
Unbreakable Resolve

Four years ago, Jason, the prodigy who was gifted with the level two power to adapt to any element he touches, had a check-up with the doctors on a rainy day in Grava City.

"Your child has officially reached level two; you should be proud. Hitting level two, two years after unlocking level one for the first time, is a sign of a prodigy." The doctor says with an astonished expression.

Across from where the doctor is sitting, a thirteen-year-old Jason, who is alongside his dad and mom, looks pleased with his results.

"Oh, that's great. I thought since me and his mother weren't OGI users, he would be just like us," the father says with an excited expression.

After hearing Jason's dad's excitement, the doctor rolled his chair over to his computer and started typing on it.

"Well, it's not that simple, because anyone can be an OGI user if they're lucky."

"Well, we're just happy our little boy is developing well," the mom remarks with a smile.

"Yes, now I thought your son said he had no interest in hunting level three or becoming a top OGI user because with him reaching level two so fast makes it seem like he's been training," the doctor says as he enters Jason's data into the computer.

"All he's done is basic training so he can control level one so he won't be a danger to others," the dad says as he looks at Jason.

"Oh, that makes him way better than just a prodigy, then."

A few minutes later, Jason was released from the doctor's office, and the dad started driving the family home.

While they were in the car, the rain continued to increase in intensity.

"So, kiddo, now that you've unlocked this amazing power, how do you plan to use it?" the father asks.

"Dad I already told you. I don't want to go looking for level three or become a teacher at Grava Academy. You both have already given me everything I could ask for; all I want is a normal life," Jason says as he slouches in his seat.

"Alright, kiddo, I just wanted to see if you changed your mind. If that's what you truly want, I and your mother will support you all the way."

"Yep, that's right, Jason. Me and your father love you very much, so no matter what path you take, we'll be by your side. Just make sure you start training those powers so they won't go out of control like the doctor recommended."

"Yes, of course, Mom. I'll start when we get home," Jason says as he sighs.

A few minutes later, the rain became more intense, making it difficult to see for drivers.

"This rain won't let up, will it?" the mother asks.

"Nope, we better get home quick."

As the father drives, he notices a light heading toward him.

"That car is on the wrong side of the road!" the dad screams as he panics.

The dad swiftly tries to move to the other lane to avoid the car but is instantly smacked back into his original lane by a huge semi-truck.

"Ahh!" everyone in the car screams as they go spinning into the car behind them.

Then the car behind them accidentally slammed into their side at full speed, but then, to make the situation worse, the car on the wrong side of the road slammed into their other side, completely sandwiching the car.

This car accident, which involved three cars, was fatal, killing everyone involved except one person.

Out of the car, Jason was in a hole formed on its roof, and out of it came Jason, who had minor injuries all over his body.

"Ouch, everything hurts. What happened just now?" Jason says as he throws up.

Jason takes a look at his hand and notices that his powers activated, and he adapted to the metal of the car coating him in metal, which is what saved his life from the deadly accident.

Jason slipped off the car's roof and fell face-flat onto the front window. When he looked through the window, he saw his mother with her head barely hanging onto the bone and his father sitting in a pool of blood from the steering wheel, stabbing him in the rib.

"Mom? Dad?"

After seeing the state of his parents, Jason passed out on the windshield. It took the ambulance almost thirty minutes to arrive at the scene, and by then, Jason was the only survivor.

About a day later, Jason was in the hospital, hearing the news of his parents passing from a nurse.

"So unfortunately, your parents died in the car crash. We tried calling as many family members as possible, but they either didn't answer or refused, so we will have to put you in an orphanage after their funeral. I know it sounds bad, but trust me, the people over there are wonderful people."

As the nurse spoke to Jason, who was in a hospital bed, all of her words became muffled in Jason's head. All Jason could hear were his thoughts.

"Mom? Dad? You were all I wanted in life. Now that you're gone, what am I supposed to do now? I want to see you right now more than ever; please just give me one more hug." Jason thinks to himself with a depressed expression.

Jason looks back at the nurse and starts listening to what she is saying.

"Since you're an OGI user, it might be hard—"

"Hey, nurse?"

"Oh yes, what is it, Jason?"

"OGI users chase after this thing called level three, right? An all-powerful level that's a complete mystery," Jason asks with an empty look in his eyes.

"Oh yes, that's true. Everyone knows level three is a complete mystery; no one knows what it could possibly do."

After hearing the words of the nurse, Jason starts to think about his parents.

"Would it even be possible to bring back the dead?"

"Well yeah, there's been many theories of that being a possibility, but who knows? Oh, wait, I didn't mean to say that. Just ignore me, please!"

Damion looks the nurse directly in the eyes with a determined expression in his eyes that is spilling tears all across his face.

"I'll find level three! My parents and I will hug each other again," the young Jason declares with a resolved expression. 

In the present time, in the western part of Grava City, where Grava Acadamy used to be before it was destroyed by an explosion caused by Mr.Strout a huge crater that stretches for miles has formed.

At the edge of the crater, Miguel, the blue dragon Fury, is looking at the middle of the crater and sees that nothing is left.


Miguel starts to think back to his battle with Jason, during which Jason collapsed the hallway on him. After that, Miguel escaped the hallway with ease and left the school before the explosion.

"Hmph!" Miguel exclaims with a displeased expression.

Miguel turns around and starts walking away from the crater.

Miguel stopped walking suddenly after a shivering sensation washed over his body.

Miguel looked behind him with an anxious expression, and the entire area went silent for half a second, then suddenly...

"Graaaaah!" a familiar voice screams to Miguel from the empty crater.

A giant beam of light shot up from the middle of the crater, reaching past the stratosphere.

As Miguel looks at the white light, he realizes that it is similar to the explosion caused by the destabilization of the geogalatic core that was within Grava Acadamy.

Once he sees this, Miguel's expression becomes serious.

"Is he really capable of such power?" Miguel asks as the light dissipates.

While Miguel stared at the disappearing white light, blood burst out of a huge cut that suddenly appeared on his left cheek.


Miguel suddenly feels a warm feeling in his back, and he starts to slowly turn around.

"It's you," Miguel says with a calm expression.

Behind him is Jason, who has transformed into a geogalatic form with his power adapt. His entire body is a glowing white, and his clothes seem to have completely vanished.

Jason looks at his hand and then scans the rest of his body.

"So I adapted to whatever that explosion was made out of and survived."

Jason remembers the deaths of his parents and then the recent deaths of his two classmates. Jason clenches his fist as tears build up in his eyes.

"It happened again; my powers saved me while everyone else around me..."

Jason starts to clench his fist so hard that his entire body begins to tremble.

"He goes into the afterlife without me!"

Suddenly Miguel gets behind Jason and attempts to punch him, but his entire body goes through Jason's now transparent body.

Miguel falls to the ground but instantly recovers and jumps away from Jason.


When Miguel sees Jason's facial expression, all he sees is pain in his eyes.

"I'm tired. I'm so tired..."

Miguel rushes forward, but as he does, Jason's body starts to exude a white-colored electricity.

The second Miguel gets in front of Jason, Jason erupts with white light, completely engulfing Miguel.

After getting hit by the powerful force of an unstabilized geogalatic explosion, Miguel was sent flying into a building with his clothes in tatters, a bloody mess across his body, and a huge burn on his chest.

Miguel fell to the rocky ground, with all his injuries becoming worse by the minute.

"He's too....powerful," he says with a weekend voice.

Miguel fell unconscious after trying to move but lost to his injuries.

On the other hand, Jason, still in his geogalatic form, falls to his knees.

"I'm tired of watching people I love die!" Jason screams with anguish in her eyes.

Jason looks up at the moon with a conflicted expression on his face.

"I won't watch them die again! I'll save them! With level three!"

Chapter 159 end

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