
Battle For Respect Finale Part One

After the third match between Blaze and Chika, it was finally time for the last match of the day between Seth and Kage. The second the third match ends Kage stands up from his seat. Unknown notices and chuckles a little.

"You seem way too excited for this fight."

With a huge smile on his face, Kage responds to Unknown.

"Of course, why would I not be? I'm about to put this loser down for good!"

Kage gives Unknown a fist bump and starts walking away.

"Remember what I told you Unknown! None of class one is losing in this round!"

Kage points at himself as he continues walking.

"And that includes me!"

At the same time, on the north side of the stadium, Seth is also ready for battle.

"Well, it's finally time Amelia. Today is the day we find out who's truly the fake. Me or Kage."

"Of course it's him, Seth! You're most deserving of being number one!"

"Ha, thanks, Amelia! I know I am, but I will prove you right in this battle!"

Seth starts walking to the waiting room.

As Kage and Seth walk to the battlefield, conversations start in the teacher's stand. Mrs.Doja keeps poking Mrs.Nova.

"Hey, Mrs.Nova what do you think will happen to your last standing student, huh?"

With Mrs.Doja still poking her Mrs.Nova responds.

"Seth is definitely my strongest student, but I fear he will never be able to reach his full potential. He allows his emotions to constantly blind him. Which is why I see him as a constant waste of time."

"You seem to be pretty tense right now; don't start crying now!"

"Would you stop that taping?"

Mrs.Nova smacks Mrs.Doja's hand.

"Stop wasting my time, and let's just watch the match!"

At the same time, Mr.Mink and Mrs.Iris are also having a conversation.

"So Mr.Mink I hear this match is going to be pretty interesting since your student and Mrs.Nova's student have had animosity for each other ever since they first met."

"Yeah, that's pretty much how it's been since day one. I was actually there when they first met each other. It was in the lunchroom, I believe."

Mr.Mink starts to think back to the first day of school in the middle of the day, when it was lunchtime. Mr.Mink was laid back in his seat, chewing on a meat pie.

"Today was an interesting first day. All of my students seem to deserve to be in class one. Even Wayne, who has no OGI, seems to be great. This might be my most all-rounded class. Who knows, maybe this class will be the one to discover level three."

While he takes a bite of his food, he hears a loud boom. Mr.Chad walks into the classroom while yawning.

"Hey, Mr.Mink, can I sleep in here? They're fixing the air conditioner in my class right now."

"Mr.Chad, did you hear that noise?"

"Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure a fight started in the lunchroom."

"And no one decided to stop it!"

Mr.Mink runs past Mr.Chad to tend to the situation.

"So I can sleep in here, right?"


"So tiring."

Mr.Mink runs to the lunchroom, and when he arrives, he sees multiple tables have been thrown across the room. He also notices Kage and Seth in the middle of the room.

"Say that shit again, asshole, I dare you!" Kage says.

Kage kicks a chair off the ground, jumps in the air, and kicks it at Seth.

"I don't see why you're so mad! I said nothing but facts! You don't belong here! Especially above me!"

Seth dodges the chair Kage throws at him.

While watching this confrontation go down, Mr.Mink starts thinking to himself.

"Is that Kage? Uhh of course, it had to be one of my students. I'm pretty sure the other one is part of class six. Why the hell are these guys even fighting? It's the first day."

"Oh, hey, Mr.Mink!"

Mr.Mink looks behind him and sees Unknown eating a bag of chips in the corner.

"Oh Unknown! What in the world is going on here?"

"Well, the dude with blue hair walked up to us and told Kage to move out of his seat. When Kage said no, he started going on about how his father built this school, but what really pissed Kage off was when he called him a lower-class bum. Kage tried correcting him, but for some reason, he's in denial. I guess Kage being higher than him really hurt his pride. So they've been fighting like this for a while."

"And you didn't think to stop them!" Mr.Mink says with an annoyed expression.

"Of course not! If I got between them, I would be splattered on the wall by now."

"Ok, fine, bitch, I'll make you believe me!"

After hearing Kage's statement, Mr.Mink turns around. When he does, he sees Kage with two balls of energy in his hand.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Seth also activates level two and starts surrounding his hands in ice.

"Fine, I'll show you how much of a fake you are!"

Suddenly, both Kage and Seth get smacked in the head. Both of them look forward and see Mr.Mink, who has a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"Hey, Mr.Mink, what's your problem?" Kage screams.

"So you're the number one teacher! Tell me this trash isn't in your class!"

"Hey, didn't I tell you to stop with that sh—"

Mr.Mink slams Seth and Kage's heads together.

"Listen! I don't care who's fake or not, but you both will be cleaning this lunchroom until it's spotless! I want the chairs fixed! Tables better than they were before! And this entire floor better be replaced with tile, and I mean the nice, clean white ones! Understand!"

Kage grabs his head and says, "But how are w—"

"Understand!" Mr.Mink screams with a scary expression on his face.

"Yes sir!"

After remembering this moment, Mr.Mink returns to his conversation with Mrs.Iris.

"You know, after that first fight, their beef never stopped. Every time they would see each other, it would always end with a heated argument or, even worse, a destructive fight."

"What do you think the problem is?"

"Kage has always been strange to figure out for me. He only cares for his own goals and the people he cares for, but I continuously question what exactly his goal is because it seems to go way deeper than just finding level three. I always thought maybe it had something to do with his experience in the Mud Zone. Now I've seen Kage deal with people who annoy him all the time, but it has never been this deep. My theory is that Seth reminds him of someone else he doesn't like."

With a few more minutes until the last battle of round three, Kage and Seth run into each other while walking to their respective sides of the battlefield. Both of the boys make eye contact with each other.

"Upper-class fake."

"Stupid dick riding bitch."

Both boys continue walking to the battlefield.

With it finally being time for the battle, Mr.Brown starts to call the fighters to the field.

"From the left corner, we have Kage!"

Kage walks out of the left exit of the field.

"Now, from the right exit, we have Seth!"

Seth walks out of the right exit of the field.

Seth looks up at the stands where his father's VIP seat is and notices that they're empty.

"He didn't even show up! Let me guess busy with work."

With both fighters standing across from each other with Mr.Zane in the middle, Mr.Zane starts reading the rules to the two of them and then starts the countdown.

"Three! Two! One! Fight!"

Mr.Zane jumps to his special stands, and instantly both Kage and Seth throw punches at each other.


Their punches clash, and then Kage takes his other hand and pushes Seth away. Seth responds by forming a sharp icicle in his hands and launching at Kage.

"Get that shit out of my face!"

Kage shoots a beam of energy to destroy the icicle. When the icicle gets destroyed, it splits into many small shards, but then it splits into even smaller shards.

Seth swipes his hand, and all the shards of ice surround Kage.


Kage puts up an energy barrier to block the incoming ice shards.

Seth taps his foot on the ground, and the entire ground freezes. Kage lets down his barrier and points his right fist at Seth while his left hand grabs his right shoulder.

"Energy shotgun!"

A shockwave of energy shoots from Kage's hands toward Seth.

"Come on now Kage! You should know by now that once there's ice on the ground, you're not touching me!"

Seth dodges the attack by sliding out of the way on the ice. Then he starts sliding towards Kage at an alarming speed.

"So you didn't come to play today!"

Kage starts to throw balls of energy at the incoming Seth.

"Play? I never come to play! I came here to put you below me for good!"

As he slides on the ice, Seth starts crossing one leg in front of the other, continuously building up momentum. Seth throws his body weight to the right to avoid two balls of energy, then jumps to avoid the explosion. The second he lands, he shifts his body weight to the left to avoid five balls of energy. Then he does a flawless spin to the right in an attempt to get to Kage's blind spot.

"Oh, so you're an ice skater now! Eat this bitch!"

Kage turns around and blasts two huge balls of energy at Seth. The energy balls are on top of each other, coming at full speed.

"You might think you're going to win this match, Kage, but I've been training as well!"

Seth starts shuffling his feet on the ice, and when he's in front of the energy balls, he does a mid-air spin and jumps in between the small space between the two balls of energy.

"What!" Kage screams with a shocked expression.

With Seth still in a spinning motion, he freezes his right arm into a huge, sharp spear and slams it on Kage. 

"Feel my superiority, you upper-class fake!"

Kage blocks the attack with his forearm, but even with the flex technique applied, the ice spear still goes through it.


Kage releases a burst of energy from his body to force Seth back.

"Damn it, that actually hurt!"

Kage pulls the ice spear from his arm, leaving a huge hole in his left arm. Kage starts using the recover technique in an act to soothe his wound.

"How do you like that, Kage? I hope you're not having second thoughts about this fight."

"Shut your ass up! This battle isn't over!"

Kage uses the accelerate technique and tries to run, but instantly slips on the ice.

"Damn, I forgot!"

Seth slides to Kage's front.

"Oh, lost your balance!"

Seth attempts to blow cold mist at Kage while he's on the ground.

"Don't underestimate me asshole! Energy jet!"

Blasts of energy release from Kage's feet, and he flies forward. Kage grabs Seth by the legs and flies up.

"You better not be scared of heights!"

"Woah! Kage is taking Seth for a ride!" Mr.Brown screams.

As Kage flies up, Seth starts shooting ice shards at the ground below them.

"What the hell are you doing back there dumbass? I'm right here! Actually whatever you're finished!"

Once Kage gets extremely high in the sky, he starts utilizing energy jet to fly his way down.

"What the hell is your plan now Kage? You're going to slam me to the ground! That won't be enough!"

As he speeds toward the battlefield, Kage lets go of Seth and grabs his right leg. At the same time, Kage shoots his back with an ice shade that freezes his back. Even with that, Kage continues speeding down toward the ground, and when he's barely above the ground, he slams Seth on his back so hard that it causes his body to bounce off the ground.

"I'm not done yet!"

Kage flies back up and quickly starts descending. A small ball of energy forms on his right elbow.

"Energy jet attack!"

While Seth is still mid-air, a constant blast of energy releases from the small ball of energy on Kage's elbow, causing the punch to hit even harder once it makes contact with Seth's stomach.


The punch is so hard that it breaks the ice on the ground. Kage jumps away from Seth, who has been planted into the ground.

"Let's fucking go! Thanks for letting me test my new "energy jet attack!"

Seth stands up while holding his stomach. After spitting up blood Seth smiles.

"You damaged my spine a little, and that attack hit hard, but that's not enough to beat me anymore Kage!"

Suddenly all the shards of ice Seth shot onto the battlefield while he was being flown up by Kage burst and turned into a large cold mist.

"Icy zone!"

Chapter 128 end

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