
Blood Hunt

Somewhere in Republic system close to criminal space are seen 2 smaller and 2 medium frigates class ships with Red Fangs painting and damaged medium class cargo Frigate. Two of medium ones connected to cargo ship by docking hangars.

Pov of random security member

We were on defensive position waiting for pirates to open hermetic doors of docking hangar, then there was heard Noises on other side like giggle and some

'sssst' noise?

Termite breaching charge device blow up doors to inside smoke goes inside clouding vision.

Then I Heard it "Wooo!!!" thundered howl of many throats making cold shiver go through spines everyone who heard it then Race that I have never seen or heard of looking like tall wide carnivore beasts with sharp claws and Light, armor swarmed inside slashing and firing from strange but effective hybrid of blade and blaster weapons.

Beasts were strong with own eyes I have seen as one of them rise one of our men with one hand and broke his spine then throw away. I keep fairing killing two but fear and massacre before me

make me run to hide in a crew room. I hide under bed with trembling hands holding blaster.

Screams of crew and Howl of these beasts heard from my place this feels like hours even that I know that it were mere minutes then I hear blaster shooting close to my room 2 men's go into room shooting outside then one get shot in hand dropping blaster then get grabbed by clawed hand and threw into wall beast that go inside raised blade and start slashing at lying man blood splashing on his fur pure savagery. Last man in room rise hands in surrender dropping pistol, idiot. Next Beast come into room coming to man

" I surrend.. gah " Claws go through his abdomen rising him on eyes level of beast then it opened his jaw and bite in neck of man killing him blood gushed from wound marking wall

then throw him to the side "Hihihihi" This Frightening chuckle of beast and their howl will hunt me forever then something landed in front of me splashing dark liquid

then catching fire that cowered me.

End of Pov

"Ahhhh" Scream was heard from room

"Hihihi nothing better as smell of burned rat no one will hide from our noses " Giggled Gnolls

On the Bridge were seen Big Black Gnoll his fur cowered in blood Many dead lies around. Captain was holding his broken arm F rank that was his gourd was now under clawed feet of Gnoll

broken Ribs blood coming from mouth but still alive

"What you want you monster, just end us !! " Roared captain

" Oh but you still have chance to save who is still alive and then go alive and free just send from your private company card 40M of your Republic Shitty credits on this one " Answered Gnoll with mockery showing red card

" You think I'm stupid ? " Said men

"Well this is your chance if I kill you and crew after this is 50/50 if you not send you will die after listening to screams of your dying crew for sure" Said Grimgor

Captain start thinking but Gnoll don't seem to be patient person he put more pressure on his feet killing man under him

"My patience is running out" Said Grimgor with angry growl

" Ok I Will do it!! Just stop massacre " Exclaimed man using code to unlock card and send credits

" Was that so hard ? " asked Grimgor then give signal to stop killing

" Now take cargo and leave my ship " said captain

" Huh but cargo is where it should. You are the ones who will leave" Said Grimgor with amusement

" You said that we will be alive !!" Shouted Captain

" And you will be alive but this ship belongs to us. Throw survivors to capsules hihi" Ordered Grimgor

Survivors were thrown to capsules like sardines and launched into space, maybe they will be found by ship that will be coming there.

When last capsule was loaded, last man was standing looking at packed capsule

"There is no room for any more man how can we make more space" Said Captain with angry look

'Slash' Man drop dead .Blood dripping of Grimgor's blade

"Problem Solved Hihih" Grinned Grimgor

"You fuc...!!!" Red from Rage, Captain can't tell more as capsule were closed and launched into space

" Chief, what to do with dead ones ? " Asked one of Gnolls

" Well.... Meat is back in menu, Woooo!!!" Howled Grimgor with rest of Gnolls fresh meat in space is rarity and Gnolls are carnivores that will don't lose this chance

After some time Ships go of to leave ship with cargo in Home space and go on Blood Hunt again.

Have nice day :D

Danse_Macabre_creators' thoughts