
The level three assignment

Now that Kage has made himself known to the three armed robbers in a big way, the robbers attempt to make Kage eat his words.

"Huh? What the hell did you just say to me, boy? You better realize who you're talking to! It's time to send him to hell."

All three robbers, with faces of anger, simultaneously point their guns at Kage and fire with no hesitation. Kage smirks as the bullets fly toward him, and at the same time, Kage's body starts to glow, signaling the activation of level one. With OGI flowing throughout his body, Kage starts to see more clearly than normal; he feels his muscles expand, and he feels the tank of OGI in his stomach fluctuate. Kage proceeds to catch every bullet one by one and drop them on the floor until the robbers empty their entire magazine. Now, with the floor full of bullets, Kage remarks, "Hey, you know this is 2016, right? Who the fuck uses guns anymore, old man?"

Kage starts to laugh, hysterically crushing the robber's confidence. The other two robbers look down at their guns and start to question their actions.

The third robber shakes his head in agreement. The first robber starts to grit his teeth in rage.

"No, this is just a damn kid. I refuse to run from someone who's below me."

"I'm some damn kid, right? Okay, let me show you what this damn kid can do."

Kage puts his palm up facing the robbers and once again starts to smirk. Kage's body starts to glow with more intensity, signaling the activation of level two. A ball of energy starts to form in front of Kage's palm, which makes the robbers jump in fear. The robbers instantly turn around and try to run for the back exit of the gas station, but while they do, Kage utters, "Energy manipulation: mu-!"


Before Kage could finish his sentence, the old gas station owner yelled at him and pointed to a sign that stated "no level activation." The glow from Kage's body, along with the ball of energy, dissipates. With a bummed-out expression, Kage says, "Damn, of course, it's a no-level activation zone. I wanted to test out this new move I've been working on."

"Sorry, I am grateful for you saving my gas station, but I can't have you accidentally destroying it with your powers."

"yeah yeah"

Kage hears the backdoor of the gas station open and slam shut.

"Oh shit, the robbers! Have a good day, sir!"

After Kage realizes the robbers have gotten away through the back, he runs to the front to cut off their exit. As Kage runs through the front door of the gas station, he sees Unknown watching anime on his phone with a bored look on his face.

"Kage, are you done yet? We need to get to class already; you know Mr. Mink isn't going to be happy with us if we're late."

"I know, but the robbers are booking it; we need to cut them off; there's only one exit out of this gas station."

As Kage speaks, the robbers come out of the back of the gas station with a huge truck. Kage jumps in the way of the truck and gets into a stance to stop the truck's movement. Kage's body starts to glow, but before Kage can even make a move out of nowhere, all the truck's wheels pop one by one. As the robbers look around in shock and confusion, a shadowy figure comes down from the sky and drops onto the truck like a canonball, completely wrecking it and leaving the robbers completely knocked out with multiple injuries. Kage and Unknown look at the wreck, wondering what happened.

"Unknown, are you as confused as I am?"

"Yeah, what the hell happened to the wheels? They just popped out of nowhere, and what the hell dropped on the truck? Is it a meteor or som-."

"What the hell is going on with you? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

"Just look at the top of the truck." Unknown says with a nervious tone

"huh? What's on top of the truck? Oh shit of course it's him; we're so dead."

As the dust clears up and the familiar face becomes more visible to Kage and Unknown, fear rises within both of them. On the truck is a familiar face to Kage and Unknown. A man with flowing red hair and glowing tan skin at the height of 6'1 with a very fit physique wearing a very nice suit is none other than the number one teacher at Grava Academy, Mr. Mink, who is enjoying a cup of coffee while casually sitting relaxed on top of the truck he just demolished. Mr.Mink takes a sip of his coffee and points at Kage and Unknown.

"Shouldn't you two be in class by now? It's 8:25. You have five minutes before class starts."

Kage and Unknown look at each other and then turn back to Mr.Mink. Kage, in a nervous, friendly tone, says, "Oh hey, Mr. Mink, we were heading to class; we just got sidetracked on the way there trying to stop the robbers you happen to be on top of."

"Oh, is that why, even though you know my rules, if you're late, you will have to take that extra assignment, and it won't be easy?" He says with a calm tone.

"But you're not even in the classroom yet, so doesn't that mean we have extra time to get there?"

"I mean, you wouldn't be wrong, but I still have four minutes until class starts. I just wanted to grab a coffee from the coffee shop across from here."

"Yeah, but you still have to get to the class, which will take a while."

"Ha, I've only been teaching you for half a year, but you should know by now that I'm never late."

Mr.Mink waves to the two boys and vanishes in the blink of an eye. Kage and unknown rush to the motorcycle and take off to class stressed about what might happen if they are late.

"Kage, can't this thing go any faster?"

"It can, but we still have to follow the laws."

"Only if we could move as fast as Mr.Mink. How the hell is he even able to move that quickly?"

"I have no idea, but remember, he's the top teacher at Grava Academy, teaching the number one class at Grava Academy, so it makes sense he's this quick."

Mr.Mink is a very strict teacher who doesn't take things like late work or tardiness lightly. He is always ready with a punishment, which is why being late for Kage and Unknown is not an option.

Kage and Unknown have finally arrived at Grava Academy with a few seconds to spare. When Kage and Unknown arrive at class one, they are greeted with a warm smile from the beautiful 5'9 white-skinned girl with long, luscious purple hair who is wearing a long purple dress and purple high heels. This girl's name is Selena, but all the other classes call her the "brain of class one."

"Hey, Selena. It's been a while since we last spoke."

"Yes, Unknown, it has; it's always nice talking to you. I see you're doing well too, Kage."

"You know I am, and I'm ready to continue with the class."

"I see, well, Mr.Mink is already here, and you are about 25 seconds late, so get ready for the extra work."

"oh shit"

As Kage's face turns from happy to dreadful, Mr.Mink disrupts their conversation.

"Hello, Kage, and Unknown It's nice for you to show up. Now take a seat; class is in session."

At the same time, Kage and Unknown scream, "Sorry, Mr. Mink!"

"I told you I'm never late. Now take a seat. I'll give you both your punishments later."

Kage and Unknown walk past the other two students currently in the class and take a seat next to each other as Mr.Mink starts to speak to the whole class.

"Now welcome back to Grava Academy. As you know from the first semester, we were learning about the different four zones and other stuff about the world we live in. This semester, we will get out there and experience the world we live in. Usually, I would explain a bunch of stuff to you, but this time, I'll just give you the assignment."

Before Mr.Mink starts to explain the assignment, the last student out of the six students in class one arrives extremely late, and it's none other than Akira, a light-skinned 5'7 girl with orange hair who wears a shirt of her favorite anime character that wears a straw hat from an anime about pirates with a skirt and leggings. Mr.Mink instantly sees Akira try to sneak into the classroom and says, "Nice for you to show up, Akira!"

"Oh, hey, Mr. Mink, how was your break?"

"Delightful. Now can you tell me why you are late?"

Akira starts to sweat and look around the room in an act to avoid eye contact with Mr.Mink.

"Oh, my car broke down."

Mr.Mink glares at Akira as she bites her nails.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you walk here?"

Akira starts to sweat even more and says nervously, "Oh right, that must have slipped my mind."

Mr.Mink loses his patience and says, "Selena, if you don't mind."

"Of course, Mr. Mink. She's late because she was up watching anime all night and overslept."

"Hey, that's not fair, Selena; you can't just go off reading my mind like that."

"Akira I'll make sure your punishment is grueling." Mr.Mink says with a stern tone.

Akira falls to the floor dramatically, with a face full of fear and regret.

"Please, Mr.Mink, have mercy. I just wanted to watch one episode, but once I got started, I couldn't stop going!"

"That's no excuse; you realize you and the rest of this school are our future, and to be our future, you have to learn, so I hope this punishment will teach you time management."

"Yes, sir," she says with a bummed-out expression.

Mr.Mink returns to talking about the assignment.

"Now, class, back to the assignment. All of you today will go on an adventure around the Grava Zone looking for something you think will be important for you to know to reach the ultimate goal of level three."

Kage raises his hand with a very confused expression.

"Yes, Kage, you have a question."

"Yeah, but where exactly are we supposed to look?"

"As long as you stay in the grava zone, it should be fine."

"Yeah, but where in the grava zone?"

"That's for you to find out, but that reminds me, Kage and Unknown, since you two were late, you can't just bring me the information; I need something physical, whether it's your visible improvement or an item. I need to see something. Now, Akira, don't think I forgot about you."

Akira jumps in her seat upon hearing those terrifying words from Mr.Mink.

"From you, I need two physical things you think will help you reach level three and present them to the class. Now class is dismissed."

Kage and the Unknown look at each other with conflicted faces.

"Unknown, how the hell are we going to do this?"

"We could just work together."

"Your right, let's do that."

"But where the hell do we start?"

"Grava Forest—that place has many things we could discover."

"Yeah, you're right. It's a huge forest; let's go there right away."

"Wait before we go."

Kage cracks his knuckles and starts to smirk.

"How about we head to the training hall and spar? It has been a while."

Unknown starts to smile ear to ear and says, "You know I can never say no to a challenge from you."

Chapter 3 end

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