

As the days passed, the last vestiges of fall vanished as the chill of winter marched across the mountains. It had been several weeks since the first snowfall, making three months since we'd arrived. The students had since learned of my hideaway, which somehow earned the nickname "Fate's Rest." Often, when I arrived early in the monring, a few brave souls were cloistered away, eagerly awaiting my arrival. Although I never said anything, they would flee the instant I arrived, only occasionally offering a few nervous stammers apologizing or asking for an autograph. 

Elise brought a sense of light and energy to my life each day, visiting after her classes and activities ended. Occasionally, she'd bring friends or classmates and introduce me, whom I always politely greeted. Outside of our daily training, I rarely saw Soltair and Trithe, who continuously fought monsters and hunted for the dragon, which was proving elusive.

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