
49: PTA [2]

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"Stiles! That's right!" Coach Finstock exclaimed with over-the-top enthusiasm.

The Sheriff sat across from him, clearly wishing he could be anywhere else at that moment.

Stiles wasn't answering his calls, and the Sheriff knew his son well enough to know this was pure stubbornness—a trait he'd inherited from his mother. It wasn't exactly one of her qualities that he admired.

"I thought Stiles was his last name." Finstock remarked, sounding genuinely surprised.

"His last name is Stilinski." The Sheriff corrected, finding it odd that anyone would think Stiles was a last name—especially someone like Finstock, who Stiles often claimed was his favourite teacher.

"You named your kid 'Stiles Stilinski'?" Coach asked, the incredulity obvious in his voice.

Okay, could he punch this guy now?

The Sheriff took a deep breath, forcing himself to stay calm. No, he couldn't just punch him—no matter how tempting it was.

"No, that's just what he likes to be called." He explained, trying to keep his irritation in check.

Finstock nodded, arching an eyebrow as if impressed.

"Oh, well, I like to be called 'Cupcake,'" He muttered under his breath. The Sheriff heard it and narrowed his eyes. "So, what's his actual first name?"

The Sheriff's forehead wrinkled at the question, clearly uncomfortable. In his twenty years on the force, nothing embarrassed him more than this moment right here.

He leaned forward slightly and tapped the file on Finstock's desk, which contained Stiles' full name.

Finstock picked up the file, and his eyes widened in shock.

"Wow, that's... well, that's a form of child abuse." He said, staring at the name in disbelief. "I don't even know how to pronounce that."

"It was his grandfather's name—his mother's father." The Sheriff explained, attempting to justify it.

"Wow." Coach chuckled. "You must have really loved your wife."

He did. His wife had been his world—his light, his anchor, and the one person who had truly understood him.

"Yeah." The Sheriff replied quietly. "I did."

The room fell into a brief but uncomfortable silence before Finstock broke it.

"Wow, this just got really awkward." He muttered.

The Sheriff, wanting to steer the conversation back to its original purpose, leaned forward again, this time offering a polite smile.

"How about we get to the actual conference part of the conference, Cupcake?" He suggested with a raised eyebrow.

"I like the way you think." Finstock said with a grin, flipping open the file in front of him. "So, Stiles—"

Meanwhile, Stiles was driving Allison's car through the quiet streets, the two of them scrolling through her playlist, nodding along to the music as he drove her back to school.

"Great kid. Made the first line, super smart, aced all his exams." Coach summarised as the Sheriff listened, feeling a surge of pride that took him by surprise.

"Allison Argent." Mrs. Lein chimed in during the parent-teacher conference. "A very sweet girl, quick to adjust despite all the moving around."

As Allison got out of the car, she smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, watching as Stiles walked away.

They weren't exclusive or even dating, but she could feel that they were edging closer to something.

"We know it's hard on her, but it's a necessary evil." Chris Argent said with a regretful shrug, his wife Victoria nodding sympathetically beside him.

Mrs. Lein gave them an understanding nod.

"Necessary or not, I'd be prepared for some..." She trailed off, searching for the right word.

"Rebelliousness?" Chris suggested.

Victoria gave him a firm squeeze on the hand—a silent warning.

"We appreciate the concern, but we have a great relationship with our daughter." She said with a polite smile. "We're very open and honest with each other."

"I'm happy to hear that." Mrs. Lein responded with a small smirk. "But do let her know I hope she's feeling better."

Victoria's smile faltered, and Chris raised his eyebrows in concern. "She wasn't in class?"

"Oh, no." Mrs. Lein clarified. "She wasn't at school. I checked with the office."

Chris and Victoria exchanged a worried glance. Mrs. Lein didn't seem to like it either. "Maybe not that honest."

Later, as parents and teachers filed out of the school building, everyone was in their own headspace—some pleased, others disappointed, and a few visibly angry.

Chris, however, wore a grim expression, his phone in hand, ready to call his daughter when he spotted someone.

"Hey, Stiles!" He shouted, his voice booming across the parking lot, drawing everyone's attention.

Victoria hurried after him as Chris stormed toward Stiles, who stood frozen in place, clearly not expecting an enraged hunter to be heading straight for him.

[Stiles Pov]

'What the hell?' I thought, panicking.

What is this?

Does he know Scott's a werewolf?

Does he know what I am?

Wait. I don't even know what I am. How could he? But what if…

Shaking my head, I instinctively stepped back as Chris got right in my face.

"Where did you kidnap her?! Where is she?!" Chris demanded, his voice full of anger.

"Whoa, whoa!" My dad out of nowhere stepped in quickly, pulling us two apart. Standing protectively in front of me, he faced Chris.

"Who are you, and why are you yelling at my son?" He demanded, his sharp eyes flicking down to the gun holstered at Chris' belt.

By now, a crowd had started to gather.

"Your son kidnapped my daughter! The security saw them leaving together, and now she's not picking up my calls!" Chris spat, glaring at me with venom in his eyes.


I blinked in confusion.

"Allison's right there." I said, pointing toward her as she made her way through the crowd.

"Dad?" She called, clearly taken aback by the confrontation.

Chris's posture immediately softened as he turned to her. "Allison. Where were you? Why didn't you answer—"

"Dad, I was stressed. I didn't feel like spending my birthday at school." She said, cutting him off in a few calm words. She looked around uncomfortably at the curious onlookers. "Can we just leave, please?"

Victoria placed a reassuring hand on Allison's shoulder and gave Chris a knowing nod. He let out a sigh and turned back at me, giving a cold, blank stare before walking away.

'What the hell?' I screamed in my mind. 'This guy just accused me of kidnapping and doesn't even apologise?'

Oh, this was going to be fun. I would date Allison just to get on her dad's nerves.

Shit, what am I thinking?

Suddenly, a piercing scream tore through the night. A woman was running, her terrified shrieks echoing as a figure darted behind her on all fours.

The crowd went into full panic mode, people dashing in every direction, scrambling for their cars to escape whatever was coming.

"Stiles, get to your Jeep!" My father barked, pulling out his firearm and rushing toward the chaos, with Chris hot on his heels.

Allison and Victoria were already running toward their car, but I stood still, my heightened senses picking up distinct footsteps amid the chaos.

My eyes widened as I saw Samantha get knocked to the ground by someone running past her—Harris, of all people.

"Shit!" I cursed, rushing over to her, worried she might get trampled. "Sam!"

Just then, I caught sight of the glowing eyes of a predator in the night. It was stalking its prey.

It was a fucking cougar.

I stood in-between Sam and the cougar, assessing the beast.

Compared to the Alpha, this thing was basically an overgrown house cat.

"Stiles! What are you doing?!" Good question Sam but sadly I had no idea what I was doing.

I can't use the flames, not with Chris standing right there. But if I run, Sam is dead.

"BLEXIS COTTONMOUTH!" I suddenly screamed at the top of my lungs, startling not just the cougar but also everyone around, including myself.

As a great philosopher once said, 'When you're in knee deep shit, do something batshit crazy.'

That great philosopher? Yep, it was me.


The cougar actually took a step back, seemingly unnerved by my insanity.

Stiles: 1, Cougar: 0.

Just then, a loud bang echoed through the night. The cougar collapsed to the ground, a bullet hole through its head, and my dad stood there, smoking gun in hand, looking absolutely cool.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" I shouted triumphantly.

"IT'S DEAD! STOP YELLING!" Samantha screamed back.

Chuckling, I gave my dad a thumbs-up. The Sheriff rolled his eyes, while Chris and Sam both shot me looks of pure annoyance.

With a smirk, I turned to Sam and extended a hand. "Whoo, now that's what I call some PTA action, huh?"

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