
Chapter 22

"Ashborn?" Ainz asked, more into the room, than really directly adressing the entity.

"Yes, Master?" a feminine voice asked in a puzzled tone.

"Why, why did you turn into a female human, or rather, how?" Ainz asked.

"Hmm, I understood, through observing Master through Master's soul that Master likes female bodies the most, so I created mine like this, although it is still dead, it is better than that hollow shell of an armor, clad in shadows, isn't it, Master?" Ashborn answered.

"Why the hell do you say Master so often?"

"Well.." Ashborn wanted to answer.

"This is a rethoric question, you don't have to answer." Ainz stated.

Ashborn just nodded like a chicken pecking for seeds.

"I don't know what to do with you and it will take some time to change my mental image from the mighty Shadow Monarch Ashborn, to you, a weak female Ashborn. Well, here, take this <Omniversal Healing Elixir>, it should revive that dead body of yours." Ainz said.

"Drink it and evolve, revive, mutate or whatever in a hidden place, like, maybe my shadow or soul or whatever."

Ashborn nodded and vanished into Ainz' shadow.

"Holy fuck, why is it so tiring..." Ainz thought out loud.

Ainz went back to the Nurse's office, as he had an godly idea.

Ainz took a piece of paper from Kang Lee-Ha's Notebook, wrote down , right under his phone number, a simple message 'Need a stick to hop on? Call me, and I'll fuck you 'til dawn!'

'That's gonna be my slogan, I swear!'

Well, once again out of the nurse's office and hospital, Ainz slowly went to the Hunter's Association's Building to get an Awakening and License for the Reawakening.

As you need the Hunter's License as a Identification, as not to count as a refugee or even criminal, Ainz wanted to get it.

As he walked on and on, many passengers, mainly women, stared at him as if looking at a famous idol.

While his serious look might look tempting to them, his thoughts about how he fucked his sister, saw his Party's Healer as a closet pervert or how he wanted to fuck that nurse yet again, would for MOST of them be a major turn off.

When he walked on, some women even asked for his number, and he just gave it to them, as he is not some Chinese Protagonist who thinks he only has to fuck beauties and virgins.

He can take them all, fuck it, if they would, he would take the women of the whole world, just would maybe make some of them Secretaries to create, and I mean it like I write it, Fucking Schedules.

'Hmm, I like the train of thought of taking every woman, but fuck, I don't want STD's, oh wait, I'm immune to any of those diseases, I could literally fuck someone with AIDS and could get off scot-free.'

'Those abandoned women deserve love too, don't they?'

About 15 minutes later Ainz arrived at a giant Building, where om the front was boldly written 'Hunter Association'.

Getting off his high-level omniscient thought trip, he arrived at the secretary's desk.

"Uhm, hello, I would like to register for a Reawakening." He said to the blonde Secretary at the desk.

"Ah, hello Sir, registering for an Awakening, you say? Quite late isn't it?" She said, while asking.

"Ahem, Miss, I said RE Awakening, it is my second time." Ainz answered her question.

"Well, what? I will have to talk to the higher-ups then, please wait a moment." the Secretary said.

While hearing her talk on the phone and waiting for around 5 minutes, Ainz simply stood at the desk.

"Sir, the higher-ups said that they will send a Team down to assess your Reawakening." She said.

"Ah, yes, thank you!" Ainz was elated by the fast work and response.

(A/N: what did you guys think, real life isn't all about some random people not believing you and you having to show them your powers and then face slap them, we are not in chinese superiority / face slapping novels or whatever)

After a short minute 5 men came to him and gestured him to follow them.

"Hello, Mister Sung, you have reawakened you say?" A man in a white doctor's / researcher's gown asked.

"Yes, to be exact, I reawakened in the Double Dungeon I was in, in a life and death situation. While the Dungeon was F-Rank, the Double Dungeon inside was S-Rank and put me under physical and psychological pressure." Ainz answered fluently with the partial truth.

"Hmm, yes, we had some cases like this, although they are rare, it happens sometimes." The man in the gown said.

"Please put your hand on the Mana Tester and let us analyze your body."

As the doctor gestured to the machine, that was developed through the fusion of mana and technology, Ainz looked around and saw that more than ten security officer's had surrounded the room.

It was more of an controlling squad if anything wrong, than a killing squad, or at least that's how it felt for Ainz.

Walking to the Mana Tester, Ainz simply put his hand on it and looked back, but the man in the white gown wasn't there anymore.

As Ainz looked with a puzzled face to the security guard, they said, that the doctor went to look for the data, which is on the computer in the room next door.

Ainz nodded and waited, he didn't take his hand off the Mana Tester, as he wasn't instructed to take his hand off.

While waiting, Ainz had the playful thought of pushing in a bit of his refined and compressed mana.

Well, he decided that it would be unwise, what if like in those other light novels the Mana Tester exploded and he gather unwanted attention, was what he thought.

Well, task completed without wanting it.

The doctor stormed in and was beaming from ear to ear.












Well, that's it for today <3

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LogicalParadoxcreators' thoughts
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