

On the north side of Grava City Velvet, the same mercenary who battled against Kage's team at the beginning of the attack on the city is currently limping toward exiting the city.

"Damn, I think I held back too much. Those boys really did a number on me. I can barely walk," Velvet says as she digs in her ear.

Velvet looks at her finger and sees blood on it.

"Tch, I should've just domed those annoying brats," Velvet says as she pulls out her phone and starts typing.

Velvet starts calling an unknown number with a stoic expression on her face.

"Hello? Yeah, it looks like my job here is done. I haven't been able to contact Miguel; he's probably knocked out somewhere or something," Velvet says in a casual tone.

On the other side of the call is a round table of five individuals cloaked in bright light.

"So, Velvet, do you think there's enough damage for our new law to be acted upon smoothly?" an old-sounding lady asks.

Velvet looks around Grava City and goes back to her phone.

"Yes, definitely enough damage, and the battle isn't even over yet," Velvet says in an astonished tone.

"Good, then go ahead and get out of that city. We don't want you dying anytime soon," the old woman says with a slight chuckle.

"Hehe, I see you still have jokes. There's no way I would die in a place like this; after all, I'm the vice-captain of the world, isn't that right, Miss President?" Velvet says with a smile as she continues walking toward the exit of Grava City.

Back at the center of Grava City, where members of L.T.O. are going against Grava Academy Nixion and the hooded man are in the sky clashing.

With outstanding speed, Nixon flies toward the hooded man.

"Tell me, Nixion, in a world such as this, who really stands at the top?" the hooded man asks as he evades Nixion's punch.

"You love to hear yourself talk, don't you, boy," Nixion remarks.

"No, really, I want to know the answer; I'm dying to know how someone like you would answer this question," the hooded man says in a distinguished manner.

"You talk so damn much it makes me think what nutjob is hiding under that hood," Nixion responds in a stern tone.

"Oh come on, it's a question with so much substance! Is it you, the most powerful OGI user, or is it the president who controls the government that controls the world, or is it me, the single entity who gathered some of the most feared individuals in the world under him?"

"You're stalling, boy," Nixion says seriously.

"It's obvious who the strongest is, isn't it? It's the latter. Whoever has the world bend the knee to their every will is the one who stands at the peak of existence," the hooded man says in a cynical tone as he looks to the sky.

Once Nixion hears the hooded man's words, his eyes widen.

"Remove that hood; boy, I'm no fool. I had a gut feeling you were the one behind this, but you just confirmed it for me, and I'm guessing you gave yourself away on purpose," Nixion says calmly.

"Oh, there it is, that never-changing calm demeanor I hate so much. I'm glad you haven't changed in these years of old age. You still know me so well," the hooded man says as he removes his hood, revealing his true identity.

When he removes his hood, he reveals his snow-white skin and blonde, slicked-back hair. His eyes are completely black with red pupils, his nails are black, and he has perfect teeth. He is skinny with a little muscle, which is hidden under his black onesie, which is also covered under his black cloak.

"Cyrus Blackwood," Nixion says with a disappointed look on his face.

"Hello, teach, it's been a while, hasn't it? Glad even now you never forget the sound of your student's voice," Cyrus remarks.

An image of Cyrus when he was one of his students pops into Nixion's mind.

"The eyes are new?"

"Oh, don't worry about those, teach. There purely for aesthetics, you know how it is," Cyrus says as he shrugs his shoulder.

"How can you be so casual, Cyrus? Have you taken a good look around? The city is in ruins!" Nixon shouts with an angered tone.

"Yeah, Grava City might as well get a new name with what it's been through, so what? It was all necessary for the bigger goal. What exactly are you asking, aye, teach?" Cyrus asks.

"You damn brat! Your drive to this goal led to all these innocent people's pain and anguish alongside the destruction of their livelihoods. Do you even feel any remorse?" Nixion asks with an infuriated tone.

"Hmm, your question perplexes me in many ways. You're asking me a question that has no substance! Not even a drop! Instead of asking such trivial questions, how about you ponder these words? There are two types of men in this world! Men who set goals to reach and fail! Then there are men who never set goals and succeed!"

Cyrus begins to walk back and forth as he monologues while holding both his hands in front of him.

"That's the law of every world! Why do you think the rich always remain the rich and the poor always remain the poor?" Cyrus exclaims.

"I always knew you were a damn fool, Cyrus, but this is a new level. Do you think that way of thinking equates to anything?" Nixion questions.

"It's simple, the person who has more to lose will always fight harder to keep what was handed to them. It is their ambition that keeps their pockets full!" Cyrus yells in an extravagant tone.

"You make no sense; the poor have more ambition because they want to claw out of poverty! The rich will become full while the poor continue to starve. The fact that you don't include that fact in your equation makes everything you just said flawed," Nixion adds.

Cyrus points at the Nixion with an excited smile.

"Yes! That's correct! You're correct! You're so correct!" Cyrus shouts as he laughs hysterically.

"Would you stop your babbling, boy? I have no time for your games," Nixion says with a stern expression.

How about you slow down, you damn, walking fossil? We're just getting to the good part!" Cyrus screams in an annoyed tone.

Cyrus breathes in and out and once again has a calm expression.

"Sorry for such a sudden outburst; it's just your voice is so irritating, but now I ask you this. Why is it that when the so-called poor finally succeed after chasing their respectable and righteous goals, in the end, always become as twisted and corrupted as the stingy rich, who would do anything to fill their pockets, especially when they once despised such evil?" Cyrus inquiries.

After hearing Cyrus's question, Nixion's facial expression shifts to a face of realization.

"Yes, that's it right there; that's the face I wanted to see! You see it now! There's no such thing as a righteous ambition! The only ambition that exists is one stained in blood!" Cyrus exclaims in an ecstatic tone.

The sun starts to rise, and Cyrus instantly raises his arms as if he's trying to embrace it.

"I already knew, but I never realized how truly insane you are, Cyrus Blackwood," Nixion speaks with a shocked expression.

"So now, Nixion, you ask me if I feel any remorse for what I have done here today! What I say to that is if I truly have caused these people pain and suffering, they were just on the wrong side of the spectrum!" Cyrus says as the sun reflects off his skin.

"You're saying all of this, but do you even know what side you're on, you damn madman?" the Nixion asks as he grits his teeth.

"There we go, Nixion, now that's a question with some substance!"

Cyrus puts his arms down and looks at Nixion as the light from the sun makes his skin glow even brighter to the point where it's blinding. Cyrus then smirks widely as he begins laughing while grabbing his face. Cyrus swiftly removes his hand from his face and makes sure to yell so loud even the heavens could hear him.

"I am the spectrum!"

"I refuse to believe you're the same boy I taught. The same boy I damn near raised!" Nixion shouts.

"Oh, but that's it. I am the same man. I'm the same Cyrus Blackwood you trained for so long!" Cyrus screams with an overly happy expression.

"Who the hell do you think you are, a damn God!"

"No, I'm above such a puny title such as God! I'm above it; the world just hasn't realized it yet," Cyrus says in a serious tone as he clicks a button on the side of an orange button, which he pulls out from under his cloak.

Suddenly a bunch of floating cameras hidden underground float up to where Nixion and Cyrus are and surround the two of them.

"What are you playing at now, boy!" Nixion asks as he begins to fly toward Cyrus.

"You better stay still, you damn walking fossil. You know my powers better than anyone! Charge at me like a foolish peasant and you die!"

Nixion quickly stops in his tracks with a pissed-off expression on his face.

"Now finally let the show begin."

Chapter 191 end

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