at this time. In the second half, Dynamo Kiev, who inspired to win the championship, also found the Bundesliga giant Bayern. Dynamo Kiev also hopes to increase their own strength by competing with masters experience.

Speaking of which, after coming to Ukraine, what impressed Leon the most is the beauties here. They may not all be the best, but the figure of every Ukrainian chick... Well, pulling them out will definitely blow up those girls What about supermodel N streets?

All right! After getting along with each other these days, Leon finally found someone "like-minded" with him, that is, Pizarro and Elber...

Cough cough, here we come anyway, if you don't play for nothing, right? As the chief investigator of the Global Women's Happiness Index, it is necessary for Leon to investigate and find out whether girls in Ukraine are happy or not...

Anyway, as soon as Bayern checked into the hotel, the Bayern South American Artillery Regiment headed by Leon drove into the Kiev girls' position in the dark. There is no way, playing football is the most adrenaline-stimulating sport, and football players tend to have stronger desires than other athletes...

Moreover, Leon came with the purpose of enhancing his physical fitness! Of course, it would be even better if we could find chicks with 'special powers' like Amy and Anri Sugihara.

Although the Ukrainian MMs are not as good as the Dutch MMs, but for Elber, Pizarro and Leon, the three experienced girls, how can those Ukrainian chicks who are not in the business are their opponents?

"Leon, I appreciate you more and more now! Hey, after having you, my future life will definitely be more interesting." In a bar in Ukraine, with one arm around a Ukrainian chick, Pizarro Smiled at Leon.

Brazilian star Elber also nodded after drinking a glass of wine, "That's right! Although German players also like to play, many of them stick to the rules. Sometimes life is inevitably boring!"

At this time, Leon smiled, wondering how he would feel if Tie Shuai Xisfeld knew that the two main centers of his team were going out with Leon to fool around together?

When the three of them returned to the hotel, except for Leon, the other two were drunk, and the records of the three of them were also very good. It's a pity that Leon shot four Ukrainian chicks in a row No chicks with special abilities were found.

Well, this night, Leon helped four Ukrainian girls bid farewell to their girlhood.

What I have to say is that, perhaps because Ukrainians are also very particular about strength, after shooting four Ukrainian chicks in a row, Leon's strength has increased a lot, and his thin body has also become a little thicker.

Alas, there is no way, sometimes, strength may also be a talent. Who knows how did Drogba, Carlos Tevez and Rooney become so strong.

God is indeed fair. While giving you excellent technical talent, it also limits your physical fitness. If it weren't for the heaven-defying system, how could it be so easy for Leon to upgrade?


In other words, Leon, Elber, and Pizarro did not notice when the three of them walked out of the bar. When they came out of the bar, the scene of them drinking with the Ukrainian chick in their arms had been captured by a man named Lambert. A German reporter captured it!

It's not that Leon is too careless, but in Argentina, everyone has long been familiar with the noble son's flirtatiousness. Argentines will not say that Leon is not because of his flirtatiousness, but they will think that it is Leon's personal charm.

Who told Leon to be so romantic and still in such a good state?

But for the Germans, their views are different, especially some German media who oppose Bayern spending a sky-high price of 40 million pounds to introduce Leonwell.

For example, Lambert, the reporter of "Munich Sports Zeitung", knew that Leon Weir's romantic personality, he also followed Bayern all the way to Ukraine. He firmly believed that in Ukraine, where there are so many beautiful women, Leon, a playboy, would definitely show up. Own handle!

Who said that the German media is not powerful? The media all over the world are very powerful.

"Hmph, a professional player goes to nightclubs, drinks and plays with women. Is such a person worthy of 40 million pounds?" Lambert looked at the negatives in his camera, and tomorrow he must let all Germans see this clearly. Lionwell's true face!

For Leon, the most unfavorable thing is not only that, because Leon smoked a cigarette when he left the bar, and this scene happened to be captured by Lambert!

"Still smoking! God, he's ruining his own career!" Feeling like he'd discovered the big news, Lambert immediately faxed the photos back to headquarters.

In Lambert's heart, Lionwell is simply a bastard who does all kinds of evil. If such a guy is allowed to be the core of Bayern Munich, it will be a disaster!


Of course, the South American artillery regiment composed of Leon, Elber, and Pizarro did not know that they had been secretly teased by the paparazzi.

Speaking of which, Leon's consciousness has also increased a lot recently. This time, when his consciousness was upgraded, what he saw was Makelele's defensive picture... Inzaghi's movement picture is still vivid in Leon's mind, and Makelele's The defensive picture also let Leon know that there are so many deficiencies in his defense!

A master of defense is a master of defense, Leon is getting more and more confused now, why is Real Madrid reluctant to give Makelele some more salary?

Well, Leon also felt a little bit here, Real Madrid really has a tradition of abolishing the midfielder, Makelele, Cambiasso and later Gago... Hiss! It seems that Redondo has indeed raised the perception of Real Madrid fans about the position of the midfielder.

I hope that Cambiasso, who has returned to Real Madrid now, will be better than in his previous life because of his status as a member of the World Cup champion team!

Speaking of which, the next day, when Leon, Elber, and Pizarro were having breakfast together, the head coach Heathfield suddenly called the three of them to the "small black room".

As for the reason for calling them to the small black room? Because now the whole of Germany is overwhelmingly reposting the headlines of the "Munich Sport" - "Such a person is worth 40 million pounds, smoking, drinking, picking up girls, Leonwell, what else have you not done ? ".

Leon, Elber, and Pizarro went to the bar yesterday to have fun with the media, and now the whole of Germany has negative news for Bayern. Especially the scene of Leon smoking, which makes his image even worse!

In the view of the reporter Lambert of the "Munich Sports Zeitung", even if there is something about Leon smoking marijuana, it is probably not surprising.

"Don't tell me, the people here are not you." Heathfield looked at the three guys in front of him sternly. This time, Tie Shuai was really angry. Heathfield, who has always been disciplined, is very angry now, and the consequences will be very serious. serious.

The new season of the Bundesliga is just around the corner. At this time, the Bundesliga champion and the biggest foreign player in Bayern's history - Leon Weir unexpectedly broke the negative news about smoking, drinking and picking up girls in a Ukrainian bar!

No matter which point, Leon has definitely violated his professional ethics. In comparison, Pizarro and Elber are not very serious. Well, Leon's limelight completely overshadowed these two main players of Bayern. forward.

Of course, this is definitely not a good thing.

"The person on this...is indeed me, um, the angle of this photo is well chosen. It's a good shot." Leon picked up the newspaper and glanced at it. He paid special attention to the name 'Lambert'.

"Shut up! Leonwell, didn't I call you here to ask how your photos were taken! How come you still don't know the seriousness of these things? A professional player drinks and smokes to pick up girls! What kind of talk is this? This is not Hugh During the season, you are a professional player, and now you are working! You are only nineteen years old, do you want to ruin your own career?" In fact, the saddest person who happened to Leon was Heathfield up.

Because this iron coach has begun to love Leon more and more in these days of training, and he has already begun to plan a new Bayern attack tactic with Leonwell as the core of the midfield... But now Leon What happened to Ang unexpectedly, for Heathfield, what he hopes more is that Leon can get back on the right track, after all, his potential is too great.

"You should know George Best, how did he ruin his career? You still have a future, Lionwell, I hope you respect your own career!" Heathfield's harsh criticism made Elber and Pizarro looked at each other.

This is the first time they have seen Heathfield get so angry. Generally speaking, if Heathfield gets angry at a player, it proves that Heathfield likes this player very much, and Leon can actually make Heathfield so angry , enough to show how much Heathfield attaches importance to him!

"Don't worry, boss, I won't affect my on-court status because of these off-court incidents. Please believe me, I will fight back against these media with my performance..." Alas, I will only get more and more drunk, smoke and pick up girls. Strong, it's a pity, others don't know, the world laughs at me for being too crazy, I laugh at others for not being able to see through it!

Seeing Leon who didn't admit his mistakes at all, Heathfield shook his head: "Okay. You go back first, Leon, you can use this training to think about your future, I don't want to see you smoking and drinking anymore , you go back. Elber, Pizarro, you should also think about it calmly! Remember, the team you are playing for now is Bayern Munich, one of the giants in Europe, a symbol of German football, and the city of Munich. business card! Let's go!"

Well, I don't know why, seeing Heathfield's sad expression, the three of Leon couldn't bear it.

After the three of them came out of the little black house...

"Elber, this is the first time I've seen the coach so sad. It seems that we have really let him down." Pizarro regretted it now.

"Well, yes, after all, the three of us are the main force and inner circle in his plan, and he must be very sad now." Elber was also a little annoyed.

At this time, Leon suddenly patted the shoulders of the two of them: "I said, guys, there is no way for us to regret it like this! Since we have done everything, as men, we must use men's methods to make things worse. The boss has regained his confidence in us!"

"How?" Elber and Pizarro stared at Leon with wide-eyed eyes.

Leon smiled at this time: "It's very simple. Doesn't the "Munich Sport" think that the state of the three of us will be affected by things off the court? We will use our performance on the court to tell the reporter named Lambert that we will not only It will be affected by things off the court, but it will be even better! As long as the boss gives us a chance to play, we will seize it, so the most important thing for us now is to devote ourselves to training! Clean up Lan Leave Bert's matter to me! You just need to be responsible for serious training and serious competition."

Both Elber and Pizarro felt that what Leon said made sense: "Okay, this time it's up to you, Leon!"

Leon also smiled at the two of them.


It is said that after Leon caused an uproar in Germany, his agent Mendes also called to remind Leon to pay attention when going out to play next time, because if Leon's reputation is damaged, then his Sponsors are directly affected.

Mendes is still considerate! There was no scolding, he just told Leon to be careful. Well, after promising Mendez that this kind of thing won't happen again next time, Leon also turned on the computer and checked the information of this German reporter named Lambert on Google...

Slap in the face? What's the point of slapping your face! Since this guy named Lambert dared to make a lovely old man like Heathfield so sad, he must take revenge severely!


