
chapter 2 Life begins

"it's almost there just one more push" man said comforting the woman on the bed she's screaming pain shouting out to him "I swear of the force if you put in our baby in me I'll make sure you feel the same pain I'm doing right now giving birth with our child". He smiled nervously "come on sweetie you almost there just push one more there you go". with the one final shout the baby came out immediately the doctor gently grab the baby and took him to get wipe him clean finishing that he grabs the two babies and brought it to the mother. "graduation Ms lolena and mister Jack you have a twins one a boy and another girl". lolena smiled looking at the twins"they are beautiful what should name them". Jack thought about it "what about the boy name could be Jake and the girl could be Rose". She thought about it as well she smiled "that sound like a wonderful name I do love Rose you thought about my favorite flower and Jake not bad almost the same name of Jack". He laughed at that "of course a beautiful flower will be the same beauty of our daughter at the same time with a hidden Torrance and for Jake I believe he going to be the genius of our family hopefully we train him enough to be ready in the galaxy". "I hope so too" said lolena looking at the two babies on her arms.

time skip eight years later

running in the forest two blasters pistols out shooting every Target I make no misses running forward jumping over a falling tree immediately duck over as to stun blast shot right over my head. immediately I ran forward. with no hesitation sliding to the right dodging 3 stun blast shutouts in the woods but I kept pushing forward keep shooting at the targets waving through the woods. with no hesitation I run right in the Open Fields a perfect shot to knock me down but with the force helping me I went to dodge using the force where protect where's the next fire will happen and knowing when. immediately stun blast shot everywhere around me leaving dead end no Way out immediately I pull out my Darksaber cut the stun blast. I jump over the gap dashing the rest keep running forward reaching almost to the end of the field seeing the finish line but there's only the last thing blocking me two void guards standing right for me swinging my blade at one of the void guard immediately block with his staff the second he blocked me I immediately swept down do a swipe kick onto the second void guard he jumped backwards avoiding my kick the first void guard swing downwards the staff at me. rolling over. using my Force I push them backwards but because of his force armor it just pushed him back didn't even launch him the second void guard run up behind me going to do a swing. using my blade I blocked his attack and push it back where all my strength unbalancing him slightly but that's enough for me with a kick I sent him off. The first void guard twist his staff unlocking it into two he swing the first one forcing me to block it the second swing went to the side with no hesitation I took a step back dodging it. he took a step forward going to make another attack immediately I swing first forcing him to block because he using one arm I deflect his weapon I suddenly punch him in the face stunning him then our kick sending him off too. I turned around and make the final run reaching the end saying my father standing right before me. "well then I see you got a little better last time at least you manage to free both of them" "well Dad with your training I'm pretty sure I could defeat a Jedi master in this point". he's chuckle of that "we'll son I'm pretty sure you could do that but in the meantime there's always room to grow do not forget that there's always a dangerous world out there and we have to be ready for it regardless of what it is". I smiled on that knowing my protective family they always want to try their best to help me and my sister much as possible. my father speak again "but anyway you know we are reaching your end of your training. you're really a talent my boy in no time I see you taking my place it's a huge responsibility our clan should be strong talented smart cunning. we are growing adapting and proving ourselves everyday in the old days our family are weak we saw the Jedi sith war we saw it all. till this day we will never bow down anyone we saw what happened to the Mongolians and I don't want it happened to us. My father prices his hand on my shoulder look at me straight to my eyes. "son I hope you promised me if one day are clan are in trouble I hope you guide them to safety and to Glory the features always uncertain and I want to make sure you guide us in the right way". I'm not as seriously I said "I promise you Dad I will never let you down"his smile happily. "good boy well then let's head back let's have a wonderful party right boys" looking back I save 50 void soldiers standing behind me they cheered knowing we're going to have a wonderful party a salvation for our future. heading back home I thought to myself 'what's the future waits for me' knowing the truth the future is going to be interesting for me only times will tell I well the force May the force be with me and may my future will guide happiness for my clan as well kill the sith who dares harm my family. what my father always says 'sure kindness to your allies and show no mercy to your enemies that's our void Walker's way'.

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