
Chapter 19: Crash Landing

Chapter Nineteen – Crash Landing

"Neither of us have any sort of luck, do we? You keep the world at bay… but I keep you at bay. - Uzumaki Kushina

Naruto was visibly uncomfortable. Orochimaru was leaning over while examining her closely, and with Shisui and Anko so close by Naruto couldn't ask Orochimaru to leave her alone. It would be the rude thing to do when her sensei was showing "concern".

Orochimaru was studying her arm, lifting it up and down while checking her range of mobility. "I think… That from now on you should always keep your hands up in the air when you use chakra chains. You're very lucky the chain didn't blast straight through your arm. It looks like you only got a nasty cut, but this was a close call."

Naruto nodded, not able to let Orochimaru's close proximity get her mood down at a moment like this.

In the middle of team practice she'd finally managed to make her chains appear. The down side was that she'd almost blasted her arm off at the same time.

The chains appeared from right underneath her arm, and Naruto had her arms half up when she'd succeeded in making two chains explode from her ribs. One on each side, and her left arm got scratched by the chain, splashing blood all over her new jumpsuit.

"But I did it! I can make chains! It was so cool!" Naruto exclaimed deliriously happy. Or maybe it was the blood loss that was making her delirious.

"Keep your hands up from now and not straight down. If not; one of these days you'll accidentally amputate your own arms." Orochimaru explained and put Naruto's arm down surprisingly gently. He had medical experience, but Orochimaru being careful with his students was not an everyday occurrence.

It didn't hurt much though. The wound was slowly healing inside the bandages Orochiamru had wrapped around it.

"I made chakra chains!" Naruto answered with a huge grin.

Anko quickly nicked the back of her head. "Focus, Naruto. Your arm was bleeding everywhere! If you can't do as Orochimaru-sensei says I'm going to ban you from using that technique ever again!"

"Fine! I'll keep my hands up in the air from now on." Naruto answered sourly, not sure why they were being safety crazy all of a sudden. It wasn't like Naruto didn't agree. She was just focusing on what was really important. Which was that she had finally – after two years of vigorous training – made chakra chains appear on command.

Orochimaru stepped back so Naruto could get to her feet, Anko and Shisui came forward to check for themselves that Naruto was indeed okay. "Good work though. That was fascinating to watch. I've only seen Kushina-san use her chains once at the start of the war, but now I got to see it up close too." Orochimaru said casually, and Naruto felt unpleasant shivers run up her spine when he patted her shoulder.

"I have to tell her." Naruto said and looked from side to side, as if Kushina would pop up randomly at the training ground.

Orochimaru shook his head. "After training. For now you can try and make the chains again. Just make sure your arms stay free of the collision path of the chains. We should also try to figure out if they have any unique properties."

"Maybe they can freeze chakra like Kushina-sensei!?" Suggested Shisui eagerly.

"How are we supposed to find that out? Let her hit us with her chain and see if our chakra network stops?" Anko asked skeptically. Eyeing Naruto's bloody jumpsuit jacket on the ground.

It would need patching and a thorough wash to get the blood out. For the moment Naruto would have to move around in her black T-shirt instead.

"I'm sure Naruto will have someone to test it out on sooner rather than later. We're leaving on mission in the morning." Orochimaru said casually.

"Of course… Where are we going this time?" Shisui asked.

Orochimaru had to be in a good mood, because for once he actually shared mission details ahead of time. Vague though they were. "We're gathering information."

"We've never done that before." Mused Anko, her hands rubbing together excitedly.

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow, thinking Anko was stating the obvious. "I know, which is why I thought it was about time you got some experience."

"Chains? You managed?! And I wasn't there to see them?!" Exclaimed Kushina both frustrated and excited at the same time.

"Yeah, it was so awesome too! I was doing like you instructed. I was standing still while calming myself down. It was difficult because I had to slow down my whole chakra network, which isn't the easiest thing to do for me. Then I used the built up pressure to release chakra while doing the transformation! It was wild!" Naruto babbled eagerly.

"And then it worked? This is great, dattebane! Another bowl of ramen, Teuchi-san! This is a cause for celebration and I'm paying! But just for one bowl, I'm sorry but you eat as much as I do." Kushina said with a broad grin, addressing Teuchi who was listening casually to their conversation. A very young Ayame was doing her school homework on the counter next to them.

"Thank you, Kushina-nee!" Naruto replied, pushing away her already empty bowl to make way for the next one.

"You know, I've heard you two talk about this technique for years, and you two are by far my best costumers, so this bowl will be on me." Said Teuchi and turned towards the frying pan. "I'll make something worthy of the occasion for the both of you."

Naruto broke into a wide smile almost identical to Kushina's, and they both started unknowingly drooling. "Do you think you can do it again? On command?" Asked Kushina curiously, turning to Naruto while they waited.

"I managed two times. Then Orochimaru banned me from doing anymore before I learned to keep my hands out of the way of the chains. I almost took both of them off while making the chains… It sucks! Why can't my chains come from chest and back too? They exit a little underneath my armpits, so it's hard to keep my arms away while I'm concentrating on making them. Not to mention I almost fainted after I made just two sets…" Naruto added, slightly less excited when she remembered her fatigue after two sets of chains in a row.

"Why can the chains even hurt me? I mean… they sprout straight out of my chest without problem, but somehow hurt my arms? Shouldn't they pass straight through? Like it does with my ribs and skin on my chest?"

Kushina shook her head. "When the chakra chains exits your body they are physical, so no. The moment they're out the chains are as dangerous as any other object, especially if you used full speed. I do see your dilemma though… We have to figure out a comfortable way for you to use them." Kushina said thoughtful, a show of concern on her expression when her eyes narrowed in on Naruto's arm. She was wearing a jacket, so the bandages on each arm were out of sight.

"I think I already know how to do it. If I just do this," Naruto said and held her elbows up to each side while her hands pressed together in a fist. It was how captain Yamato had used wood style most of the time. Her elbows were then on the same heights as her shoulders, but at least she had something to do with them, and the pose was good to channel chakra. "It's a lot easier to do then with my hands up in the air like someone who is being arrested by the Uchiha police force." Naruto said and lifted her hands in the air. Doing a good impression of a thief shivering in fear.

Kushina laughed while nodding in agreement. "That could work. You just have to remember it when it counts. The chains have no hand signs to help along the extraction, but it gets easier the more you practice. So from now on you'll always do that pose. Hopefully it will become an automatic movement for you."

"Here you go." Said Teuchi and put down a bowl for both girls. Naruto and Kushina stared big eyes at the delicious ramen.

"Ah! You're the best Teuchi-san!" Naruto proclaimed whole heartedly.

Teuchi chuckled low under his breath. "If I understand correctly you should eat ramen while you still have arms, so it's the least I can do." He said and shook his head.

"I figured out how to do it right! I'm not going to blow my arms off!" Naruto defended herself.

At that moment team Minato came to the ramen stand, catching Naruto's words. "Blowing your arms off? What on earth are you up to now, Naruto?" Asked Obito incredulously and pulled a barstool up next to Naruto.

Ayame quickly gathered up her homework to make space for them, and went behind the counter with her stuff. Teuchi pulled out a small box for her, and the girl sat down on her knees on the ground while using the box as a desk. Naruto had never figured that Ayame did everything at the ramen stand. She basically spent all her time in the kitchen except when she was at school.

"Naruto managed to create chakra chains!" Kushina told them proudly, already half finished with her ramen. Naruto was deeply impressed by Kushina's eating skills. She was quicker than even Naruto was.

"That's what's threatening her limbs?" Asked Kakashi curiously, looking Naruto up and down for any sign of injury.

"Well yes, their exit points aren't ideal, since its right underneath her arms, but she has a plan to make it work. But the important part is that she finally did it! Two years as my student and she's already awesome!"

"She's technically Orochimaru-sama's student, Kushina." Minato said and snickered when Kushina waved her hand dismissively.

"No, no, Naruto much prefer me to that old snake." She said reassuringly.

Naruto nodded while slurping up ramen. "I do." She agreed after swallowing audibly. The others quickly ordered their meal before asking to hear the whole story.

Naruto explained between bites of ramen, going into detail about what she suspected she'd done wrong before and why it worked this time. Rin wanted to see her arms, but Naruto dodged all attempts the medic ninja made to examine her. Luckily Rin was far from as terrifying as Sakura had been, and respected Naruto's claims when she said she was fine. But only after Naruto admitted Orochimaru had looked it over.

"But I only created two… One on each side. Isn't there supposed to be many?" Asked Naruto at the end, looking at Kushina for an answer.

"There should be. You have at least ten chains. That's how many you created the first time. I have nine chains in total myself, but the number varies from person to person. But we have it confirmed by Shisui that you once used ten chains." She answered.

"I still can't believe that… It's weird isn't it? Because I'm exhausted right now. I feel like I can sleep for days, and that was only after creating two chains two times." Naruto said and held up two fingers on each hand. "But back then I used ten chakra chains without even knowing it."

"If Shisui's description was right you also slipped into a temporary coma. He said you were a bloodbath afterwards." Obito piped up with one eyebrow raised.

Naruto waved the comment away. "But is that normal?" She asked Kushina.

"Well… The first time I made chains all nine came out. I have never really struggled with it… It was a very natural proses for me." Kushina said apologetically while Naruto moped. So she was not doing as well as her mother had. Well, at least she had inherited the chains from her mother's genetics.

"You have no reason to be disappointed, Naruto. I think it's incredible that you managed to make chakra chains." Minato said kindly.

"Thank you!" Naruto replied, her mood growing increasingly better at Minato's praise.

"How's the rasengan coming along?" He asked, changing the topic while smiling knowingly at Naruto's triumphant grin.

Kushina had taken the time to "teach" Naruto how to do it in between lessons. After Naruto had bugged her constantly for a year.

At first Kushina had claimed Naruto had too much to deal with to learn the rasengan too. It was too time consuming and intricate for her on top of missions, training and lessons.

But since Naruto was not allowed to practice the chains without some sort of supervision, either from Kushina, Orochimaru or on very rare occasions Minato, Naruto had managed to convince Kushina to let her practice on her own.

The first time around she'd basically been standing alone with a water balloon for weeks, and she didn't see the point of not being allowed to do that.

In the end Kushina had caved in, and Naruto had been shown the different steps. She had used two weeks before she asked for a new step, and then one week to ask for the second step, and now it was three weeks since she had been shown the third step.

Naruto had practices it at odd times of the night, making sure everything was okay, but she was far from tiring herself out with the extra curriculum training. She felt bad for deceiving them, but what other option did she have?

Naruto created a clone and hopped off the barstool. Everyone looked confused.

"Uh… why did you make a clone?" Asked Kushina confused, but Minato seemed to get it after a second thought.

"That… was smart. A little wasteful of chakra, but very efficient." He muttered and smiled brightly when Naruto started making the rasengan.

"Whoa!" Ayame exclaimed, jumping up from the ground and running around the counter to watch the technique. "So pretty!"

Naruto held up the rasengan, not noticing the odd look that passed between Kushina and Minato. "No way! No way!" Cried Obito and jumped off his chair too. "That is freaking awesome, Naruto!"

He turned back towards Minato and scowled. "Why won't you teach me that technique, Minato-sensei? I want to learn it too!"

"Well… you never asked." Minato teased him in a good natural way.

"What? But you're our sensei! You should think of that on your own!" Obito complained.

"You know why already, Minato has been waiting until you were older, Obito. You need developed chakra coils to make a technique such as the rasengan to work. Naruto is an exception and could start early. You might have more trouble though." Kushina answered for Minato, more or less scolding Obito for acting up.

Naruto dispelled the rasengan and grinned mischievously to Obito. "You're falling behind, Obito! I'll so win the Hokage hat before you do."

His eyes went round, and he stuttered incoherently. "I'll beat you! I'll learn the rasengan in just a week! Without making a stupid clone! Sensei, we need to go train now." Obito exclaimed and turned towards his sensei.

Minato laughed and shook his head. "I can show you the steps tomorrow when we go on our mission." He said and nodded. "Until then you should rest and get some sleep. You'll need all the energy you can get if you are serious about learning the rasengan in a week."

"He will not manage that." Kakashi said bluntly.

"I can do it!" Obito snapped annoyed, his cheeks heating up.

Kakashi was visibly skeptical. "Are you now delusional on top of being an idiot? It takes way longer to learn the rasengan. I'm not even sure you can learn such an intricate technique."

"I will do it, just watch me! And when I do I'll kick your ass with it!" Obito proclaimed proudly while pointing at his teammate. Kakashi just looked back indifferent. He was a master of cold shoulders.

Rin was about to say something, but was cut off by Naruto before she'd done much more than open her mouth. "You can't do that, Obito!"

Both boys turned surprised towards her; Naruto was usually not the voice of reason.

"I can do it, Naruto!" Obito protested in frustration. "I bet you that I can make the rasengan in a week."

"I didn't say you couldn't. I believe you. I think you can learn the rasengan in a week, dattebayo!" Naruto answered annoyed. "I'm just saying you should never point it at Kakashi!" She snapped angrily.

Obito turned from angry to comprehending, before he grinned sheepishly. He looked very pleased with Naruto's confidence in him.

"Naruto is correct. It's a deadly technique and should never be used against comrades. It's an A rank for a reason." Minato agreed, talking to all of them in his calm and earnest voice. He looked last at Naruto. "I'm glad Kushina taught it to you, Naruto. You did well. Just remember that despite its power I created that technique to protect. Like every other jutsu. In the end you fight to protect and preserve our comrades, not to harm and destroy."

Since they lived in the same building Kakashi and Naruto walked together back from dinner. Naruto talked about her mission in the morning and how she hadn't even started packing. Kakashi just listened, and for a while that worked well. It was how they usually communicated unless Kakashi was in a particular good mood and offered some help in the conversation.

Therefore Naruto was very surprised when Kakashi actually started a subject all on his own. "I'm thinking of getting a ninken..." Kakashi answered after Naruto asked what he was doing these days.

"A ninken?" Her eyes widened as Naruto remembered Kakashi's ninken squad from her own time. "That's a great idea Kakashi! When are you getting them?" She asked excitedly.

"Them? No I think one is enough… A ninken need a lot of training, and because of the war I don't think I have much time for more than one." Kakashi replied with a shrug.

"I still think it's a good idea. Em.. Where do you get a ninken?" Asked Naruto curiously.

"Around. The Inuzuka have a few breeds. I'm thinking of taking a puppy from one of their litters. They were actually born last night." Kakashi answered, sticking his hands into his pockets and sighing thoughtfully.

"Last night?" Naruto halted and turned towards the direction she knew the Inuzuka lived. "Why don't we go visit then?"

Kakashi froze, looking alarmingly like he was about to say something sarcastic, but riled himself in. "Mah, why not? Okay, let's go."

Naruto furrowed her brows, wondering why Kakashi was being so cooperative for once. "Did you hit your head on a stone or something? You're acting unusually compliant."

"I'm curious about the ninken too. And I'm fully booked for missions the next month, so why not go now? I can't take one home before they're at least two months old, but I'm curious anyway." Kakashi answered casually.

"Huh, I didn't know you had to wait so long." Naruto replied.

"They're dependent on their mother's milk for now. They're basically like human infants. They can't walk, can't see and they can't manage without their mum before they're older. But in two months they won't be depending on their mother anymore. They will be able to eat solid food, drink water, walk and ready to start some easy training."

Naruto just nodded. She guessed Kakashi had a point. "If you say so. I had no idea how ninken are raised or how they develop. But let's go then. I want to see some ninken!"

Kakashi knocked quickly three times on the front door of the Inuzuka home. Listening as a bunch of ninken started barking from the backyard and inside the house.

A man opened the door. He was tall and on the chubby side with curly, dirty-blonde hair. On his arm sat a child no older than a toddler half asleep.

"Hello, sir. I'm sorry to arrive unannounced so late in the evening, but is Inuzuka Tsume-san home?" He asked with spotless politeness. Naruto decided to stay quiet.

"Sure. Wait a moment," The man replied and shut the door again. His footsteps led away and everything turned silent. Even the dogs stopped barking.

Kakashi and Naruto looked uncertain at one another. Not sure if the man had just gone to sit down again instead of informing Tsume. He had looked really tired.

But then the door flew open again, and a slim woman with spiky, wild hair and markings on her cheek appeared in the doorway.

"Kakashi-kun! I was wondering how long you'd wait until yah' decided to see the pups. Come with me!" Tsume exclaimed without preamble. "You came at a good time. The puppies are asleep right now, which means you can have a good look at them. Well, to be honest they sleep most of the day, so it would be surprising if you saw them awake. They're still blind as a bat." Tsume rambled while leading the two kids around the house and into a shed in the garden.

She stopped outside and her eyes narrowed at Naruto. "Who're you supposed to be? His girlfriend or something?"

Naruto's eyes widened comically. "Naruto is my neighbor. She wanted to see the puppies too." Kakashi replied without any sign of annoyance. Maybe his words were a little sharper than normal, but otherwise he didn't seem to care.

Tsume nodded in understanding. "Ah, that makes more sense. The girl looked like she's six years old. What's your name? And does your parent know where you are this late? Don't kids have a curfew these days? I think kids your age usually aren't allowed outside on their own after dark."

"I'm ten." Naruto fumed, while Kakashi was growing increasingly entertained.

"What? Did you have a growth stunt or something? You're a shrimp." Tsume answered genuinely surprised.

"I'm the perfect height to stay out of sight during missions." Naruto replied heatedly through gritted teeth. Tsume was just like Naruto remembered her. Crass and rude. Just like her son.

"You're a ninja? Well this speaks of how desperate we are for more men these days. Children who are completely unprepared are being sent out in the field. It's a shame really." Tsume replied, a face of concern on her face while she looked at Naruto.

"I'm not some defenseless, little girl. I've been Chūnin since I was eight." Naruto bit out, trying hard not to explode on Tsume. She had the same annoying manners as Kiba. There was no doubt where he got his rude bluntness from.

"Hah, I think that proves my point. When I was eight I hadn't been in the academy for more than a year." Tsume laughed and finally found the right key. "What's your name though, blondie?"

"Uzumaki Naruto."

Tsume stopped for a moment and looked surprised back at Naruto. Something clicking in place. "Oh… You're Orochimaru-sama students. I've heard about you from Kushina since she won't shut up about you. Nice to have a face to put with the name. Now Naruto; have you ever been around ninken before?"

"Uh… It was a while ago." Naruto replied.

"Well, my ninken Fuyu is a little more cranky than usual. It's normal though, any woman would be cranky after twenty four hours of birthing. So don't do anything unless I tell yah to, understood?"

Naruto looked at Kakashi who simply nodded. "Of course."

Tsume opened the door and led them inside. It smelled strange in there. Not necessarily unpleasant, but definitely not what Naruto called normal. Naruto guessed it was the puppies. They had a more prominent and distinct smell unlike normal grown ninken. Grown ninken just smelled like… dogs. Unless they got wet, and then they stank.

"Why does the puppies smell different than the mother?" She asked confused, and both Kakashi and Tsume turned towards her.

"That was quick… You have a good sense of smell to realize that without having to pick the puppies up. It's obvious then, but at the moment it could be anything as far as you know. But you're right. I just call it puppy smell. Puppies smell like puppies. Fresh meat."

Both Kakashi and Naruto's eyes widened while Tsume laughed evilly at her own joke. "I'm kidding. Now here is Fuyu and her puppies. Let her smell you, and if she accepts you she'll let you pat the puppies, but don't go pick them up. I'm the only human who's allowed to do that right now." Tsume said and gestured towards a big ninken looking at them with tired and weary eyes.

Naruto realized suddenly this was not right. This ninken looked nothing at all like Pakkun, and though her puppies were extremely indistinct, more like pig babies than anything resembling a dog, none of them were Pakkun.

"What sort of ninken are they?" Asked Naruto and tilted her head to the side.

"They're one of my breeds. I've bred a few typed of ninken over the years, and with this litter I've been going for combat. I think I'm on to a very bad-ass breed. I think I'll even keep one of them for myself." She stated proudly and walked up to the mother. Patting her affectionate on the head.

"What about tracking? Isn't that what they're usually for?" Asked Naruto.

"Well, that's the genius with this breed. They're both trackers and fighters. They have chakra, and will most likely turn into something close to wolfs when they grow up." She explained further.

"They must be hard to raise. Are you sure you have enough time for a ninken such as this, Kakashi?" Asked Naruto. Trying to figure out quickly how to get Kakashi to buy a pug over an awesome looking wolf. Even Naruto wanted one of the wolf cubs.

"They are, and Kakashi and I have had a long discussion about this already. He has to take the ninken with him on missions, or leave him with someone for the first few months. The ninken can't be alone much in the beginning, at least not if you want to have a well behaved one."

Naruto swallowed and looked down. Kakashi took a step closer and bent down. Letting Fuyu smell his hand. She smelled skin suspiciously before nodding shortly. She lay her head down on her paws while keeping her eyes on Naruto. Watchful. Tsume nodded to Kakashi, and he carefully patted one of the "piglets" on the carpet.

"I already have an agreement with a few people who has said they were willing to look after the puppy when I'm not home." Kakashi replied and smiled while the puppy tried to turn its head towards Kakashi's touch.

"What about-"

"Tsu- tsu- Tsu!" All three of them turned towards the sound. And Naruto's eyes widened at the sight of a mini pug standing in the doorway to the shed, looking curiously at them with big brown eyes.

"No Pakkun, I told you to stay away from Fuyu right now. She just had a litter and she doesn't want other ninken close to her pups." Tsume said exasperated and pushed herself from the wall. Naruto on the other hand bent down in front of Pakkun.

"Hi Pakkun! I'm Naruto, nice to meet yah!" She said with a toothy grin.

Pakkun tilted his head, and his tongue suddenly fell out from the side of his mouth. "Na… Na!" He answered in a high voice. Naruto was so used to the dark voice of Pakkun it didn't fit somehow.

"I didn't know you had a breed like that..." Kakashi said curiously and looked at the pug Naruto was currently scratching behind the ear.

"Oh, he's not really one of mine. We had a litter dumped on us because the owner died recently. You know old man Osamu? He was a good ninken breeder, though he didn't use his ninken for fighting. He died just a month ago during mission… Poor man." Tsume sighed and shook her head sadly.

"I know who he is. I actually spoke to him about getting a ninken from him. But at the time the puppies were too young, and after he died I heard all of them were given to other people." Kakashi answered.

Tsume shook her head. "That's only partly true. Some got picked up by new owners, but we also had to take in some of his puppies since they didn't all have anywhere to go. Pakkun is a little more than two months old now, but he shows good potential. Osamu focused on tracking, scouting, speed and communication. Pakkun is small, but I don't think that will be a hindrance for him." Tsume said and smiled when Pakkun lay down on his back, letting Naruto pat his stomach.

"Are you after a ninken too, Naruto? Pakkun doesn't have a partner yet." Tsume hinted and wagged her eyebrows.

Naruto looked startled up. No, Pakkun was Kakashi's ninken. Not hers. "Uh… I don't know anything about ninken. And Kakashi is the one looking. But why not take Pakkun then? He's two months old so you could take him right away. Look at those eyes!" Naruto exclaimed and patted Pakkun more affectionate on the stomach. She chuckled when Pakkun started making grunting sounds.

"I'm more interested in a ninken who can be used in comb-" Kakashi started, but Naruto picked up Pakkun and dumped him in Kakashi's lap. Efficiently cutting his counter argument short.

Pakkun stared curiously up at Kakashi with big brown eyes. So adorable Naruto had hard time picturing him in his older years. Tsume rolled her eyes. Seeing straight through Naruto's tactic to get Kakashi to take Pakkun instead of one of Fuyu's puppies.

"Uh… Hello Pakkun." Kakashi said and picked the puppy up. Pakkun wagged his tail eagerly.

"This is Kakashi." Naruto continued, talking to Pakkun instead of Kakashi. Pakkun nodded in understanding and Kakashi's eyes widened slightly.

"A-ash… Ka..." Pakkun still had problems with words, and only managed parts of the sounds.

"He understands everything, doesn't he?" Mused Kakashi and looked at Pakkun curiously.

"Mostly… He is still young and has a lot to learn, but he is a rare breed. His mum could talk, which none of my dogs can, at least not in our language." Tsume said with a wry smile. "But he's not a battle ninken. He can harm a bunny I'm sure, but if you want someone in battle with Pakkun is not the way to go."

Kakashi was getting smitten though, and Naruto smiled triumphantly to Tsume. She rolled her eyes but grinned back.

"Kashi?" Pakkun tried again, and Kakashi looked up at Tsume.

"How much is Pakkun?" He asked defeated.

Tsume laughed loudly, and listed off the price from the top of her head.

Next day Naruto had to get up early, though she was reluctant to leave the flat now that Kakashi had a new roommate. She was curious how his first day with Pakkun went, but she would have to find out later. Team Orochimaru left the village at dawn, Anko and Naruto barely getting to the gates on time.

They were so used to each other by now, even Naruto felt somewhat relaxed with her position in team Orochimaru. She had never in her wildest dreams thought she'd have a full night's sleep while in the presence of the snake sannin, but thanks to constant work fatigue and long hours she, on most nights, slept like a baby.

She was also a little surprised by how impassive Orochimaru behaved most of the time. Sometimes – usually during fights or if something he deemed interesting happened – he'd be more recognizable. Becoming the overly intense persona who Naruto had first known in the future.

They walked in silence at first. Walking at a comfortable pace through the forest while listening to the animals waking up. That was until Anko started complaining. "We're on our seventh mission this month, and we're not even halfway. And that's not counting the normal guard duty by the gates."

"We need all hands on deck to protect the village. Out in the field and back at home." Answered Orochimaru without sparing her a glance.

"We'd be more helpful if we had time to rest." Anko mumbled frustrated.

"You had three days off. It's your own fault if you didn't rest in that time."

Anko didn't let Orochimaru's comment get to her, and instead defended herself. "We had three days off in three weeks. And now we started another three week marathon, but oh wait… we'll only have one day off next time before we start the other round."

"Which mean you should be well rested for the next six weeks by now. A good ninja use downtime on missions as a way to retain their energy. You three are too hyperactive to remember that fact though."

"We had training and missions simultaneously. Someone is always on lookout. We always need to find a place to camp, food for our next meal, and on top of that we're doing our duty. When exactly are we going to rest?" Asked Anko.

"When you're not moving. Learn to multi task. Lookout and relaxing can easily be combined if you just don't fall asleep. The few times we have to find food or whenever we have to prepare a meal is hardly hard work, and the training is a necessity you should be grateful to receive. It's hardly my favorite pass time to train you brats, and I have many more pressing issues to deal with throughout my days." Orochimaru said, using a tone that indicated clearly that this should be obvious, and anyone who didn't see this was less than hopeless.

"And just for your information, I haven't had a day off in over a year. The higher your rank is, the more demanding your schedule will become. Surely you've realized that by now, Anko. You're usually not this dimwitted. That's Naruto."

"Hey!" Naruto exclaimed indignantly. She stopped abruptly and put her hands on her hips.

The others halted. "You're the one who always need a second explanation, Naruto. You're definitely the black sheep in this litter." Orochimaru stated rudely without irony.

"Out of all of us; I'm the only one not with black hair!" Naruto argued back, pointing to each of her dark haired teammates in turn.

It was the first time Naruto realized how different their dark hair texture was though. Shisui had curls, Anko had spikes and Orochimaru's straight, silky strands could be used in a shampoo commercial if he wanted to. Naruto somehow doubted he would.

"My hair isn't technically black, it might look that way sometimes, but in daylight-" Anko started explaining, but was interrupted by Orochimmaru who held up a dismissive hand.

"It's an expression. Which just proves my point that you need a second explanation to everything." Orochimaru huffed and started to walk again, the others hurrying to keep up with his increased pace.

Naruto felt she hadn't gotten her feelings across, and continued speaking even though Orochimaru looked very finished with the conversation. "I'm an intuitive learner. I learn better through experience, dattebayo."

"You're a moron. But fortunately an interesting moron, which is why I continue bothering with you. If you're going to be an idiot it's better to be a unique one."

Naruto nodded. "Iam pretty special."

Orochimaru looked exasperated over his shoulder, disbelieving that she'd found a compliment in that sentence. Shisui just shook his head.

They had made their way out of the forest, and had now reached a steep canyon. At the bottom a fast flowing river roared past. And both Naruto and Shisui were having flashbacks to the outing from a few years ago. "We could walk around?" Suggested Shisui, his voice a little higher than normal.

"That's a waste of time." Anko disagreed and peeked over the edge, her eyes widening slightly at how far down it was to the bottom. "But sometimes it's good to appreciate the old fashioned way of crossing canyons. Civilians always have to take the long way around." Anko added and straightened up quickly.

"I can get us over… I think." Naruto volunteered.

"How?" Asked Orochimaru curiously.

"Chains." Naruto said and pointed at herself. "We have ropes right? You hold one end, I hold the other, and then I use my chains to shoot over the canyon and into the rock wall on the other side. I can then rile myself across and tie the rope to something secure, while you do the same thing here. And tadaaa! You have a rope bridge." Naruto finished with her hands in the air.

The others had to think a moment. "That could work… Except you have no idea how good control you have over your chains yet. What if they just evaporate?" Shisui said pointedly. "Then you'll be crawling in the water. Again."

"This is a good opportunity to check, isn't it?" Countered Naruto stubbornly.

Shisui's lips tightened. "It's a reckless method. Why don't we just walk? Walk down the side, over the river, and then up on the other side? At least that way we don't have to walk around the whole canyon, and at the same time you won't end up like a squashed sushi down there."

"What do you think, sensei?" Asked Anko as she looked up at Orochimaru for his opinion on the matter.

"I think Naruto can have a go. She's survived worse if it doesn't work." He answered and started rummaging through his weapon pouch.

Naruto's eyes narrowed, but she was pleased he backed her up for once.

"What? That makes no sense. We're on a mission and should prevent injuries." Shisui argued while gesturing to the cliff edge.

"Have some faith in your teammate, Shisui. As Naruto recently explained; she learns better through experience." Orochimaru answered calmly and looked passively down at him. Shisui frowned and turned towards Anko for backup instead.

"Do you think this is a good idea?"

"It doesn't matter. I want to give it a go, so leave it be." Naruto cut in, annoyed at Shisui's constant fussing.

He took offence, and folded his arms in front of his chest. They stared each other down, but Naruto was the master of staring contests, so reluctantly he sighed in defeat. "Don't fall."

Naruto grinned. "Never."

Orochimaru took out a rope and handed one end to Naruto. She tied it tightly around her waist while the others tied the opposite end around a tree.

Naruto walked to the edge and studied the rocky wall on the opposite side of the river. Wondering where would be best to secure her chain. Maybe it was better to use both of them? Though it would make reeling herself in more difficult. She still thought it was better though. She wasn't sure if she could control only one just yet.

It was actually really risky what she was about to do, because she didn't really have a grasp or an understanding of her own technique. She wasn't sure how it worked properly, only a vague outline.

For all she knew her chains made stone into water. But she guessed now was a good time to find out.

The others backed away to give her space while Naruto clamped her hands together, her elbows high while closing her eyes. Focusing on the chains. Naruto compared it a lot to nature chakra. Except there was no outward chakra to be pulled into her core. It was the opposite. It was a hard to reach, dormant chakra inside her. She had to blend it with her normal chakra, and transform it into the chains.

Three chains shot out at lightning speed. Flying across the canyon and bolting themselves into the opposite wall with such force the sound rang up and down the river. Stones crumbled around one of the chains, rendering it useless.

Naruto scowled, and hoped the other two was secure. Keeping her concentration in tact Naruto looked down at herself. Seeing the glowing, copper chains exit from under her arms.

Curious she laid her hand on them. Resting her arms against the metal. It was warm. Pleasant.

She wrapped her hands around a chain each, her grip barely made it around the girth, and she pulled hard on them. Checking if she could drag the chains out with her strength alone.

It stuck.

She looked at the others with excitement. Anko was studying the chains with interest. Shisui was shifting from foot to foot, holding in his protest by a thread while Orochimaru smiled approvingly.

"Go ahead." He said casually.

Naruto looked ahead, focusing on the chains with all her might. She didn't want to jump, instead she wanted the chains to pull her across just by reeling them in.

Thoughts of doubt were pushed away. The ones of cold water and crumbling stone. Fear was a jutsu's bane. Keep a clear head. That was the rule to all techniques. Nothing was better done halfway.

Roughly Naruto was pulled forward. Her feet lifting off the ground while she flew through the air. Her hands were still resting on the chain, and while the wall grew closer she felt the chains force their way back into her quicker and quicker. It was far from pleasant, but not painful.

Wind hit into her face as the canyon wall rushed closer too quickly. She was going to collide with it full force. And if she stopped reeling she'd fall and hit the wall just as hard with no control.

Naruto lifted her hands off the chains, readying herself for the impact. Her legs shot out in front of her too, so she'd hit the wall on all four instead of her face.

It hurt like a bitch, and she gritted her teeth as feet and arms braced against the rocky wall. Pain shot through her body, and she fell before she could attach herself to the wall with chakra.

She heard both Anko and Shisui shout. One whooping in encouragement and the other asking if she was alright. Naruto didn't feel like replying. If she opened her mouth she would most likely start cursing because of the electric pain shooting up her legs and arms.

Naruto started climbing, her footing shaky from nearly being crushed into soft noodles by the crash impact.

Finally up over the edge she took a moment to catch her breath. Ignoring the pain Naruto straightening up and turned towards her teammates far off on the other side of the canyon. Anko was jumping while Shisui waved eagerly. Naruto fisted the air with both hands.


They had camped by the ocean, on a rocky beach where the sea stretched out before them. The night was warm so they hadn't bothered with tents since a simple sleeping bag would do.

While the others used their evening to sort out their packages and relax – Naruto took the time to take a walk. She wanted some privacy, and tonight was as good as any.

With the constant missions Naruto was rarely alone anymore and living with Anko didn't help much either. But Naruto had something that needed to be dealt with which was way overdue.

She'd walked far enough away on the winding beach to be alone. The others were out of hearing range and could no longer see her in the darkness.

Naruto found a large boulder, one with a smooth, comfortable surface and sat down. She watched the ocean for a moment. The waves hit the shore in a slow, lazy rhythm, and the wind rustled her hair. After a few minutes she laid down flat on the boulder. Her legs dangled off the edge since it wasn't large enough to cover her whole body, and closed her eyes.

When she opened them, she was inside her mindscape.

The Kyūbi looked up when Naruto appeared, his eyes narrowing at her sudden entrance. His teeth flared and behind him his nine tails swished in annoyance. "What did you come for this time?" He asked, his voice echoing off the walls in the sewer like structure.

"I wanted to talk with you." Naruto replied, and without hesitation she walked up to the cage, stopping just short of it.

The Kyūbi lifted his head off his paws, his mouth twisting into a sneer. "Now that's old news. When do you not talk? You never shut up."

Naruto sighed and looked searchingly at him. "I forgive you." She said eventually. The tails stopped moving, and the foxes ears twisted forward. Naruto guessed it was to hear better, though she was certain he had heard her just fine.

Naruto had been thinking about it ever since she met Itachi in this time. Her own mixed emotion after seeing him had made her think. To wonder what she could do this time to prevent the massacre and so many other deaths.

But in the end the Kyūbi was her first priority. She had almost gained his chakra when she'd been blasted back in time, and though their relationship had never been good, it had never been as quiet as it had been the last few years. Naruto needed to change that. She had let go of her hate for what hadn't even happened yet. And if she could forgive the Kyūbi for throwing them back in time and for killing her parents, she could forgive Itachi for killing his. In the end, the end result had been similar in a way. Itachi had no family to speak of, and exiled from his normal life to act from the shadows. Though the cause and result was different, Naruto still found their situations similar.

"I didn't ask for any forgiveness. I don't owe you anything human." The Kyūbi answered, his eyes narrowing into slits.

"I forgive you for doing this to me. For throwing me back in time." Naruto explained and exhaled deeply. "I've been so angry with you for what happened, and I've been trying to get you to explain what really happened because I needed some sort of reason for all of this." Naruto gestured vaguely around, but really meant the fact that she was in the past.

"I know it can't be easy… being inside that cage day in and day out. I understand that you tried to escape. I would have done the same in your situation." Naruto continued, and started walking back and forth. The fox followed her movement with cautious skepticism.

"I have been in the past for years, and at first I hoped that I would be able to go back. Escape. Just like you've been trying to do. But… it seems I'm stuck here, and I'm starting to see that doesn't have to be a bad thing. I've decided to stop thinking of it as a loss, and instead see it as a new beginning. For both of us." Naruto finished and looked at the Kyūbi. Not blinking or showing fear at standing so close.

"What on earth makes you think I care about anything you feel? I'm here because I'm trapped. I loathe everything human, and if I was outside I'd kill you and all your friends in an instant. I'd kill them first and make you watch! I would make you feel what it truly is to be trapped with no escape."

Naruto swallowed, but didn't grow angry or upset. Instead her eyes hardened. "I would never allow you to harm them. You know how I am…. But I'm sorry you're in so much pain… I want to do something about it. So throw it at me, okay? I can take your hate." Naruto finished, her arms folding in front of her, and a crooked smile formed on her lips. The Kyūbi's eyes widened the tiniest amount. "We're all we got, Kyūbi. You're the only one who knows me, and I believe I know a little about you too by now."

The fox snorted, a mad laugh escaping him while he rose to his feet. Towering over her while he looked down at her through red, poisonous eyes. "Hahaha! You believe there's a way to quench my hate? I'm hate incarnated! You believe you can stand up against me? You're an idiot. A weak human who has never been able to do anything on her own. You always rely on me to heal you or borrow my strength. You take, and take, and then claim my powers are yours. You stupid, insignificant, little girl. I am the reason you're still breathing."

"You are… You've saved my life so many times, and I have never thanked you for it." Naruto tilted her head to the side. "But I know it. I'm not that ignorant, and it's time I told you; thank you so very much for keeping me alive so far."

The fox's ears tilted backwards, his brow furrowed and he flared his teeth threateningly. "I'm the curse of your being. I'm not one of your pathetic friends. I'll get out one day, and when I do I will dance on your lonely and forgotten grave."

"Well… if you're dancing on my grave I won't be alone or forgotten, will I? You're my partner, dattebayo. You'd be there." Naruto said, stunning the fox with her words.

"Shut up! Stop with the fairytale, brat! Life is dark! Life will eat you alive, change your spirit and decay your body. It will tear your mind down until there's nothing but misery left. You will die alone. Just like you've always been. You make friends just for them to be torn away. Either by casting you aside like Sasuke, dying on you like Jiraiya or being ripped away through time and space. Your fate has always been solitude. What makes you think this time will be any different?" Asked the fox, a feral grin widening, showing off his huge, sharp teeth.

Naruto smiled wistfully. "Being in the past and a jinchūriki isn't necessary a bad thing, Kyūbi. I'm never alone. I have you. Until the day I die, be it today or in fifty years, I will always have you."




To be continued...

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