
Chapter 219 – Last favor

Robin arrived at his penthouse where he has not been for over three weeks now. Everything on the outside was alright.

Security and everyone were at post and alert. 

He tried to open the door without knocking but it was locked from the inside so he knocked on it but there was no response.

He could hear the music coming from inside and knew that the evil woman was in there.

Good enough, he also understood the reason why the door was locked because the driver informed him that Zayla had not gone out for the past two days, and neither had she placed any orders for food or groceries.

It was late and Robin was surprised by the music playing in the penthouse when Zayla opened the door, clad in hot pants and a tank top that exposed her stomach. 

It was obvious that she was having an aerobic dance before walking to the door, judging by the sound of the music and how sweaty she looked.

Next chapter