

Tomoka began walking towards the swings with a faint smile. On the other hand, the blond boy began glaring towards her with hostility. Tomoka expected as much, for all she could guess from the anime Naruto had been treated like living garbage by the civilians in Konoha.

"What do you want?" Naruto said, almost growling as soon as Tomoka stood in front of him. To the untrained eye it would seem like he was ready to attack her at any moment. However, the truth was the complete opposite. In reality he was ready to either run or try and defend himself.

"Nothing really, I just saw that you were alone and decided to come closer. Say, want to talk?" The question took the blond boy by surprise for a moment. However, the scowl soon returned to his expression.

"Leave me alone" Now it was Tomoka's turn to be surprised. She expected Naruto to take her offer. Thinking a bit about it she made a few guesses as to why he did not. Chances were, other kids had once approached him with seemingly good intentions only to bully him later on.

"Sure" Tomoka turned around to leave, she knew that trying to force the situation would lead to a negative reaction. Instead she opted to leave an avenue through which Naruto could approach her on his own.

"By the way the name is Tomoka. If you want to talk to me I will be visiting this park around this hour same day next week" With that said she left. In truth she felt a little glad that she did not have to interact with Naruto more than that.

On the other hand it seems that this Naruto has yet to aquire his goal to become Hokage. Maybe she could manipulate him into becoming a more likable person. No, manipulating sounds a bit wrong, how about guiding.

'Now that I think about it, I could also help Sasuke be a little less idiotic about his revenge'

[You won't try and stop his revenge?] Kurama was a bit surprised by that. He knew for a fact that Tomoka disliked both Naruto and Sasuke even though she hadn't met either.

'Why should I try and stop him? First of all, it's none of my business. Not to mention that if I were in his position I would go on a rage fueled rampage against the world and all that lives on its surface making sure that no seed of life remains to ever, EVER bring this rotten and putrid world back'

As Tomoka spoke in her mind to Kurama her Aura changed for but a fraction of a millisecond. No one, not even Tomoka or Kurama, had felt the change. However, if anyone had felt it the would have felt nothing but pure unadulterated terror and horror. The sheer insanity contained in the malicious aura was nothing more but a decree of death.

[A bit much don't you think?] As kurama said that he had to re-evaluate his life. How the hell did he become the voice of reason in a relationship with a human? He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

'Maybe, but something tells me that that is exactly what I would do.' Tomoka was sure of that. As much as she liked to think of herself as a logical and rational person she could not and would not deny her emotions. Perhaps when the time came, when she suffered true loss for the first time she would simply go insane. It matters not at this moment for it had not happened and she would do her best to keep it that way.

'Anyway, there are other fun things to do right now' With that said she left to prepare things for a prank. She would usually not partake in such childish behavior. However, after such a heavy talk that dampened her mood she decided to do so. Now the true question revolved around what she would do.

Ideas began flooding her mind. She could take a page from Naruto's future book of pranks and mess with the Hokage rock. In her opinion the monument was is and will forever be the dumbest thing to exist. Konoha is the "hidden village in the leaf" however, the damned mountain made it very clear were the fucking village was.

A small pang of irritation assaulted Tomoka as she thought about the idiocy of whoever thought it was a good idea to build such a thing. Now that she thought about it, hadn't it been the first's idea to make it?

'Alright, that settles it, I will mess with the Hokage rock. I will go write: DUMBASS in the first's forehead!'

[As much as I hate that bastard I feel the need to remind you that you will get a shit load of trouble for it]

'Kurama, my dear friend. It's not a crime if no one knows about it'

[Everyone will know about it idiot]

'Yes, but no one will know it was me. Not to mention I will write it in english as a precaution. I will also give him a mustache!'

With that settled Tomoka began to prepare what she would need.

"All right people, you have already been debriefed on this operation. Team Mo has already acquired the goods and distributed them to all of you. Failure is not an option, move out" With that said groups of ninjas began moving through Konoha.

These groups could not be identified as ninjas of any of the known ninja nations as the symbol on their headbands is that of a spider. Another thing worth mentioning about the group is their rather odd hair colors. All members of this unknown village have bright neon colors of hair, from blue to red.

[I can't believe you are actually doing this, the amount of chaos will be unimaginable. Not to mention what will happen if you get caught] Kurama couldn't help but shake his head at what he was seeing.

'Well said my foxy friend! Indeed I will be in a lot of trouble IF I get caught' Tomoka for her part wasn't worried of getting caught at all. The paint had been bought through proxies. All her clones were using henge and were instructed to create distractions throughout the village. She had thought of everything she could and prepared for it.

'Shame I have to do the actual painting myself' Tomoka sighed thinking about the shortcomings of her jutsu. As the clones are unable of interacting for prolonged periods with the physical world she has to be the one doing the painting.

"It's show time" With that said Tomoka used a henge to change into an adult version of herself with bright cyan colored hair and scarlet eyes. That done she began running up the Hokage monument. Each moment was precious as the distractions her clones had set wouldn't grab the many ninjas' attention for long.

Thick columns of white smoke could be seen rising all around Konoha as the clones set off the many smoke bombs Tomoka had made and planted around the village. Other distractions were being used as well like paint bombs and Tomokas personal favorite the stink bomb.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" With mad laughter, Tomoka got to work painting the Hokage monument. First she wrote in the first Hokage's forehead the word Dumbass in english. Next she proceeded to paint a glorious mustache and a goatee. Last but not least, and this was not part of the plan, Tomoka painted a dick on the Hokage's cheek.

'Hmm yeah I don't see the appeal. I always wondered why boys would always draw dicks but after trying I still don't get it.' Having finished her work Tomoka had retreated to the other side of Konoha. Looking at the vandalized first she felt proud of her accomplishment.

[For your own good I hope no one catches you. That being said, ahem, fuck you Hashirama get rekt noob] Kurama on the other hand felt a mixture of emotions, mainly elation and worry. What Tomoka had just done was the equivalent of giving the middle finger to the whole village.

Having finished her stress relieving session, Tomoka decided to go back home. After what she had just done she expected the entirety of the shinobi force to be on high alert. Afterall, having the village "attacked" by an unknown force for unknown reasons leaving zero casualties and only vandalizing the Hokage monument would send the entire upper echelons into a frenzy.

[Hey Tomoka I forgot to ask before but, why a spider?] Kurama couldn't understand why Tomoka would do some of the things she did, even after living inside her head for years now.

'Why ask? Are you jealous I didn't use a fox?' While saying that Tomoka's face morphed into one of amusement.

[Nah, I couldn't care less about something like that. Just curious] The fox had gotten rather used to the constant teasing coming from the girl.

'I miss when you would get all gumpy, it was cute. Anyway, I just felt like it fits. Not to mention I like spiders. They are the pest removers of the world. Anything that gets rid of mosquitos earns a special place in my good book. That's why Also like lizards and geckos, frogs too.'

All things said and done, Tomoka had a very productive day. The previous day she had met Naruto and today she had pranked the whole village. With a smile, Tomoka spent the rest of the day writing notes in her notebook about different things she wanted to do.

'Learning medical jutsu could be useful. Kenjutsu sounds interesting as well. Fuinjutsu is a bit… I might give it a try. The Uzumaki are meant to be good with fuinjutsu so nothing is lost by trying. I still need to perfect my self made jutsus. Not to mention I still need to workout'

[Add some leisure time to your schedule, kid. All work and no fun is detrimental.]

'Who is working? I am having loads of fun foxy'

[Sure] With a sigh the fox gave up. Trying to win against Tomoka was the same as banging his head against a mountain and expecting it to move.

Many things have happened through the last four years. That's right, four years have gone by since Tomoka's little prank. For starters, six days after her little prank she met Naruto back at the park. The little twerp had made his mind and decided to trust Tomoka, albeit with some reservations.

With some time and getting to know Naruto a little better Tomoka finally understood why his anime version was so brain dead. The first thing she noticed was that Naruto's intelect at the time was normal. He wasn't smart by any accounts but he wasn't dumb either. As a matter of fact Tomoka thought his intellect to be at around the exact same level as his grown anime counterpart.

It took time and a lot of thinking. Theories were made one after another until she got to one she deemed the most probable. Naruto wasn't dumb by birth, he simply never got to develope his brain and therefore his mind properly. As a shunned kid he didn't receive proper education until he was eight. Not to mention that by then it was a well known "fact" that he was dumb. In reality many factors led to Naruto's stunted mental growth.

As a matter of fact Tomoka was quite surprised with the kid. Even though his personality was still close to that of his anime counterpart, his intellect wasn't so bad. It is precisely because of the latter that Tomoka was surprised. If her previous theory of excess yang stunting mental growth while yin physical growth then Naruto would be a genius if not for yang Kurama.

Thinking more in depth about this, Tomoka realized that there is no reason why Naruto should not be a genius. Both his parents were extremely smart, one a master of fuinjutsu while the other developed a set of extremely powerful jutsus.

Taking all of this in consideration Tomoka decided to help the poor brat. If he became smarter she would have gotten rid of one of her biggest headaches: dealing with dumb Naruto and his dumbassery.

Like this she began spending some time every week teaching him about different subjects. Of course, as any other kid Naruto disliked studying. Because of this Tomoka resorted to the tried and tested method to make all kids listen: Bribery. This legendary technique worked like a charm. It was even more effective on Naruto thanks to his poor living conditions.

Aside from dealing with Naruto, Tomoka also met with another member of the main cast. One she liked quite a bit as a matter of fact. The legendary bushy eye browed, green jumpsuit wearing, bowl cut fashionista Lee and Guy!

As she expected she met them one day while they ran through konoha in all their green glory! After the encounter everything else went according to plan. She competed with Lee and became good friends with him. She would even go as far as shout YOUTH! with the two while training. Afterall, you know the old saying: when in Rome, do as Romans do.

These events had taken place a year ago. Nowadays Lee would come by once or twice a week to challenge his "Rival" and Tomoka would happily oblige. She even went as far as introducing Lee to her saitama training. Fun fact, Lee lost his shiny bowl cut for a week after a month of training. Thankfully for Tomoka's sanity and eyes, his hair grew back later.

Due to these events Tomoka suspected that Saitama's training side effect of hair loss was only applicable to male practitioners. However, with only a sample size of two one of each gender Tomoka couldn't be sure.

Aside from meeting Lee and becoming friends with Naruto, Tomoka also spent her time learning Genjutsu from none other than the genjutsu specialist Kurenai. Since her parents were also jounin they had asked her for a few paid lessons for Tomoka at the kid's request. Of Course Kurenai had been skeptical of teaching a five year old Tomoka. However, those doubts didn't last for long.

As Tomoka already knew the theory behind genjutsu she had been practicing with herself as a target. She had, to put it simply, made herself hallucinate. Of Course, using genjutsu on yourself was far easier than using it on others but her practice hadn't been in vain.

It only took her half a year to learn all of the basics kurenai could teach her. Now, half a year for just the basics might sound like a lot of time. However, these "basics" were extremely important since they came from kurenai herself. Tomoka wasn't learning to just cast genjutsu. She was learning to make them on the fly!

A few other things that happened during the last four years are as follows. One that has brought Tomoka equal parts enjoyment and frustration is finding root's hidden bases around Konoha. As an otherworlder with some info about root thanks to the anime Tomoka has been able to find some hideouts. However, she hasn't been able to find the big prize.

Saying that Tomoka found them is not entirely true, but it isn't false either. The ones to find the hideouts are the many clones Tomoka has sent on said task. Thanks to their less than firm forms they are able to sneak into vents and other places otherwise inaccessible. The frustrating part is that she hasn't been able to find their HQ.

She had been working hard to get rid of Root and Danzo. A direct confrontation is ill advised since despite her incredible growth she is far from strong enough to deal with the eye thief. Because of this she has been working diligently to create many chemical and explosive weaponry. Her plan is simple: find root HQ and blow it to the high heavens while Danzo is inside.

The current problem is that the eye thief is extremely paranoid and careful. She has been able to find some hideouts but from what she could tell they were less than important. Nothing more than one of many defensive measures. She has already planted as many bombs as she can without being found out inside of them. No reason to not to blow them up as well.

Another source of frustration for Tomoka is the little progress she has had with her secret lab. No cave her clones have found is good enough. Some are too small, some have unstable ground, some are entirely flooded, some have their entrances too accessible. over a hundred caves found and dismissed.

At least one saving grace was the map she currently held in her mental palace. Her clones had taken to mapping as much of the fire nation as they could. Tomoka could say with full confidence that she had knowledge of at least eighty percent of the entire fire nation's topography. However, there was this region that eluded her.

She discovered this hole in her map a while back and no matter how many times she sent clones to investigate they could not map it. The place was elusive and hidden. No matter how many times she tried, her clones couldn't find it. In their perception the place didn't exist. The only reason she had found this hole in the map was thanks to the minute yet constant discrepancies she had found.

Travel times and measurements indicated the existence of this segment of land. Yet the perception of her clones was altered when traversing it. No, rather it was altered to avoid it completely. She went as far as creating over twenty clones at once, encircling the area and having them move towards its center. Yet this failed too.

The clones spent an entire day walking towards the "center" of the anomaly only to find out they had been walking in a circle around it. Tomoka was a hundred percent sure that something interesting if not important was hidden there. However, for the time being she had decided to give up on it.

Last but not least of the events in the past years is her interactions with Both Hinata and Nozomi. Another source of frustration and confusion for the girl. The two were like water and oil. Worst of all is that this was only while Tomoka was around. The two girls would argue and fight constantly while Tomoka was around. However, as soon as she left they would act friendly and cordial with each other.

Not being able to contain her curiosity she once asked the two girls for an explanation. The answer she received was a piercing glare from the two kids. Somehow their angry faces made her feel guilty. Of what she couldn't tell but she felt guilty nonetheless.

One positive thing that happened through the years was her monetary gains. To say Tomoka was loaded was and is an understatement. Through the years she released one game every year. Each and every one a success, though some more than others. She even got to make her own brand at her parents' insistence.

Her brand for her games is: Wondertainment. Under its wing there is Uno, Monopoly, Dungeons and Dragons, the Rubick's cube, and finally, Jenga. She had planned to release next year a card game like yugioh or something though she felt like it would be better to make it using this world's historical personages. For that reason she was planning to make a card playing game with the world's renowned ninjas as the face of the playing cards. She would call it: Ninja nation.

"Hue hue hue, roll perception please" Behind a cardboard screen one could see Tomoka smiling creepily. In the map she held many marcs laid out the many traps she had planned. Now the party of wanna be heros has stepped into one.

"Uhg, seven" "Twelve for me" "I got a n-nat twenty" "fifteen for my YOUTH!"

Tomoka's smile grew wider as she looked at her victims. She had warned them, she had told them that they were not ready. Now they would pay the price for their vanity, their hubris has led them to their end.

"Naruto, Nozomi you two don't notice the trap triggering, you take full damage at 1d8 of poison damage from the poison darts that spray through the corridor. Hinata, Lee please roll me a dex save"

All according to plan, she would not kill them right away. No, she would witle them little by little. Like the traps set in casinos she would entice them with little wins here and there. Little did they know they would lose everything as they would all die.

"T-twelve" "Eight"

"Alright, Lee you try to dodge but fail and take a 1d8 of poison damage as well. Hinata, you manage to dodge most of the darts but it's not enough, you take 1d4 poison damage" Groans followed as all of them started to despair.

Their character had lost most of their health by now. Hinata's character was the only one safe from imminent death as her luck today had been stellar. No potions left nor spell slots for healing their end approached as Tomoka cackled maddly.

"As you try to catch your breath after the trap you hear a voice. It says "Poor lost souls in despair, I the goddess of opportunity wish for your success. However, sacrifices must be made. In exchange for the safe return of your companions one of you must die. Choose who will be the unlucky one"

After that chaos ensued. Everyone wanted to sacrifice themselves to save the others. The discussion continued for a while until Hinata spoke with a rare burst of confidence.

"I won't accept anyone sacrificing themselves. We are a team and we will all find a way out! What if this was the real world? Will you let a friend die like that? I sure won't. No goddess none of use will die today"

Hinata's steely gaze sent a small shiver down Tomoka's spine. She had planned to force one of them to die to teach them a lesson but perhaps changing the lesson for another one isn't so bad. Clearing her throat, Tomoka spoke again.

"I see your determination and it has moved me but a sacrifice still needs to be made. Perhaps instead of a life magic item could do. Sacrifice what you have gotten in this dungeon and your freedom will be in reach."

With a nod everyone gave Tomoka back the equipment they had gotten and so she let them go. Back outside the dungeon everyone decided to rest and resupply. However, their next adventure would have to wait.

"Kids come down Dinner is ready!" With that everyone releases a disappointed sigh. The campaign had been going for a little over a month and it had been gold. Seeing Naruto's character die over and over was just comedy gold. At least his rash decision making had improved after the third death.

"Tomoka, that was unfair! We lost a lot of gold on potions and got nothing in return!" Nozomi began complaining as they ate.

"Hey, not my fault. I told you all you weren't ready. I didn't even hide it behind any clever wording or anything. I said and I quote "You will get your ass handed to you in a silver platter" not my fault you didn't listen" Tomoka crossed her arms while looking at the others.

"Yeah but you could have gone easier on us. You could have at least let us keep some loot to make up for the lost potions" Naruto pouted, crossing his own arms.

"Well dear Naruto. Your enemies will never go easy on you. Be thankful I didn't TPK you again." Said Tomoka while looking at everyone.

That's right Tomoka had already TPKed them once. It happened when the group of four level threes tried to challenge a level eleven wizard. Mind you they had no real reason to attack the man. Even though, yes he was evil, and yes he needed to die. They were meant to try and kill him through other methods aside from direct confrontation.

"Anyway. Are you all excited for tomorrow?" Himiko decided to change the topic. She had once tried to join in on the fun but was quickly banned from playing as her adult mind as well as problem solving knowledge led to the game becoming boring for the other kids.

"Right, Tomorrow you will begin proper ninja training at the academy! You will finally show them your YOUTH!" Everyone got excited except for Tomoka. She knew they would all be disappointed.

'Kurama, tell me again why I shouldn't kill the old man'

[Why are you asking me? Have you forgotten that the only humans I like are you and Nozomi… maybe the Hyuga girl too. As for the Hokage, he can go die in a ditch for all I care]

'You aren't helping mister fox'

Currently Tomoka was listening to the endless droning of Hiruzen Sarutobi. Today marks her first day in what Tomoka calls the true ninja academy. Because of this, she and all other ninja aspirants had to attend this little speech by the Hokage. A speech that had gone for over half an hour by now.

'I swear to whatever god is out there that if I hear anything more about the "will of fire" I will fucking murder the bitch'

[Why don't just ignore it. I mean you could just come in hear and chat with me, or we could play a game or something]

'Kurama, you saint of a fox, you are a genius!'

Like that Tomoka spent the next half hour playing games with Kurama inside her mindscape. Though it soon devolved into an angry Kurama chasing a cackling Tomoka since she had cheated in every game they played. It's her mindscape, in there she is a god.

"Well this old man has spoken for long enough. With this I announce the start of this school year"

And finally the ever so lengthy speech about the will of fire and what not is finished. As if a fire had been lit on everyone's ass they vacated the premise going to their respective classrooms.

"I thought he would never finish" A drained Nozomi said while walking next to Tomoka.

"I think I fell asleep a few times" That one came from Naruto who was currently walking backwards with his hands on the back of his head.

"I t-think I did too" turning to see little Hinata one would be able to notice the tinge of pink on her cheeks.

While chatting and trying to properly wake up after the sleep inducing speech the group reached their classroom. Class 1-A also known as the class of prodigies. From Kakashi Minato Namikaze to Itachi Uchiha. All of Konoha's geniuses and elites have belonged to this classroom.

Entering the classroom the first thing Tomoka noticed was a kid with black eyes and hair looking out the window with a bored expression. Sasuke Uchiha, despite the masacre not taking place yet, the guy already had his mysterious aura that drove girls crazy for him.

Other faces she recognised were also already inside the classroom. Like Ino and Sakura who were currently fighting for Sasuke's attention. Another pair of recognisable faces were those of Choji and Shikamaru. Though the latters face couldn't be seen as he is currently sleeping. Last but note least, Tomoka found the mutt and the mutt, or kiba and akamaru looking defiantly at everyone in the classroom.

Looking around Tomoka found the legendary protagonist seat empty so she decided to sit elsewhere. After all, she needed to find somewhere she and all her friends could sit next to each other.

After finding a good place and sending Naruto to sit with Sasuke for the laughs. She wondered if the two would end up kissing by mistake like in the anime. Tomoka couldn't help but giggle. Not soon after she saw the blond kid preparing a prank for their new teacher. It was the typical dusty eraser on top of the door.

"Naruto, what the fuck do you think you are doing" In an instant Tomoka apeared next to Naruto without making a sound. Her expression, one of disappointment while looking at the confused blond kid. In the past she had taught Naruto a few pranks and even praised him when they succeeded. The blond kid didn't understand why he was being told off now.

"I thought you were better than that. Now let me show you how to make a proper prank" As those words left Tomoka's lips her grin became deranged and maniacal. A grin that would put the cheshire cat's grin to shame.

Ten minutes later everyone sat at their respective desks with sweat pouring down their backs. Even Naruto, the one who wanted to prank their teacher, felt pity for whoever they would be.

Another minute passed and their teacher opened the other, catching the dusty eraser with ease. That's when all hell broke loose. In an instant the eraser exploded into a cloud of itch powder coating the poor teacher from head to toe.

"First phase complete" A whisper could be heard from within the classroom loud and clear.

"Second phase started" Once again the voice resounded and the machinations of a mischievous girl were put in motion once again.

From small boxes all around the classroom a foul smelling liquid was shot in the direction of the teacher who was now on guard. With ease of movement he dodged each and every single shot of liquid until no more came. However, he did not notice that all shots landed in the same spot creating a puddle of said viscous liquid.

As the teacher took a careful step forwards he slipped on the now slippery floor as a wire finished the job by tripping him backwards into the pool of foul smelling liquid.

"Second phase complete" This time the voice held moquery and glee in its tone as it spoke.

"Third phase starts" With those words the fate of the teacher was sealed. A deluge of feathers fell from a compartment in the roof of the room.

"Pftt, HAAHHAHA!" Not being able to contain her laughter anymore Tomoka burst out laughing as she saw the now chicken teacher standing in the middle of the classroom smelling like he went dumpster diving. A moment later the teacher left the room after giving Tomoka the stink eye.

'That is what you get for being a traitor Mizuki-sensei'

A while later a different teacher came in to start the class. Of course all evidence had been thoroughly disposed of by then. However, Tomoka knew well she wouldn't be getting out of this one. Not only would she need for all of her fellow classmates to lie flawlessly but it was their word against that of a teacher. In the end she had to go to the director's office at the end of the day.

"Tomoka I hope you know why I have called for you today" was the first thing director Taichi said to Tomoka as she entered his office.

"Of course I know. You called me here to scold me about my little prank which is dumb." With that said Tomoka sat comfortably opposite Taichi.

"And why would that be. From my point of view you have disrespected your teacher" Normally Taichi wouldn't bother arguing with a kid. However, Tomoka piqued his interest.

"For starters, a teacher meant to teach students about being a ninja that falls for a trap set up by said students is an incompetent teacher." The battle of wit has started, and Tomoka would do what she could to win.

"Perhaps but that doesn't excuse the fact you have acted against a teacher. After all, in the ninja world there is a chain of command that needs to be followed" Taichi's response annoyed Tomoka to no end. Yes, there is a chain of command, however, those at the top got there mostly through merit.

"But we are not in said chain of command, are we? I have come here to learn to be a ninja, not to play student and teacher. If my teacher is inadequate I will make their life miserable."

"And what might I ask defines a good teacher in your eyes Tomoka" Taichi felt annoyed at the girl's disrespect. However, he decided to continue with the conversation. If she continued like this he would have a good reason to suspend her or even expel her.

"One that can teach, of course. I am not dumb Taichi-san, I have looked up each teacher in this facility and studied their previous behavier and teaching by asking other graduates. Misuki is a horrible teacher. His methods are simply inefficient. Not to mention his lack of knowledge or skill in the matter.

One teacher I would consider a good teacher instead is Iruka-sensei. I would like to recommend him for the position as our classroom's teacher. That is unless you want a few more human sized smelly chickens in the academy. Oh and don't even bother trying to expel me or even suspend me, that is unless you want a missive from our dear sandaime" A grin appeared in Tomoka's face as she saw Taichi's eye twitching.

"I see, in that case you are dismissed" Of course it wouldn't end just like that. Taichi completely disregarded Tomoka's threat and decided to suspend her for a week to teach her a lesson. He would be sending her parents a message with his decision.

Tomoka for her part felt happy that her plans were working as intended. She knew full well that Taichi would ignore her warning. She would of course, get scolded by her parents and more likely than not punished but it did not matter. At most she would let her clones handle it.

Her mood took a turn for the worse when she began thinking about more important matters, like the Uchiha massacre. She knew for a fact that it would happen soon after the school year started. Meaning it could be either in a week a month or anywhere in between.

'Hey Kurama, have you reconsidered my proposal for plan E?'

[No, I won't do it no matter how many times you ask. I won't be taking a risk like that no matter what, it's nice in here and I would rather not end up inside a cage again, or worse, impaled into a rock.]

Tomoka couldn't help but sigh. She had been trying to convince the stubborn fox for the better part of last year. Plan E was her last resort and to be fair she is very reluctant to put it in motion too. It consists of a very simple action, letting Kurama take full control and escape her body.

Plans A to D were less severe. Plan A consisted of asking Nozomi to come over for a sleepover and hoping no one would come for her. Of course this is the best possible outcome and the most unlikely one. Plan B comes into play in case the latter part of plan A fails. She would be staying up all night guarding the house and setting traps. She would fight if necessary.

Plan C is a countermeasure in case the Nozomi rejects the sleepover. Tomoka knows full well how much of a brocon Itachi is and so she would find and threaten Itachi with Sasuke's safety. Plan D is a contingency for plan C. In case Itachi ignores Tomoka's threat she would implement similar actions to plan B instead in Nozomi's residence after infiltrating the Uchiha compound.

Finally, plan E is the last resort. In plan E, Tomoka would have Kurama release and attack whoever is endangering Nozomi's life. Why she was willing to do something like placing her own life in the line for Nozomi, Tomoka couldn't tell. It wasn't strictly logical, what good would it be if Nozomi survived but she didn't? Tomoka felt conflicted and yet she felt this was necessary.

As expected Tomoka got an earful from her parents… after they managed to contain their laughter that is. The notice had stated that she would be suspended for a week and if such behavior were to be repeated she would instead be expelled. However, the very next day, another message came exempting Tomoka from her suspencion.

~Flashback no jutsu~

Inside the Hokage's office an old man could be seen fighting a losing war. No matter how hard he fought or what he did the mountain of papers would only grow in size. With a heavy sigh the third stopped writing to take a break. His right hand hurt with the exertion of writing for hours straight.

"Why am I so unlucky? None of the potential Hokague successors want the position. Now I have to keep the position or who knows what will become of Konoha" Massaging his aching hand Hiruzen felt depressed. However, he had no time for that.

"Hokage-sama" Suddenly a ninja with a dog mask appeared kneeling in front of him. This worried him as this anbu is one of two in charge of looking after Tomoka.

Inu and Tenzo had been tasked with watching after the girl ever since the attack on Konoha four years ago. To this very day no one has any idea of the reason nor the entity behind the attack. After a thorough investigation no losses were found be it information or personal. Even Shikaku couldn't form a plausible reason behind it.

Nevertheless this event opened Sarutobis eyes. He realized he had been too lax with the protection of what could be arguably called the strongest of Konoha's weapons as well as its biggest danger. Because of this, both Naruto and Tomoka now have anbu looking after them at all times.

"What happened? Is Tomoka alright?" Had their enemies somehow found her identity as a jinchuuriki? What came put the Hokague at ease but also gave him a headache.

"She is fine sir. However, she has been suspended from the academy for pranking a teacher" After Inu finished his report Hiruzen could do nothing more but smile wryly. For the past four years after he had assigned the two anbus to her he had received report after report of odd or concerning matters.

The kid is extremely slippery. More than once has she somehow disappeared right in front of them through unknown means. Little did they know that in those cases the anbu pair had mistakenly gone after one of her clones. Another odd thing about her is how she would create odd concoctions. Due to the nature of the mission, neither anbu had actually interacted with them. However, their instincts told them that those liquids and powders were dangerous.

"I see, were you able to glean a reason behind her behavior?" Hiruzen took this matter quite seriously. That kid held a lot of potential and he worried that she might get isolated and missguided.

"Yes sir. In her conversation with the principal she stated that their teacher, Mizuki-san, is inconpetent as a teacher. She also mentioned that she would prefer Iruka-san as her teacher or she would continued pranking the assigned teachers"

An exasperated sigh escaped the old man's lips. He felt so tired of dealing with everything in the village. As much as he loves his home and his people he can't help but wish for a calm and relaxing retirement. Why would the girl ask for Iruka? He did not know nor did he care. He couldn't have the girl not be taught in the academy. If all it took was to give in to such a simple demand, so be it.

Taking his time to redact a message for the principal of the academy the old man felt how his hand still ached from the hours of working. Even though chakra helped with the pain a little it was not a permanent solution.

"Take this to the principal of the academy and then go back to your mission" With that said, Inu disappeared from the Hokage's office.

~Flashback end~

With that taken care of, Tomoka went back into her classroom the next day to everyone's surprise. After all, what she had done had been a little extreme for a prank. After chatting and giving a few made up excuses the girl had been left to her own device. With some time before their new teacher arrives she decided to prepare a new prank.

Her walk towards the classroom door with calm and relaxed steps caused a few students to flinch. However, this time all she did was place the chalkboard's eraser on top of the door. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Hey! Wasn't you the one that told me that that prank would not work?" Of course Naruto had to call her out on it.

"Dear Naruto, you are still too green in the pranking ways. You will see '' With a mischievous smile Tomoka sat down to wait. Today is going to be a good day.

ruka couldn't comprehend the reason behind his assignment as the homeroom teacher of class 1-A. There were a hundred and one more appropriate teachers for that class. Not to mention that he didn't want to do it. In there is Naruto Uzumaki the Konoha's jinchuriki. The vessel of his parent's murderer.

Taking a deep breath to calm his raging emotions, Iruka continued walking through the corridor towards class 1-A. He had read the report about his old team member Misuki getting pranked badly. Due to this he has his guard up. The first thing he noticed is that the classroom's door is slightly open. Looking up he saw the eraser waiting up there.

'These kids think I will fall for the same prank as Misuki? Not a chance.' With those thoughts in mind Iruka opened the door quickly dodgine the eraser and rolling forward with a kunai in hand. He was prepared to deal with anything that could happen. However, that was the problem.

A seconds ticked by Iruka remained still, waiting for something to happen. After almost half a minute the silence was finally broken by a cheeky voice.

"Sensei? Is this part of the class? A lesson on how to become a statue or something?" No sooner had Tomoka finished speaking than the rest of the kids burst into laughter. It had been too funny seeing their teacher overreact to such a simple prank. At that moment Naruto understood Tomoka's words.

"Sorry for doubting you Tomoka-sensei" Narutos words were solem… or would be if there wasn't that tinge of playfulness in his tone.

"You still have a lot to learn, my student" Responded Tomoka while caressing her imaginary wise-old-man beard. A moment later both began laughing.

"Alright, That's enough. My name is Iruka Umino and I will be your classroom teacher for the next four years." Iruka's mood was a little sour after making a fool of himself but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Since today is my first day as your teacher, we will be conducting introductions as well as a test." As soon as the word test left Iruka's mouth groans could be heard throughout the entire class room. As he intended to continue, a pink haired kid raised her hand to which he responded by allowing her to speak.

"Sensei, a test this early is unfair as class has just started and no new information has been taught." At that Iruka couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry, the test won't have any grading. It is just to see where each one of you stands so I can teach you efficiently. The test will consist of simple things like bukijutsu, taijutsu and ninjutsu.But first, introductions" Having said that, Iruka began calling names so they would introduce themselves.

Soon enough the names of the main cast began being called. Not much changed except for the three that had already interacted with Tomoka. First was Hinata.

"My name is Hinata Hyuga, and my dream is to become a respectable and powerful kunoichi that can protect her family and friends." That's right, little Hinata didn't stutter. This outcome due to her resolution. Tomoka had warned her that something like introductions would happen and so she had prepared for it. She had rehearsed these same words over and over again in front of her mirror until they were engraved in her heart and mind.

Next came our lovable Naruto who with a wide green shouted "My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I will become the greatest ninja ever! Believe it" At that last part Tomoka couldn't help but groan, he might be better than his anime version but the ticks were still there. No matter what she tried she couldn't get them out of his speech pattern.

Afterwards came Nozomi who's gaze was firm as steel "I am Nozomi Uchiha. My goal is to become powerful. I want to be strong enough to disregard the orders of my clan and leave in whichever way I please." As she finished, a small snort could be heard from the other Uchiha in the room.

For little Sasuke, Nozomi's dream is simply impossible and stupid. Even more so in her case. As the clan heir he looked down on the Uchiha failure known as Nozomi. In his mind her using his clan name was akin to an insult.

Finally, last but certainly not least Tomoka "My name is Tomoka Fushi but please call me just Tomoka. My dream is simple, I want to do what I want, live how I want, and enjoy my life how I want." With that she sat down. Normally Tomoka wouldn't give her last name as it gave her mixed feelings.

Fushi, Written With the kanji for unlucky and death. Fitting isn't it? Not to mention that the word itself means immortal. As someone who escaped death once the title also fits. It's as if this very surname was made for her.

'With the introductions done, time to beat some kids into the ground… I mean, show my skills… yeah' Tomoka had forgotten that a certain fox could hear her thoughts if she wasn't careful to hide them.

[Make 'em suffer]

'Wait a second! I thought you would go into your disappointed father mode and tell me that I should be better than that!' Tomoka had been taken by surprise by the sudden nonchalance of the fox.

[Are you going to kill them? Cripple them? or send them to the hospital for a prolonged period of time?]

'Of course not! I would get into a shit load of trouble for doing that, not to mention I gain nothing from it. No I will just play with them a little' Saying that a creepy grin appeared in Tomoka's face. A moment later she was brought out of her thoughts by a hard smack to the back of the head.

"Stop grinning like that!" Turning around, Tomoka saw an angry and pouting Nozomi. This hadn't been the first time something like this has happened and she doubted it would be the last either.

A while later class 1-A stood inside the academy's outdoor training area. Looking around one could spot some targets strapped to nearby trees. On one corner of the place Tomoka spotted a white circle painted on the ground.

"Alright everyone, we will start with bukijutsu. I will be calling your name and I want you to hit the targets with as many shuriken and kunai as you can for a duration of ten seconds." Having finished his explanation Iruka began calling names.

As each student went forward Tomoka's expresion darkened. Most of them failed to hit the target even once. Some got one or two lucky hits. Sakura botched it completely, almost hitting a student by, somehow, throwing a shuriken backwards.

Thankfully, the girl's ire was dispersed somewhat by the clan kid's performance. Choji, ino and Shikamaru landed their shuriken. Though the latter only threw one and then left to take a nap while the former also only threw one so he could go back to eating his snacks.

Next up came Naruto. If the story had followed canon, he would be as bad or worse than sakura. Thankfully he managed to land some thanks to Tomoka's insistence in training him. It wasn't anything espectacular mind you. Even with her help, Naruto's talent for bukijutsu is abysmal.

"Hey you managed to land three out of five, good job" Positive reinforcement. Tomoka had read a paper about psychology that talked about child upbringing… just in case she ever decided to have one. Now the information proved useful in handling the blond boy.

Before they could begin chatting, the next kid was called, Sasuke Uchiha. With a prideful snear in his face he walked forward with confidence in his stride. How could he not? After all, wasn't the Uchiha clan the best shurikenjutsu user's in the world after the Fuma clan. Him as the son of the current clan head has been thoroughly trained not only by his father but also by his beloved older brother who is a genius!

As soon as the timer began Sasuke began throwing kunai and shuriken with deft hands. Each and every one of them landed on target. When the timer had run its course he had thrown a total of seven weapons, all landing on target.

"Kya! Sasuke is so cool!" With such a great performance it was expected for the kid's fanclub to go berserk. The girls squealed his praises with their high pitched voices, causing everyone else to grimace.

"Alright, next is Nozomi Uchiha." Not wanting to deal with the fangirls, Iruka quickly called the next name.

With a calm and somewhat cool demeanor Nozomi took her position. She had been extremely nervous about her performance before the testing began. Now that she had seen the average skill of the other kids, not to mention Sasuke's, she felt reassured. Her hellish training with Tomoka had been worth it.

As soon as the timer began, the girl moved. If Sasuke's movement's were swift and refined, hers were simply put, inhuman. Shuriken after shuriken left her hands as she shot them towards the targets. Sometimes, they would bounce from one another redirecting towards other targets. By the time she was done, a total of nine shurikens and kunais had hit their marks.

With a deep breath Nozomi calmed her racing heart as she turned around. Her steps calm and collected, her eyes focused. Today she had taken her first step to prove herself, not to others, but to herself. She would become the strongest Uchiha in history, even more so than Madara. She had sworn so in her heart, and Tomoka was the pillar that held that belief. As long as they stayed friends, as long as they stayed together, no goal was out of her reach.

Next chapter