
New Tribeswomen & The Remnants of Darkness

I made a world map for this story in the Auxiliary chapters so you guys can go there to see what the world looks like and download it too, I just hope Webnovel doesn't butcher the image so you guys can't really see what everything says or where everything is at.



Lvl: 9 -> 13

STR: 30 -> 40

PER: 22 -> 27

END: 35 -> 45

CHA: 20 -> 25

INT: 15 -> 20

AGL: 26 -> 30

LCK: 15 -> 20

MAG: 15/15 -> 20/20

STA: 400/400 -> 500/500

HP: 1200 -> 1700



Active Skill: Kings Decree- projecting your natural Kingly Aura from yourself to effect your allies to boost their strengths and to debuff your enemies who stand opposed to your Decree, 50% Buff to all allies three primary stats while giving a 30% decrease to all enemies stats, may cause weaker enemies to flee in fear.


They all shook their heads No in response to what I said, clearly they didn't want to stand opposed to me after they saw what I had done to their vice chief in a show of dominance.

Though it clearly turned them on, but they held back their lusts as this wasn't the time to indulge themselves.

Soon enough Regina came up to me and began to using her magic to repair my broken left arm along with the couple fractured ribs from me smashing into the tree earlier.

"I'm glad I have a wife like you." I say with a smile as I lean into her after I was completely healed from my injuries.

"And I guess I'm glad to have a idiot for a husband like you." She said with a bit of sarcasm as she leaned back into me as well.

*Cough* Kat interrupted our moment as we had more pressing matters as the chiefs were beginning to wake up from their state of unconsciousness, though the one I dealt with was still down for the count, she was in a deep happy sleep as a bit of her heat had been quenched by me.

"Ugh…. What?…. Did we lose?" The chief asks a bit groggily as she looks around as her head is a bit muddled from being knocked unconscious from the previous fights.

"Yes, so will you honor your word?" I ask as I go over and hold out my hand to her to help her up.

(N) even if she's on her ass she's at eye level with you bro.

She slightly smirked before grabbing my hand as I used my strength to help pull herself off the ground, before she fully stood up and look down at me.

"Well a deals a deal, your group won so of course we will, though when we get back I hope you can help us with our 'problem' after all." She said with a smirk before she grabbed her battle axe from the others in her tribe.

"Of course, though I'm gonna need to ask you to help us out with our original hunt, though I hope you hadn't hunted to much of the animals out here for us to not get anything right?" I say as I do want to know if we can still get the animals we came out to hunt.

"Of course there are still a good portion around this area, it's because we kept coming back here to set up our ambush for you guys after you last came here a few days back, will help out in the hunt so we can get back to our new home." She says explaining what they had been basically doing for a few days now before she went over and kicked her still out cold vice chief a bit until she finally got up.

She looked around before seeing me with a very fiery and heated look in her eyes before she was slapped upside the head by her Chief telling her to knock it off with her eyes.

"Girls, let's get hunting, you two go back to camp and pack our things, we will all meet back up here in a few hours after were done with our hunt." The chief said to her tribe who listened and began to do as she was told, while we came along for the ride to get us some good food and pelts from this beneficial hunting trip of ours.


Elsewhere, beyond the lands of mortals and monsters, their lies a kingdom of darkness shrouded under the blood red sky of the moon and sun, staining this land with immense dread and corruption.

This is the Demon Kings lands or better known as the Demon territory now after his fall.

In the open field not far from the Demon kings castle many of the demon kings monsters could be seen eating, fighting or sharpening their blades under the watchful eyes of the remains of the demon kings generals now known as 'Las Diez Calaveras' or also known as the DemonKings council.

There used to be well over 30 of them, but after the hero and his party began their attack on the DemonKings lands, all the Generals lost to him with only a third just barely surviving, even now Las Diez Calaveras have no strength to go out and attack the mortals for what they had done or even sweep through the monster range to turn more monsters into their own.

Most surprising of all the 10 generals were all the females of the remaining survivors of the DemonKings Generals.

(N) ….. *Cough*

But do to the lack of a DemonKing the strongest out of the Las Diez Calaveras with the rank of 1 printed on her skin made her the defacto leader of the remnants of the DemonKings Army until either a new DemonKing or DemonQueen can take the throne for themselves.

In the throne room of the DemonKing the woman with tan skin, bright blonde hair with dull blue eyes was leaning on her hand as she was looking down at two of the remaining monster leaders that can fit inside the castle.

She had a bored look in her eyes with the lower half of her face obscured by a skull mask that covered her mouth and nose as she looked at them and asked the monster on her left, "Is it true? Are you sure this is accurate?"

"Yes-Yes Lady Tier, our clan priestesses felt-felt a new King-King monster born under Terra's Protection." The female horned rat monster said with her races familiar stutter.

"Hmmm…. And where was this felt from exactly?" She said as she narrowed her eyes a bit as this could become a problem in the future if not dealt with properly.

The Hero wasn't much of an issue in the beginning so the DemonKing ignored him as there had been plenty of hero's that rose up before him but all fell before ever reaching him or were overwhelmed when they finally faced him when they reached his castle.

But this one was different, unlike all the ones before he had a blade forged by the greatest Swordsmiths of the IronClad Isles, blessed by the Great Elven Sprit Ariel on the Elvish Isles, and Sanctified by the God of Light in Vaticino's Holy City's Holy Grove.

The entire world of mortals worked together to make the blade that seals the darkness one that cut through demons and corrupted monsters alike, and the bane of the DemonKing Himself as it cut him down.

The only good thing that happened is that blade shattered after piercing his heart, but with his dying breath he placed a curse upon the hero and his party weakening them severely as a result, which would have made it easy to kill them all but the God of Light empowered the Saintess enough to send them straight back from the Holy City where they remain to this day.

'It will take them years for them to dispel that heavy curse he put on them but we are no better, but if we can get anything of power from the Great Spirits we can heal ourselves faster and get back at the mortals and monsters that stand against us.' She thinks to herself as she places her free hand on her heavily bandage stomach that has multiple slash wound from the hero beneath it that are healing at an absolute crawl because of the damned blade.

"Shiro." She says as she looks over at the White Lynel who was kneeling, well kneeling as best as a Lynel could, who looked back up at her.

"You and Rouge will both head too…." She says before looking over at the Horned Rat woman.

"The-The Verdant Lands is where we felt-felt the energy come from." She says where they felt it.

"You heard her, it's a new King Monster so they probably haven't gotten that strong as of yet, your objective is simple, find that king and capture him and take the object that Terra has the most connection too and bring it back here, understood?" Tier said as she looked at the White Manned Lynel woman who stood up and nodded.

"As you command." She says before she turns around and heads out of the castle and goes to gather Rouge to set out on their journey to the Verdant Lands.

"As for you, send your clan and make a burrow into the Monster Range, we need eyes and ears on what's going on in there as well.

"Yes-Yes Lady Tier." She said as she got up and bowed before she scampered off to do as she commanded.

"Haaaa…. This is so tiring, I hope an actual DemonKing or Queen is born in the near future, this stuff is boring…." She says to herself as she's left alone to her own thoughts.





